[2.6][Assassin] TheAmigoReach! Reach of the Council Insane Poison DPS! -UBER/TWINNED CORE DOWN
" Don't do this as pathfinder. Your crit will be alot lower, which means that your surgeons mod will be useless ;) you also won't be able to get the poison aspect of the build I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
" i got one of these enchants. Let me know if you are interested. Just send me a pm :) |
Ah just bought my own ilvl 84 lion pelt. But i know nother guy whos interested. His forum name is 4Karbon
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/4Karbon/characters Shoot him a pm ingame, and tell me i sent you ;) I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool. Last edited by TheAmigoBoyz#1645 on Jun 13, 2016, 4:23:21 PM
I've been tinkering with a CI setup for the build is if you're rolling in money. http://poeplanner.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
Energy From Within in the normal jewel slot under Melding. Takes some suboptimal stuff (like accuracy node) to make up for if you can't afford accuracy on the gear with high ES, as that's an absolutely perfect item and I can imagine would be insanely expensive. It's still lower on accuracy than I'd like, but there are other nodes that can be taken for that. Proj damage in Archer is taken over the Phys damage wheel for Heavy/Deadly draw, as well as proj points + jewel socket as proj double dips on the poison. This is for using Tornado Shot + PPAD + Faster Attacks + Pierce + Poison + Life Leech as you can't run Cospri's with it being CI and focusing on the poison is more damage than using Hatred/Added Fire (which I don't like without fire pen). IGN: TsukiZap Last edited by Severrin#1484 on Jun 13, 2016, 4:25:47 PM
Alright I need some advice guys :D
that's my gear atm. I got lucky today and found a heretic's veil whcih i sold for 5.5ex. I'm not sure what to do with the currency.. Should I buy a Cospri's Will and a +1 Drillneck? I need gloves with curse on hit to take advantage of cospri's will right? It's useless without that setup? Also, should I finish uber lab before going poison? Since the last 2 ascendancy nodes give a huge 100% more damage with poison. Help, thanks :D I know i need a better amulet too lol Dx |
do you think this could do uber atziri?
" I have a feelimg it could. You would need all the poison gear first though, so you can run around while she dies I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
" Cospris need curse on hit gloves to be good :) also i'd recommend saving up for atleasta 5l maybe a 6l I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
Still looking for some gloves with Vulnerability on hit. My question is, until then is it fine to just use Vulnerability gem with my assassins mark curse on hit setup?
" Don't know cause i dont have cospris yet I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.