[2.2]Yolo flicker 2h crit poison, 3 million dps, - out dated, new build in link

so let me get that straight

you use malicious intent which has 5% chance to proc unholy might, and all flasks, and vaal haste

you ignore both accuracy rolls

you calculate using shock even though your chance to crit on the first hit against average evasion is below 85% due to accuracy and your normal critchance is below 60% and there is such a thing a immunity to status aligments

you calculate using your curses even though bosses have 60% reduced curse effect and there is that mapmod

you add your full poisondamage that needs 2.6 seconds to fully apply and you need an infinte amount of time if you want your dps to be accurate this way

but that is totally your real dps lol
- Vaal haste is permanent because of the kill speed, it only needs to be cast, we have enough souls.

- Flasks are permanent because of the kill speed, they need to be used. Bosses with phases can be killed with the second usage of the potions, we have enough charges.

- malicious intent is a great bonus. Yeah, i want to show the Epeen and Okey it's not smart because the bonus is random. Valid point.

- My accuracy is 92% it's 3K+ accuracy. So Technically you are right.
it's 80%.4 chance to crit against a lvl 79 monster with 95% crit chance. Valid point.

- My chance to crit is 100% (95% cap) on the first hit (full life monster) because of the ambush node, again, accuracy will of course play it's role.

- my chance to crit is 100% (95% cap) on the lasts hits (low life monster) because of the assassinate node, yes accuracy will reduce it too.

^ BUT it happens for ALL others attack crit builds (only OP unloved lioneye glare and coc hit cant be evaded do not have this problem)

And guess what, the tooltip dps in the game doesn't roll the accuracy twice for the Crits!
I consider it irrelevent for this reason. It's technically right, but monster's evasion depends of the monster type and the character spreadsheet shows some random numbers that havent been updated since 2012! We do not know the monster's evasion. And it stops at level 79 when there is higher maps available!

Also with 95% chance to hit and 95% chance to crit, we still have only 85% chance to crit!
What can i do against this? there is nothing to do! no crit build have 5142 accuracy anyway, it requires too much mods on the gear.

So i follow the rule of the in game tooltip, one accuracy check. It simplifies my life.

- For shock, it applies only for the first variant, the two others use vinktar flask with 100% shock. However, it's true that my line "always shock of first hit" is a false and imma suppress it.

- "there is such a thing a immunity to status aligments" Irrelevent, freeze builds cant freeze, ignite build cant ignite... a lot of builds are affected by this problem. The map mod is skippable/chaos spam if we want, and as you seen, even without shock the variant 3 is perfectly viable for dps. I even included no shock dps for the third version for this reason anyway.

- Immune to curse Map mod is skippable, if we want. Same thing than immunity to status, we can skip or reroll the map when needed if the situation will be out of control. It's doable but it's not optimal.

- Yes, curses are reduced by 60% on bosses. Thoo they also have resistances and the tooltip dps of skills do not reduce the dps based on resistances. Even the players do not. Because it's hard to know the resistances and all.

It's also why physical builds usually have better real dps than elemental builds, when the ele builds usually have better tooltip, despites the pene factor and all.
Say the same to the ppls who have 4M ele tooltip, ask them to reduce the elemental resistances against all monsters.

- The max damage is always delayed by 2.6 to 3.64 seconds. However, it doesnt change the dps because dps = damage per second. I'm not talking about burst damage. DPS is ALWAYS based on an infinite potential, this is also why the crit chance is calculated this way in the game. Take a ring, put two points on the ring, the dps between 1 & 2 and 2 & 1 is the same. With poison, the final damage will be late, but the constant dps is the same.

would you say the same for ignite/burning?

Also , do you know a lot of bosses that survive this amount of dps in solo ? The only difficulty i have is 6 men party voll wasterland hp% + enfeeble with afkers, i cant do it alone with flicker because of the loss of charges but it's fine with viper strike charged with frenzy quill rain.

Another one:
Enfeeble double dip on the build, reducing first hit and dot. Hey, you havent think about this one!

Will you ask me to change the numbers according to 30% physical reduction map mod too?

So, should i calculate all the potentiallities in the game? I cant! i'm human
I cant do that, too much time needed for too many possibilities, all i can do is to get the real numbers without resistances/reduced effectivness factors, then you can estimate by yourself how thoses numbers can be reduced depending of the situation. Cuz you have a brain too.

So let's say that my numbers are the real numbers BEFORE REDUCTIONS if you want. Because it's the only way to get accurate numbers anyway. Cuz reductions depend of the situations, situations depend of too many factors.

It's what the tooltips are. Estimations before reductions.
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on May 14, 2016, 12:39:11 PM
ADD: Maligaros vs Facebreaker

You are right I forget dexetrity and attack speed loss (and evasion).
To reduce high crit multi you can remove Heartheeker point (40multi) and take Coldhearted Calculation (12% attack speed, 20int is just bonus - I have problem with int in this build)

But the main point of using facebreaker is to save currencies.

