[2.2] CI Oro's Flicker Strike Trickster
Hi! Welcome to my Work in Progress CI Oro's Flicker Strike Trickster guide. After playing a life-based Oro's Flicker Slayer as my first character in Perandus, I fell in love with the VERY SKILL INTENSIVE (hold right click and smash 12345) playstyle and decided to do a CI variation. Originally, I was just messing around and wanted to use Infernal Mantle in an Oro's build, but the end result was far better than I expected.
Jewels Get STR/DEX wherever you can. You'll need a lot. 2.2 Skilltree Offensive Buffed Defensive Buffed Kill All/Kraityn or Kill All/Kraityn
This is my second character ever after being new to Path of Exile, and my first self-made build. It took me to 90 with ease in Perandus Softcore, and it was able to take on T14-15 maps. This isn't a low budget build, and I recommend having some money going into it. That being said, it can definitely be played on a budget with a 5L and no Heretic's. I highly suggest at least having a 5L Oro's or a Tabula going into this, unless you don't mind running a non-ES chest for Flicker Strike colors (or if you don't mind spending thousands of chromes to get GRRRR on an ES chest...) If you're on a low budget or want a life-based build, I suggest you make a Slayer.
T15 Kaom Clear (Sorry for the lag, just to show this build can clear high tier maps More to come soon. I haven't played this character in a while. Sorry for the slideshow! (Don't mind the low ES, it's closer to 9k+ now)
Offensive Unbuffed (No Anger/Flammability) Offensive Buffed Your tooltip will always look like the buffed screenshot 95% of the time. Defensive Unbuffed Defensive Buffed Your tooltip will more or less always look like the buffed screenshot (minus Vaal Discipline), as our flasks don't use too many charges and recharge quickly. Keep in mind the defensive tooltip does not take into account Enfeeble and Shade Form's 25% MORE chance to evade when not on full energy shield.
General Concept
The main idea of this build is using the Trickster ascendancy in order to waive the mana cost of Flicker Strike (and Leap Slam). This allows is to reserve majority of our mana for curses/auras. This build will utilize Oro's Sacrifice, a cheap and easy way to build a Flicker Strike character.
Flicker Strike
"Flicker Strike is an attack that teleports the character to a nearby enemy and strikes it with his weapon. If no specific monster is chosen, one is picked at random. The skill has a cooldown that can be bypassed by expending a Frenzy Charge."
Oro's Sacrifice's "Gain a Frenzy Charge if an Attack Ignites an Enemy" helps us maintain frenzy charges with ease, whereas most Flicker builds rely on frenzy charge on kill generation."
Pros and Cons
Pros: - Very easy to play! Just hold a button and spam flasks - Not too expensive, but if you're on a low budget I suggest a life-based Slayer - CI! - High sustain Cons: - Elemental Reflect = ): - Uncontrollable Movement - CI... (labyrinth)
I did see a profile or two of people running a CI Oro's Flicker build at 85+ in Hardcore Perandus. This build has really nice/easy clear, and a lot of mixed defenses from flasks. It's definitely possible, but leveling to Oro's level requirement can be annoying and some do not enjoy the "randomness" of Flicker Strike placement.
![]() Walk the Aether waives your mana cost, allowing you to reserve your mana. It also gives you a nice chunk of attack speed. Ghost Dance -> Shade Form gives you a lot of free defensive stats, definitely worth more than taking Swift Killer.
My Current Gear
Not ideal, but it'll give you an idea of what you should be looking for.
Gearing for this build
With the nature of the tree's location, getting the required stats for Oro's Sacrifice can be tricky. 155 Dex for Lvl 20 Flicker (159 if you want Lvl 21) and 113 Str for Oro's. Be on the look out for Strength and Dexterity on your gear. Odds are, you will need to use Armor/ES Gloves and/or Boots for a +Str roll. Belts are also a good place to find Strength, and you can always try to get +8-10 Str and/or Dex on jewels. You can also try to get them on your rings, but you will be looking for specific stats on your rings already (further detail below). My current tree still has a +30 Dex node still allocated to help with this.
Essential Gear
The core of this build! You'll want at least a 5L, but I highly suggest a 6l Oro's or Body Armour for this build. Flickering + CI means you need a source of stun immunity. Chayula will help us with that! Ideally, you want a corrupted one with +1 Frenzy Charge (or curse...I guess...)
