[2.3 PSC] Belton's "Fakener" 0 Mana Cost Elementalist CI CoC Discharge

Current Gear (Prophecy SC):



How to achieve 0 mana cost

If you want to use voll's devo (which you should if you have one) you can use mana on hit jewels to help sustain the cost of cyclone.

Link Set Up

Cyclone->Cast on Crit->Discharge->Increased Critical Strikes-> Life Leech -> Blade Vortex

Whirling->Fort->Faster Attacks

Vaal Haste->Vaal Disc-> Increased Duration

CWDT-> Immortal Call-> Ice Golem-> Blade Vortex (Here you can take out ice golem and put in duration if you want to manually cast it, albeit you'll have to turn off a curse/disc first to have sufficient mana, not really worth the effort)

If you have a 6L you don't need BV in here, it can be changed to another spell/support of your choosing (arctic breath, ice nova, culling strike...whatever works)

Blasphemy-> Assassin's Mark, Enfeeble, or Warlords Mark. (WM only if you have a 4L and/or if you've decided to use BV as your 5th link in favour of Life Leech, which I do not suggest)

Discipline. (ALWAYS)

For your remaining reservation you have a couple options. You can dual curse (will require enlighten and whispers of doom passive) or you can use Herald of ice, which is what I am currently using. HoI will proc EE on both cyclone and BV, which is a major QoL improvement early on, and will also shatter.
Moreover, the remaining 5% unreserved Mana will leave you enough to manually cast Blade vortex if you havent managed to get a 6l yet.

Prior to having a 6l You will have to manually cast BV, this can be done in a 3/4l with BV->echo- >duration. Alternatively you can use this as a CoH set up, and save the reservation penalty from Blasphemy, although this is an annoyance to maintain while mapping/leveling. Damage wise, its only mandatory pre bosses. It will significantly improve your power charge generation vs simply relying on cyclone, however.

Things to Note

Jewels are your primary source of damage scaling. Cobalts are the best base to roll if you are attempting to self craft, however early in the league it is easy to find really good 3-4 mod jewels for incredibly cheap. I didn't pay more than 8c for any of the one's listed thus far.

Here's what to search for when you are looking for jewels. Try to aim for at least 3 mods.

Current Stats

Crit Capped. Res Capped. 6k ES. Level 80. ~20k tooltip on discharge.
I started the league 24 hours late so these figures are based on 2 days of gameplay, accordingly they will improve progressively.
Should have approximately 50k tooltip and 8k ES by the end of the evening/tuesday.
Last edited by Belton on Jun 7, 2016, 1:33:19 AM
Last bumped on Aug 8, 2016, 11:26:48 PM
Reserved for updates
Looking forward to updates!
You call this a CI build, but in your passive tree you don't even take CI. Am I missing something here or is there just a mistake in the tree?
Will follow this i also have a pretty interesting CoC build I am working on.
Tessia wrote:
You call this a CI build, but in your passive tree you don't even take CI. Am I missing something here or is there just a mistake in the tree?

Mistake, sometimes the planner doesnt send the right tree through the poe website for some reason, been having an issue with it.
Yeah when I click on tree link in your title I get nothing.
johnce6 wrote:
Yeah when I click on tree link in your title I get nothing.

Thats likely on your end-> try using a browser that isnt chrome

In any case, I redid it. Should work now.
Last edited by Belton on Jun 7, 2016, 1:34:07 AM
Build looks good. How did you level it and when did you start to use cyclone coc? Also how would you level a trickster version?
Yalaka wrote:
Build looks good. How did you level it and when did you start to use cyclone coc? Also how would you level a trickster version?

Not sure about what OP thinks, but you could probably level using Facebreaker+Shield Charge with all the flat phys. damage you can get from items (Meginords, Deep One's Hide, Jewelry) and then transfer over to CoC when you can pick up a Trypanon at level 40.

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