[3.0] Freezer Burn - AB AoF MoM EO, Cheap, Fun, Screw the Meta
" Cheapest empower on Prophecy standard is 40c atm, I don't think I want to pick one up for testing quite yet... but soon™ I have bought one, and will get some data from it. I'm still liking our damage and stats from sword / wand/scepter tho Hot Flashes: poeurl.com/bPZT
Balance: poeurl.com/btzp Shocking EleHit: poeurl.com/bZXo |
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edit: nvm im dumb
Last edited by theneverend#6305 on Jun 10, 2016, 2:50:28 AM
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Just got to merciless, not sure what to do about chaos resists atm. Pretty much only weakness atm.
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" We only get Purity of Flesh for +20 from tree, meaning we need to optimally find resists from gear. I typically Alch every Amethyst ring I see in 75+ maps, hoping for the ring combo of stats. So far this league, I have yet to find a good one. But yes, it is an issue. Hot Flashes: poeurl.com/bPZT
Balance: poeurl.com/btzp Shocking EleHit: poeurl.com/bZXo |
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Is this build Atziri viable? And how the shotgun technic work? I tried with frost wall but sometimes all projectile goes throught, sometimes 1, sometimes 0.
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" This build really needs to play with positioning, I find frostwall can really be exploited if you practice enough with it. I could make a diagram, but roughly, being 3-5 character units from the wall will prevent projectiles from going through it. I can also use it as a 'shield' between me and enemies, shooting through it and forcing them to walk around to reach me. This is really great for fights like Argus, who basically trigger frostwall with my CwDT to make a little 'box' that the sit in while I cook them. I haven't found a midnight yet to try atziri, but I can run merc lab quite easily. Still only in t9 maps, mapping pool hasn't been kind to me. Hot Flashes: poeurl.com/bPZT
Balance: poeurl.com/btzp Shocking EleHit: poeurl.com/bZXo |
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Got most of items for the build today as well as a 5L chest (went with something cheap but functional), using Rashkaldor's Patience since Astramentis is way to expensive to pick up. DPS showing up is still quite a bit lower than yours but I think I know why its showing differently (dont yet have cruel ascendancy points, need to switch up socket colors for spell echo instead of hypo)
Back before I switched over was doing 10k with freezing pulse with no multi, clear speed was very slow and only really good on small groups and yellows. Clear speed now is crazy XD, probably 2x the range, huge aoe and overlapping explosions wreak pretty much everything Ive tested on. Honestly very impressive considering all of the gear was relatively inexpensive. |
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" Imagine if you had lioneye's vision... pierce is heavily underrated by people who have looked at the build, it's absolutely awe inspiring to me. Pack of 'allies cannot be slain' with a totem hiding in the back? *giggle* Also, remember that tooltip dps in this build is GROSSLY inaccurate, it doesn't count fire pen or chilled multi at all. You will have to use the calculator in the calculations section to see your own values. Hot Flashes: poeurl.com/bPZT
Balance: poeurl.com/btzp Shocking EleHit: poeurl.com/bZXo |
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Just checking in again, lvl 81 now :). Feeling pretty strong on maps, gear still has a ways to go but saving up. Some things are very tough to get atm for jewels... izaro and clear mind are both 10c+ each so i'm reserving mana with arctic armor. Still just using rare chest 5L but looking into getting lionseye or another chest in the near future. Had to switch shield back to high armor until I can get boots and helm in order :x.
Seen the last twitch video you posted, congrats on the 6 link XD, i'm surprised it didn't take you very many fusing to complete. The socket colors will probably take awhile.. |
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" Hey there bud, thanks. I can't seem to get that second green socket, having no issues getting RRRGBB though, so I'm substituting 'less duration' for my hypothermia... it's 'less' damage than what I want, but it works for now. I need to update a lot of the guide since I've made it to this point and evolved it somewhat. As a general outline, I've completely done away with the 4-link 'EO setup' and instead that exists as a 'flex' 4-link for single target shenanigans. I'm experimenting with Fire Mine and Flame Surge atm, I'll finalize my opinion of them after I level each gem sufficiently. Original testing here was VRF, which I was very disappointed with. Also, I've changed directions on Ascendancies... I now forgo Shaper in favor of Pendulum + Mastermind. We really didn't need Prolif considering how the build ended up playing out, and what we get out of going for pendulum/mastermind is massive. It's a huge improvement in clear speed + overall damage. Finally, I need to rework almost all of my gem links setup, with the sole exception being I feel confident that our main gem links are 100% final. I've been asked about making alterations to it frequently in-game, however I stand by my testing and analysis that I have it 'right'. Other builds that utilize other mechanics can certainly find other 'best' setups. Exhausted, but will work on the guide more! It constantly makes me happy to hear that others such as yourself are enjoying it and clearing content sufficiently. Hot Flashes: poeurl.com/bPZT
Balance: poeurl.com/btzp Shocking EleHit: poeurl.com/bZXo |
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