[2.6][Assassin] TheAmigoReach! Reach of the Council Insane Poison DPS! -UBER/TWINNED CORE DOWN
Hey, any reason for going Slower Proj instead of Faster Supp gem?
Kinda new to the game so really have no idea why slower would be better. |
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" You could try it. No need to respec though :) I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
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" Slower gives "More damage" compared to the faster projectiles "increased damage" More damage is always better, which is why we choose it. Math if you want to know how they function: Increased Dmg you add every single "increased dmg" on gear/passives/gems up and have them altogether as one multiplier. More Damage is a multiplier for itselfs and affects your base damage as well as your "increased dmg" from gear/passives. so lets say 1000 base dmg and 100% increased dmg from gear and 100% from passives. Gem A gives increased dmg by 100% Gem B gives more dmg by 100% A: gear+passive+gem = 300% increased, so 1000*(1+3.0) = 4000 dmg B: (gear+passive)*gem = 200% increased and 100% more, so 1000*(1+2.0)*(1+1.0) = 6000 dmg I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
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" Yes i will spec into it aswell! totally forgot it, so thanks for reminding me! :D I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
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I'm selling my 5L Cospri's and Mali vuln on hit gloves if anyone's interested, a bit cheaper than most poetrade prices so I might not have them available for too long.
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" 2,5% base crit, you have 5 power charges. Make
Spectral Throw great again |
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Do you got any suggestions for budget chest options? Cospri is way out of my league for right now.
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" Use snakebite gloves for poison and a 6L rare chest. Just buy a white 6L and chaos until decent. Or just a Tabula. A Kintsugi is a good cheap defensive option too. And in regards to the 2.5% base crit from pcharges. It should be 2% unless you have an extra pcharge on gear or used a couple extra point in tree. I think... |
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Thanks for the build, I am wondering which one would be better;Rustic Sash as belt or Leather Belt. Do we benefit from the % inc physical dmg from rustic sash? It seems like giving me 1k tooltip dps on tornado shot but, is that actually matter? I didn't understand if this build hits with poison or physical.
I would appreciate if you could explain me. Thanks in advance. |
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On the Passive tree is it really better to take heavy draw or deadly draw over the projectile dmg nodes from the start of ranger's tree to the left of ballistic mastery? inc phys dmg works with poison? the wiki says projectile damage works but not sure on inc phys dmg..
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