Suggested Uniques
Heretic's Veil is an Evasion/ES Helmet that will upgrade your Flammability + Curse of choice and give us additional mana reservation, allowing us to run an additional aura. I suggest still running a 20 quality Blasphemy for the increased curse effect. Doryani's Invitation is a really well rounded belt for us. It gives a nice bit of fire damage, an okay amount of resists, fire damage leech, 10% ignite chance while using a flask (basically always up), and 35 strength. If you're really struggling with reaching the Strength requirement, you can swap this for a much higher +Str belt.
Everything Else
If you're not going to use Heretic's Veil, you could use: An ES Helm, preferably with the Flicker Strike enchant. You could always try to buy a cheap one already enchanted and chaos spam it for better stats. Scold's. I know some people use it in combination with VMS while flickering. It'll probably be way too difficult to get after Perandus to make it worth it. We don't deal physical damage, so there's no downside to using this helmet. Attack speed and a huge chunk of Dex are both very helpful. However, we won't get any energy shield from it. Free MTX footprints too? worth...? The Vertex is a unique helmet that gives a moderate amount of ES/Evasion and also helps you with mana costs if your unreserved mana is too low to cast certain spells.
Body Armour
High ES Chest. Infernal Mantle provides us with a nice amount of stats, and we can work around the low mana easily due to free Flicker Strike. This is what originally what led me to start developing this character, but after some thought it might not be optimal. I suggest running an ES chest and using Anger instead. Shavronne's Wrappings If you want to go Low Life for more reservation (would probably want to go Crown of Eyes for Pain Attunement then?) If you go LL, I suggest Discipline, Haste, and maybe Purity of Fire for reflect.
If you're not using Doryani's Invitation, use a rare belt with resistances/flask mods (Increased Flask Effect Duration/Reduced Flask Charges Used).
I use some cheap hybrid Armor/ES gloves to help with the Str requirement for Oro's. Make sure you also get a nice amount of accuracy on them. Attack Speed is also very nice.
Some Rare ES boots (preferably with more ES than this) to help cover your resistances. If you somehow don't need anymore resistances then look below. Rainbowstride give you a nice chunk of spell block (if you run Rumi's), some ES, and a nice bit of resists/move speed. Not a bad option at all. If you don't need any resistances, Steppan Eard gives a good chunk of ES, movement speed, and some nice benefits on different kinds of ground.
You want rings with accuracy, weapon elemental damage, and resists. Ideally, you want to craft % ES on them. I didn't have the exalts to spare when first making this character, so I don't have them. You could try to get Str/Dex here, but it's going to be difficult to find rings with all of these mods. You can also use a Sibyl's Lament to help with reflect.
You want at least one 11-12% Energy From Within to place next to the Melding wheel. You could also corrupt it for Increased Frenzy Charge Duration or Silence immunity. If you decide to route through life in the Witch area, you can use another in there as well. For your other other jewels, you want a combination of: Fire Damage Melee Damage Damage (Fire Damage and Melee Damage can roll higher) Attack Speed (Attack Speed, Attack Speed with Swords, Attack Speed with Two Handed Melee Weapon) Strength and/or Dex Area Damage (only get this if it's a 4th mod. It only scales your Melee Splash) (You can't roll %Energy Shield on Viridian/Crimson Jewel bases) Here is a poe.trade search for jewels. Don't forget to change your server appropriately. If you want cheaper jewels or only need one stat, you could broaden your search to include +Strength and +Dexterity as well.
Gear Enchants
Helmet: Flicker Strike Damage or Flicker Strike Damage per Frenzy Charge Boots: % Increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently, % of Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently
This build has a ton of great flask choices. Offensive: Defensive: Other: You could also try to use Ruby Flask for reflect (I typically just avoid it entirely), or Onslaught Flask for even more attack speed.
My Preferred Setup
This setup helps round out your defenses with block chance, armor/physical damage mitigation, and a ton more evasion. It gives you a nice dps bump and leech from Atziri's Promise as well.
Skill Tree
2.2 Skilltree From here (Level 90), you can either finish getting aura effect to scale your Anger, get more energy shield in the Foresight circle, or path to Templar for more Melee/Area damage. Some people are not a fan of Snowforged, but it gives fair ele damage per point along with some crit to help with EO uptime. The 3 point dex node in shadow is taken because I need 10 dex from somewhere anyways, leaving the node to only cost 2. You can drop the 4% mana reservation node by CI if you do not plan on casting anything over 20 mana. I use it for self-cast higher level Lightning Golem/Fire Golem. If you plan on using a CWDT golem, then you only really have to worry about casting Enduring Cry.