You spend 1 chaos and 1 vaal to try corrupt facebreaker
Maligaros is about 20 chaos and 1 vaal

So you can focus on other equip and return to Maligaros later.
ing marrenna
Yeah, i agree with you! facebreaker is a great item for the build !

Well anyway, i have bought my maligaro corrupted vulne on hit 8 ex.
Facebreaker low roll crit mult (legacy ones) worths 2 ex right now.
there is No normal version with vulne on the market right now!

Dang it's on standard, i dont have check perandus

It's DEFINITIVELY a better deal, legacy face breaker with low crit mult is the cheapest item on the market for vulnerability on hit !


20 dex 2 nodes (but who cares)
5% as 1.66 nodes
50% crit chance 2.5 nodes
30% crit mult 1.5 nodes +1 node for legacy variant perf.

= 5.66 to 7.66 nodes with dex counted, but who cares about dex.


90% crit mult : 4.5 nodes
60% crit mult legacy: 3 nodes (2 ex)

does the extra nodes from maligaro compared to legacy FB worths the 6 exalts?

Definitively not. We Want vulne on hit. The rest is only a bonus.

Yeah man, FB is a good version for a little wallet and it's perfect if you have more than 43% base crit chance with it.

For the intelligence, you arent forced to maximize blasphemy with assassin's mark, level 15/16 blasphemy is alright. However if you use enfeeble which requires more intelligence, fuck yesssss, it's needed to get intelligence somewhere, jewel or nodes or gear... ;)

If a lower level blasphemy doesnt matter that much, it's quality is important. 10% curse effect grants 0.9 extra crit chance and 2% extra crit mult.

The tree + base statistics of the shadow grants 53 intelligence, we need 45 intelligence somewhere else, doedre's damning gives 5-10... still 40 - 35 needed! :3

In my second/third variant, i compensate with two doedre and 35+ hat and asenath +20.

There is also versatility in the maradeur starting area, it grants accuracy, attack speed and dex + intelligence. It's great, but not doable at low level.
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on May 14, 2016, 2:27:28 PM

- Vaal haste is permanent because of the kill speed, it only needs to be cast, we have enough souls.

- Flasks are permanent because of the kill speed, they need to be used. Bosses with phases can be killed with the second usage of the potions, we have enough charges.

- malicious intent is a great bonus. Yeah, i want to show the Epeen and Okey it's not smart because the bonus is random. Valid point.

- My accuracy is 92% it's 3K+ accuracy. So Technically you are right.
it's 80%.4 chance to crit against a lvl 79 monster with 95% crit chance. Valid point.

- My chance to crit is 100% (95% cap) on the first hit (full life monster) because of the ambush node, again, accuracy will of course play it's role.

- my chance to crit is 100% (95% cap) on the lasts hits (low life monster) because of the assassinate node, yes accuracy will reduce it too.

^ BUT it happens for ALL others attack crit builds (only OP unloved lioneye glare and coc hit cant be evaded do not have this problem)

And guess what, the tooltip dps in the game doesn't roll the accuracy twice for the Crits!
I consider it irrelevent for this reason. It's technically right, but monster's evasion depends of the monster type and the character spreadsheet shows some random numbers that havent been updated since 2012! We do not know the monster's evasion. And it stops at level 79 when there is higher maps available!

Also with 95% chance to hit and 95% chance to crit, we still have only 85% chance to crit!
What can i do against this? there is nothing to do! no crit build have 5142 accuracy anyway, it requires too much mods on the gear.

So i follow the rule of the in game tooltip, one accuracy check. It simplifies my life.

- For shock, it applies only for the first variant, the two others use vinktar flask with 100% shock. However, it's true that my line "always shock of first hit" is a false and imma suppress it.

- "there is such a thing a immunity to status aligments" Irrelevent, freeze builds cant freeze, ignite build cant ignite... a lot of builds are affected by this problem. The map mod is skippable/chaos spam if we want, and as you seen, even without shock the variant 3 is perfectly viable for dps. I even included no shock dps for the third version for this reason anyway.

- Immune to curse Map mod is skippable, if we want. Same thing than immunity to status, we can skip or reroll the map when needed if the situation will be out of control. It's doable but it's not optimal.

- Yes, curses are reduced by 60% on bosses. Thoo they also have resistances and the tooltip dps of skills do not reduce the dps based on resistances. Even the players do not. Because it's hard to know the resistances and all.

It's also why physical builds usually have better real dps than elemental builds, when the ele builds usually have better tooltip, despites the pene factor and all.
Say the same to the ppls who have 4M ele tooltip, ask them to reduce the elemental resistances against all monsters.

- The max damage is always delayed by 2.6 to 3.64 seconds. However, it doesnt change the dps because dps = damage per second. I'm not talking about burst damage. DPS is ALWAYS based on an infinite potential, this is also why the crit chance is calculated this way in the game. Take a ring, put two points on the ring, the dps between 1 & 2 and 2 & 1 is the same. With poison, the final damage will be late, but the constant dps is the same.

would you say the same for ignite/burning?

