[2.4] Silly Toy: 5M+ DPS Flicker, 2h/1h variants, poison 100% crit, with Cospri's Will
Would you mind posting your modified tree? Im kinda curious what you grabbed ;) |
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Here is what i use right now, got 1 pts left to use, but yet i'm not sure where to go. Thinking about 3 possibility, go to brutal blade, bloodletting and getting bleed on hit on sword, or sentinel. With this, i have 4490 life, at 91 lv, and using fortify instead of melee physical, seem's physical reflect is doable. Thought, pure reflect map ain't doable, and elemental reflect with an aura support is not possible either. But basiscly doing fine this way. Also since i swapped the gems, i'm thinking about removing some life node, to get some sword damage. Charge up+ unholy might + atziri promise + sulfur flask + vinktar i'm at 30k on flicker. With lion's roar, i'm at 41k on flicker. But since i don't have flicker enchant on fairgrave i have to get a shock immune flask. Tried on a T12 map solo, everything is good, boss get raped. Last edited by EilynnSoul#0021 on Aug 22, 2016, 5:38:16 PM
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So at the very end of the Prophecy i ended up with:
With this gem setup and tree im at 4k life, i can survive reflect mobs even with abyssus and i one-shot anything thats sub T14 map bosses, with T14 map bosses not really living a lot longer, and there is still a lot of room for improvements like +2 frenzy charges from corruption, better Exquisite and flicker enchant on helmet ( eventually a better jewelry). Im tremendously enjoying the build and im happy i decided to put an effort into making this char work. Thanks for sharing and let me know if you have any good ideas on how to improve my char :) |
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Hi, thank you for the feedback :)
suggestions if you wish to use fortify, keep melee physical damage support gem! If it's to counter reflect, however i understand the reason but atziri's gloves could be a good solution: instant leech is great, and unlegacy vessel of vinktar doesnt have instant leech mod incorporated. melee physical damage is your "base damage", while chaos/poison is your "extra" damage. To make it short, if you halve your physical melee damage, it halves the total resulting damage by 50%, physical, dot and chaos included. So you keep melee physical and remove void manipulation instead -> the total damage is higher by a lot! Another thing: you convert your physical to lightning with vessel of vinktar, it's great for other builds, but it actually reduces your poison potential, 20% of your damage will NOT poison! against physical reflect it's helpfull, but harmfull to your total dps. ( also because of the lack of lightning penetration). A vessel of vinktar with XX to XXX lightning damage to attack should be better to maximize damage. Thoo i know, damage is not a problem with this build, i suggest thoses things to get the max in a non reflect situation ^^ I will never be good but always I try to improve.
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Well difference between 20/20 fortify and melee phys is 15% dmg but i am gonna try your suggestion and recolour so i can change void manip for melee phys also im gonna trade vinktar for an added light one. My only concern is that i might not be able to survive physical reflect mobs again but well, gotta experiment :3
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You cannot compare fortify and melee physical damage.
More damage is not the same than increased damage! More is multiplicative, increased is additive to the actual increased pool. More will multiply the damage by the amount! it's totally different :) adds 30% increased to 300%: you get 330, 10% "more damage" However, 50%more of 300 is 150: 450! It's not actually how it works, but it gives you the whole big picture of the difference between increased and more. so with 300 base flat physical damage, plus 300 increased + 30% increased with fortify, you have 300 *3.3 + 300 = 1290 with more physical, 300 *3 +300 *1.5 = 1800! More damage is multiplicative with other More damage and extra damage too. So it ALWAYS grants the same gain, 49% with melee physical support gem at level 20. For Melee phys compared to void manipulation: all the primary damage is done with physical, then it's scaled by poison and extra chaos damage, vulnerability etc. So by boosting base damage before, you get a better efficiency than by boosting chaos/poison after. Void manipulation doesnt improve the initial physical hit. it's good against reflect. thoo , the example i used is not adapted to this build, it doesnt have a lot of %increased physical, so fortify %increased can grant a decent bonus, but melee phys will always surpass it. In short, the actual difference between fortify and melee phys "can" ( with higher increased, you have lower efficiency to the new %increased compared to %more) be short, but against void manip and melee phys the damage output difference could be huge. I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Aug 31, 2016, 8:49:06 AM
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I've been using fortify as well for a while, but mainly when joining a group.
That's where u need some more tankiness. When i did map alone, reflect wasn't a prob since most of time they died so fast that the reflect wasn't a big issue, but in map group, i always switch it for more survability. But i agree about the dps lost. With an aura support, i could reach 150k+ per use with melee physical gem, but with fortify gem, couldn't reach more than 70-80k so basicly that's a 50% dps drop. But this way, i would never die to boss, cuz they would live longer than they should if i were alone. I've only played this build in prophecy, and i've liked it a lot. Thought there is a lot of bad point. If u don't kill fast enought, u just die, reflect in a group, get difficult to handle if u r the one doing the damage. Boss r so god damn buggy. Izaro or atziri attacking for 10 sec + or won't phase change even thought u can't damage him anymore. And the random death to u don't know what cuz u went too fast u don't know where :D But after all, this was an amazing and funny build :D |
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Hi mate!
Its possible to do Ubber Atziri and Lab with your build? Thank you! |
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Uber lab could be doable, depending on how u play it, and how fast u can kill boss. But it's definitly not easy.
For atziri i would say no, tbh, normal atziri was already a pain cuz of glitch, never tried uber one, but i wouldn't risk it since there is shit tons of low cost build that can does it easely. |
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uber lab is definitively easy, on the run you have a low hp pool with a very huge regen when maxed frenzy charge... so the traps arent a big deal, and you can reload charges on totems.
against the boss, you full charge with quillrain + frenzy + faster attack then discharge everything randomly, the loading takes 2 seconds max and the kill 3 seconds max. (lower with good weapon, high level etc) The only downside of such bosses: the lack of powercharge, a writhing jar could help to generate. luckily there is a stash at the entrance of the boss room for atziri, yes it's doable easily with enough experience, but problematic with flicker ( we lose frenzy charges at the split phases, and we can randomly flicker on mirror atziri), use frenzy or EQ or spectral throw or cyclone or whateva you want, but keep frenzy charge up with quillrain. Also we cant shock her, so the dps output is lower. uber atziri is not doable deadless with this build: one mistake will oneshot and it's not a ranged buildv ;) so we will die I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Sep 3, 2016, 12:20:38 PM
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