Gem Links
5/6L Flicker Strike - Multistrike - Weapon Elemental Damage - Fire Penetration - Melee Splash - Life Leech. You could use Chance to Ignite in there as well, but I never felt a need for it. 3L Curse setup (Ideally in Heretic's Veil): Blasphemy - Flammability - Enfeeble (or curse of choice) 4L Leap Slam setup: Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Chance to Ignite - Fortify. This allows us to hop around to easily generate some starting charges/refill them if needed. 3/4L CWDT setup: CWDT - Immortal Call - Increased Duration. Level CWDT/Immortal call as you see fit, but I would stick with something low like a 2-4 or 6-8 setup. Optionally, you can add in a low level Lightning Golem or Flame Golem. 3L+ Buff setup: Vaal Haste - Vaal Discipline - Increased Duration. Optional links include Vaal Molten Shell for bosses and/or Faster Casting. Non-linked: Anger, Enduring Cry, self-cast Lightning/Flame Golem if you're not putting in CWDT I do not use Blood Rage as the degen is really annoying with CI. If you want the extra attack speed/generation, you can use it. Just be ready to unslot the gem in near-death situations (like at the end of the Kaom video...)
Aura Setup
Blasphemy - Flammability + Curse of your choice (I use Enfeeble) Other choices are Temporal Chains, Elemental Weakness, or Poacher's Mark (although I wouldn't suggest it) Anger Calculations
Kill all, Kraityn (or Kill all), Kraityn
Map Mods
Look out for: Elemental Reflect Curse Immune (No Flammability) 60% Immune to Status Ailments (don't have a problem with 40% from what I remember) Thanks for reading, and feel free to ask any questions! Feedback is appreciated as well!
5/16/2016: Guide posted. Still needs a lot of work ): Thanks to TarkeCat for looking over the tree and some suggestions. Last edited by iorganic#7716 on May 17, 2016, 6:04:02 AM Last bumped on Oct 14, 2017, 1:18:55 AM
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Reserving this.
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total es and damage/dps?
202 increased and 12% as seems to be a bit low accuracy is ultra low on tree, with ring maybe 87-89%? 264% es is huge and 7500 es is fine. Seems to be playable but less damage than good oro's build with the advantages and problems of CI I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on May 16, 2016, 5:51:07 PM
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" I use jewels to fix attack speed a bit, as where we are on the tree doesn't have too much. If you really want more, you can get some off of the Shadow start. 4%/pt isn't bad. ES is naturally gonna be a bit low due to no shield/forced to use hybrid rare for stats. If I had % ES crafts on rings it'd be a nice chunk more. Currently sitting at about 8200. I have more dps than every other Oro's Flicker build I've seen posted on here. Most don't even post their tooltip because "low" dps tooltip makes people who only care about that upset. 88% acc at level 90 is plenty. Added a section with tooltip! |
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looks great! three thumbs up.
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![]() before asendancy https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1432296 88% chance to hit is relatively low but you arent a crit build so it's ok I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on May 17, 2016, 1:12:21 AM
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" That's cool and all if you don't care about defense and don't want to do higher end content. Low accuracy? 88% at level 90 is plenty. Do you know how Chance to hit works? You're also using Resolute Technique.... Last edited by iorganic#7716 on May 17, 2016, 1:46:11 AM
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88% crit chance is not plenty. for your crit chance to trigger elemental overload ...