Also , do you know a lot of bosses that survive this amount of dps in solo ? The only difficulty i have is 6 men party voll wasterland hp% + enfeeble with afkers, i cant do it alone with flicker because of the loss of charges but it's fine with viper strike charged with frenzy quill rain.

Another one:
Enfeeble double dip on the build, reducing first hit and dot. Hey, you havent think about this one!

Will you ask me to change the numbers according to 30% physical reduction map mod too?

So, should i calculate all the potentiallities in the game? I cant! i'm human
I cant do that, too much time needed for too many possibilities, all i can do is to get the real numbers without resistances/reduced effectivness factors, then you can estimate by yourself how thoses numbers can be reduced depending of the situation. Cuz you have a brain too.

So let's say that my numbers are the real numbers BEFORE REDUCTIONS if you want. Because it's the only way to get accurate numbers anyway. Cuz reductions depend of the situations, situations depend of too many factors.

It's what the tooltips are. Estimations before reductions.

and thats why most people just uses their tooltip to compare dps

overcomplicating things can lead to strange results


6 frostwaals * 7 projectiles * 1.5 shock * 1.67 21/20 proj weaknes with lvl 4 enhance * 1082407 = 113880040

look i have 113,880,040 dps just gotta calculate it right?
Last edited by Malaugrym#4523 on May 14, 2016, 3:58:44 PM
Right, it's with the rare mods, difficult to reproduce the result. However yeah temporarly you can reach this dps!

shotgun frostwall +Lightning arrow/cold arrow has always been op and it's perfectly fine to count it for a burst, because thoses numbers will be used by the game. Yeah.
Thoo it's not a "sustainable" dps!
You need to take the time to check the the positionning of yours walls, boss and character + the cast time of the walls. Atleast 2 seconds for the cast time + one for the positionning (minimum), right?

Also, frost wall has only 3 charges stored, how will you use 6 walls?
so with 3 walls and 3 seconds of preparation, you have 18-19M burst dps.

And it requires rare monsters buffs to reach this result. It's random, is not it?

Impressive numbers anyway, beautifull to see. But Hey man, it's far less awesome than expected ;)

However my case is a bit different, the only thing that is difficult to rely on is the unholy might jewel effect. I shouldnt have included it, maybe, but it's too late.

Everything else is either spammable or automatic, vaal haste stays 12 seconds, enough to kill then recast it, pots are always full because of the kill speed. Flicker is awesome for this. Even legacy vinktar is spammable.

The dps can be higher with the Inspired learning jewel (monster buffs) or head hunter, or both! and i never counted ambush + assassinate AWESOME effects in my dps too !

My tooltip dmg has reached 78K with inspired learning jewel. It's 65% more damage than the original tooltip ! i havent check the APS at this time but i had 8 rare buffs on me.

The scaling of thoses buffs is INSANE. Head hunter is love, head hunter is life. But we do not build to get thoses effects and they are random. It's ok for screenshots epeen, but can we count thoses effects as a part of the constant reproducable dps? i dont think so, burst dps maybe. RNG is RNG. I cant count RNG.

Poison is not RNG and we build heavily into it. It has to be counted.
Curses arent rng and we build heavily into them, they have to be counted.
Shock is not RNG and we build for it too, either potion or gem+ hat, it has to be counted.
Pots/vaal haste are spammable, they should be counted because we are perma flasked/vaal hasted.

A lot of builds use the hidden multipliers , outside of the tooltip. Shotgun moltenstrike is an example. We count the dps of the MS balls with PB, Conc Eff, to have an estimation of the real dps. Nothing wrong with that. The tooltip is totally inaccurate for MS projectile damages.
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on May 14, 2016, 5:14:34 PM
Also, frost wall has only 3 charges stored, how will you use 6 walls?

spell echo

make a vid show me senpai
Oh i didnt know that spell echo could bypasses the number of walls per charge.

for the video, it will be problematic because in france the upload speed is extremely crappy, so i could record it in very low quality or waste 48 hours of upload with potential disconnections.

However i can show you in game in standard.

*edit: shown in game to Malaugrym. The third variant 2M dps without shock cuz i still dont have a vinktar flask.

It was a gorge map with dual boss + 20% hp monsters + enfeeble + 2 players party scaling ( 1.2 hp *1.6 hp)

done under 1 min 40s.
He said: " i dont think it's 3M :P but it's good"

I guess it's fine for a 2M build, in an enfeeble map with 192% monster hp after party scaling!

Enfeeble reduces -30% on initial strike then -30% on poison damage. With the loss of accuracy, crit and reduction damage double dipping, the effective dps with enfeeble was 1 million more or less.

However he was playing aura bot, it was very great to increase the movement speed.
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on May 14, 2016, 6:41:12 PM

I finally put my hand on one of thoses.

SOSO. It's completely op. Broken, beyond everything. To counter the shock i use

So op that i onesot myself on reflect despites having 90% of my total damage as chaos/ele.

The only solution i found atm, it's to remove

losing 33% of damage is a lot. but vinktar is better.
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on May 20, 2016, 7:10:45 PM
Can be nice for single target.

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