[2.2] Nokternl's Forever Flicker CoC Boom Build (160k+ DPS)
There's been a bit of interested for my build shown, some people starting to use it and really enjoying it, etc.
I am running an extended stream now, so if you want to check it out, ask any questions, give suggestions, etc. Feel free to join now @ http://twitch.tv/survivorsbeacon I've been hard at work making some adjustments, mainly to gems, so there will be some updates coming to the guide soon, probably followed by the video guide once I'm happy that I'm using the best setup. |
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To start off, currently I'm only level 67 and I haven't yet completed all of the gem links you have yet. But this has definitely got to be one of the most enjoyable builds I've played.
So, thanks for that :] Following this passive's tree I was able to level myself up without any real trouble by running EK in a tabula rasa I had found, but once I eventually made the conversion over to flicker strike things suddenly became much easier. Your guide is layout out rather nicely, although I did get myself a little lost going through your 'Gem purchases while leveling', my fault because I kinda just assumed everything here was going to come into play later, although some of it is only recommended for the leveling process. Main problems I'm running into currently - In open spaces I'm getting lost sometimes because multistrike loves to just throw me around :P It can be quite amusing though. - It's hard to 'run away' since often when I feel the need is because I've just been thrown into a large group of mobs, although these times it seems if I just stick it out and try to kill the group I tend to pull through anyway. - Sometimes I can't begin my 'flicker-chain' straight away when I first hit a mob, but this can easily be fixed by self-casting Blade Vortex a couple times before hitting a group without any frenzy charges - I'm very lacking in INT currently, and also lacking in STR but not as badly. Looks like I will pick up more of this later on, but for now I've taken the extra +30 int near the +30 str early on as well as 'Coldhearted Calculation' Also, wondering what you think about Maligaro's Virtuosity gloves for this build? I found a pair while leveling and they seem quite fitting because of the crit bonuses, although I guess the defensive loss might just too great for that to be worthwhile. Last edited by Rohan_Spibo#6164 on May 2, 2016, 3:54:18 AM
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Thanks so much for your post! Great to get your feedback :) I'll answer as best I can below.
" Definitely should be using the self-cast BV with at least Increased Crit Strikes (and Power Charge on Crit is a great addition) to get those charges flowing if you 'miss' your first flicker. " Early on it can be painful and you may well need the +30 Int and +30 Str nodes for a while before you get to the Scion life node wheel and then on up to the Witch area. Having said that, you have identified an issue with my passives. We should have taken Coldhearted Calculation in the very first passive tree (in the level 30s) to help with the Int. I will update them accordingly soon (with my next update). Thanks! :) " Maligaro's are good, but given that we can pretty much cap crit without them, and we often need good resists on our gloves, the expense for a non-end game item is not great. By all means though, early on while you are still gaining those crit nodes, the additional granted by these gloves could definitely help. Just be prepared that you might need to replace them with tri-res if you aren't lucky enough to cap resists through belt and boots. Late build, the sheer damage granted from Facebreakers when our crit chance it pretty much capped, definitely outweighs Maligaro's, and they're cheaper, too! Other decent and fun options for gloves are Shadows and Dust for Crit and Rampage bonuses... Thanks for giving my build a go, I am really happy to hear that you are having fun with it, and that it's working out pretty well for you! Feel free to ask questions here or in game if you want some advice/answers. Kind regards, Nokternl |
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Hello everybody!
I just tried the build with Nokternl himself! Not just a very nice guy, the build is awesome! I played my first char since around 2 years in this game, and i was about always dying cuz i had no plan what to do. After i saw him clearing some Lake runs on Merciless, I added him, and aksed, how to make such amounts of damage. I bought some Orbs of Regrets and did the same build as he has. After some smaller issues with getting the equipment, i was impressed! When i started to attack enemies, they were like papier! And I just died very few times (when my charges were over, or when enemies had physical damage reflect), but I still have pretty bad equipment. Im sure the day I have good equipment again, it will be awesome! The single map clear speed is the best by the way. I clear all Maps until Tier 7-8 in a few minutes (most of the time just one or two minutes). A very nice build which is worth trying out!! Greetings to Nokternl from Germany! |
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Thanks for your kind words! It's been a pleasure helping you along with the build. I appreciate you helping me prove it!
Greetings from Australia ;) " |
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Current build right now. Frenzy charges go away quickly. When i flicker, it isnt a guranteed Crit. I need help on my res. Its like negative res for all o.o ![]() Last edited by iRexyGoRawr#6727 on May 3, 2016, 2:21:03 AM
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" Hey! Thanks for the post :) You need to prioritise getting crit chance and life on your ring/amulet, for starters. Take Discharge out, because without you having a good crit chance, when you discharge, it's too hard for you to get those charges back. I think I will remove Discharge from the build and perhaps add it as a 'later' option, as it seems to be making things quite difficult for those with low crit, and the last thing I want to do is make the build difficult! :) Prioritise Life/Res on your belt and you should soon be able to change your boots for res +30 speed boots, too. Say when your crit chance with power charges is 70%+ The biggest single problem I see is with your Terminus. You should have an Increased Critical Strike chance gem in there, get rid of the inc duration. If possible, run CWDT(1) - BV(8) - Inc Crit Strikes - Power Charge On Crit on there for now. Another big change I would suggest for you at the moment, is to run one of your 4L items with G B B and put Blade Vortex (full level) - Inc Crit Strikes - Power Charge on Crit. That will be your selfcast one (before you jump into battle) and the CWDT one will be the one that helps keep you sustained during flickering. Once the Terminus is 5L, you can combine the two above into CWDT(1) - BV(8) - BV(max) - Inc Crit Strikes - Power Charge on Crit, with a future 6th link being either Immortal Call(3) OR Increased Duration, depending on whether you have IC in another item setup. I am sure making these couple of changes will dramatically improve your experience ;) Regards, Nokternl |
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Not sure if you already do this, but to anyone interested anyway.
I'm finding it a bit easier to 'keep control' over my character with this setup - Flicker Strike on Right Click (Hold down pretty much all the time in combat) - Blade Vortex on Middle Click (just for when I have no frenzy charges) - 'Move Only' on left click, now when I'm attacking a group and my character tries to flicker away in some random direction I start to left-click continuously in the direction I want to stay (without holding) and this seems to 'pull' me slightly and keep me from going nuts all over the place. If he starts to pull harder in a direction I don't want to go, just hold 'Move Only' down a little longer on each click. |
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Current items Current Res ![]() Thanks so much guys. Havent tested upon perandus mobs yet, but Res is up. Cant figure out Chaos Res tho Gems
Does this work out? Last edited by iRexyGoRawr#6727 on May 3, 2016, 8:52:39 PM
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Not quite!
Take power charge on crit out of helm and put chaos golem in there. Recolour your sword so the links are RGBB and put cwdt(1) blade vortex(8) increased crit strikes and power charge on crit. That should sort you out! Let us know how you go :-) " |
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