0.88 * 0.88 * 0.11 = 0.085 crit chance so you need 12 ATTACKS to do one crit, you can put one boss at mid life without generating a crit, aka without elemental overload. Ok, on average it takes 1.2 second to activate it. It's fast, however , if the boss has 400K hp ... it's 1/4 of it's life without ele overload :c against packs it's fine, however if you reach the boss without EO , it will not necessarly be up when you need it. Also, are you always full charges against bosses like merveil twinned or twinned village ruin? 44% ignite with potion + curse is not very high, with the lack of accuracy it's 0.38 % per strike with 3 chance per flicker activation but one charge maximum gained so you can absolutely fail 3 times and it happens at the start of the fight against kaom and against boss flamma has 6% chance to ignite so it's 36% ignite then you have 8% chance to ignite with crit but both can fail or can happen at the same time , generating only one charge so you use blood rage to generate on adds but it degens your es ( i love the tp at 300 es after kaom) It would be safier to get more ignite chance no? BTw i dont understand, i shown you a screen of a 2.1 build before ascendacy without potion/buff and you talk about higher content ? https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1648558 i dislike some parts of this build but it's on par with your es version with enfeeble, arctic armour, etc etc and 7K5 life, life regen life leech btw how do you use anger + blasphemy enfeeble flammability O_o I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on May 17, 2016, 5:55:44 AM
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" I don't think you understand how Chance to Hit works. Chance to hit scales with your level. It is 88% chance to hit on level 90 monsters. There are no level 90 monsters....Please go look at an accuracy table. What are you trying to tell me? To spend a bunch of points to go to Resolute Technique? Getting more accuracy will not help me very much at all. That's fine..Ele Overload is almost always up while clearing. I tuned my crit so I'm not wasting it. EO is not necessary to kill a boss. It's not like I will die if I don't have EO. I maintain at least 5 charges most of the time. If not I can just leap slam some trash mobs and regain my charges. I prefer life leech over chance to ignite. I did mention in my guide that you can use it. I don't use Blood Rage anymore. Please read the guide and not just watch the video before you criticize it... Yes, I also mention Slayer is a good alternative if you want to go life based at the beginning of the guide. There is an Aura setup section that shows how I run 2 Blasphemy + Anger. I highly encourage you to read my guide. 16% (at least 12%) mana reduction on tree with both curses slotted in Heretic's Veil. |
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are you sure that You understand how accuracy works?
after level 79 the character panel doesnt scale because it hasnt been updated since 2012 but it doesnt mean that you have more chance to hit when you gain a level. Higher the level of the mob, lower is your chance to hit against it because it has higher evasion, it's how the panel works. Scaling on your own level. However there was no 80+ monsters in the past and it doesnt update after the level 79 for your own character. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Accuracy If you have 88% chance to hit at lvl 90 against a 79 monster, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kCeAy43G3LiL0NMFVEgrLy0Uf1DXMjuyx_-7hRq47y4/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=1 You still only have 88% to hit against a 79 monster. So less against a higher monster. Also it's an average number, nobody knows the real monster eva. anyway, you probably have 86% chance to hit against a lvl 82 monster. Maybe some bosses have higher eva? Then there is the double rolled crit chance against evasion. this is why some crit builds use poarcher's mark curse instead of assassin's mark! Want a proof? gain a level with your lvl 80+ character, the % chance to hit will not change. Gain a level at 0-80, the number will change. The panel updates the evasion number of monsters to the same level than you. But after your 79, it's still calculated against a level 79 monster. So you would have a lower chance to hit against a level 100 monster even if it's not shown. However, following this chart, you are closer to 88.5% :P Anyway, against lvl 82 monster you have 86-87% chance to hit. So no i dont ask you to pick RT, but to get another source of ignite on item or so would simplify your life Or to reach higher accuracy to not fail a hit that could give a charge with crit or ignite. Because i know that 35% ignite is a bit low and sometimes you will be out of charges. It happens even with RT! Not always, but at the start of a fight against a boss it's problematic. And if you need to reload with leap slam or frenzy, you lose DPS cuz the skill deals low damage! SO why not get a bit of ignite/accuracy somewhere? Of course it can be difficult to access thoses nodes/ items, but you admit yourself "when it happens i use leapslam" To be full frenzy constantly... instead of 3-6 or less sometimes, it would 6 permanent, granting more damage ( 4% more per frenzy) and AS. Plus quality of life, plus direct dps because you do not need to use leap slam. I dont want to mess with you, it's a suggestion, for me it seems interresting. I havent played your build, i only have played my oro flick for 3 months with 45% ignite and it was not always enough even with RT. So i boosted the ignite chance a bit at 60% and it was perfect. Maybe you are more lucky than me. for the crit, i seen the video against kaom and yeah you are perma ele overload, it's fine i guess. Sometimes it's very close to disappear but it works perfectly. I had doubts but the video proves me wrong sorry! However for kaom you dont have anger + double curse blasphemy , it's why i didnt understand. Because outside of the ES warning, it's not said that it's an unoptimized version of the build! I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on May 17, 2016, 10:59:17 AM
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