[2.2] PSC Necromancer Storm Call God of Lightning Build Guide with Videos

Welcome to my 2.2 Necromancer Storm Call Tri curse Build guide!

Storm Call is a skill that has been getting a lot of love in recent patches making it much more viable today then it was a few leagues ago.

This build can be run on a budget(2-3ex) and you can level efficiently without changing your build.

While I've been wanting to create guides on several builds before, this will be my first so take it easy on me! Open to Suggestions, feel free to leave and questions you have on the thread. I'll do my best to answer them in a timely manner.

Build Explanation
Main damage is Storm call. Use orb of storms to tri curse and proc Elemental overload. Use the Necromancer Ascendancy to cap block. I get as much increased effect of curses as i can from the tree, %quality curse on hit and helmet enchant. End result being a high damage fast clearing high survivability God of Lightning.

Can run all map mods besides ele reflect
High DPS
Huge range/aoe
Good Survivability
High mobility
This build has no mana issues. I use warlords mark and boot enchant to leech mana. I also have good mana regen for immune to curse maps.

Ele Reflect This build can deal with ele reflect, but if you're not prepared you will kill yourself. Make sure bone offering is up (should be up all the time anyways) and use rumis + Topaz flask and you will never kill yourself to reflect. That being said don't attempt an ele reflect map.
Big Part of Survivability comes from Flasks + curses


Map Clearing
108k DPS With Onslaught(from innervate gem) and Elemental Overload (Both always up)(Doesn't include shock or all the Lightning penetration/-resists i give monsters)

Single Target
159k DPS With Conc Effect and Elemental Overload (Doesn't include shock or all the Lightning penetration/-resists i give monsters)

5255 Life @ 96
1120 ES
75% Block and Spell Block (Bone offering, rumis, and stone of lazwhar)
26% phys reduction from Basalt Flask (Inc flask effect on tree)
20% phys reduction from 5x endurance charges (generated through curse on hit->warlords mark)
4% phys reduction from Chaos golem
total of 50% phys reduction
Capped Resists in Elemental Weakness
2% life leech from Warlord's mark and 0.5% life leech from boot enchant
Temporal Chains to slow everything
41% increased effect of curses + 20% increased effect of temp chains
1418 evasion (Lol) but i have blind linked with herald of thunder and chaos golem
131% movement speed + Near-Instant Lightning warp

This build requires a 5L Pledge and a 4L Carcass which can be picked up for very little
I am running 6L Pledge and 6L carcass but it is not required! I also use a +1 curse Lazwhar to give me tri curse, can be picked up for less then 2ex but again not required, this build works great with dual curse

You'll Also notice a lot of my gems are Lvl 21 or 23 quality. This is because I got lucky with vaal orbs and drops so i was able to afford more. Again not a required part of the build, but helpful if you want to push your damage to the limits


Prioritize Links Storm Call -> Less Duration -> Faster Casting -> Lightning Penetration -> Controlled Destruction -> Innervate for 6L(or inc aoe if you want, i felt it unnecessary) (conc effect for single target)


Prioritize Links Orb of Storms -> Curse on hit -> Temporal Chains -> Warlord's Mark -> Conductivity For Solo, Elemental Weakness for Party -> Power Charge on critical for 6Link

Can also reverse Power charge on crit with ele weakness/conductivity if you dont have tri curse

Use Power charge on crit to keep 100% uptime on Elemental Overload
Use Warlord's Mark for leech and perma stun lesser enemies such as low level bosses, beyond bosses rogue exiles, and blue/rare mobs
Use Temporal Chains for insane slows!
Use ele weakness/conductivity for more deeps


Links Wrath -> Herald of Thunder -> Chaos Golem -> Blind
Explanation Chaos golem for extra phys reduction, Blind supported with chaos golem and Herald of thunder (no extra mana reservation) for extra evasion
Stats My helmet was a bit of a filler spot, I first acquired a Temp chains increased effect helmet off poe.trade (super cheap hubris circlet ilvl74) and chaos spammed until i got something i needed (high life, es, fire resist, and open suffix to craft dexterity)


Links Bone Offering -> Desecrate -> Increased Duration -> Faster casting
Explanation Bread and butter of the necromancer Ascendancy. I see some people use bone offering on cwdt. I prefer self casting, with my cast speed it only has a cast time of around 0.3-0.4 seconds and i can use a 20/20 gem and have it up all the time. Desecrate I only use if there is no corpses around (some bosses). Increased duration is a must. With my setup Bone offering lasts between 6.4-10 seconds depending how many corpses you destroy.

Enchant can be anything you want. I like Decree of light because it gives me consecrated ground when it goes off.


Links Less Duration -> Faster Casting -> Lightning Warp -> UNLINKED Clarity

Explanation Travel skill. use to get over ledges/cliffs etc. My main mobility comes from my movespeed but Lightning warp also has the longest range in the game making it the obvious choice here.
I use clarity to run Immune to curse maps, and it must be unlinked, because faster casting increases clarity reservation.
Enchant I use the leech enchant to deal with immune to curse maps, where we don't have our warlord's mark.


This belt gives me a whopping 160 max life. Prioritize life on your belt and resists. Strength gives us extra life. Crafted 5% movement speed (Tora level 6 prefix mod) because movement speed build, but it is not required.


I use a Stone of Lazwhar because it is a cheap amulet to get extra curse on. On top of that it has cast speed, and extra spell block, which caps our spell block. You can use a rare amulet with life, damage, cast speed, dexterity or resists instead.


On my rings I get Life, Resists, Dexterity, and Mana/Mana Regen
The reason i get mana/mana regen is to run immune to curse maps more smoothly, Also it stacks with Pledge of hands well

In this build we get 4 jewel sockets, for example my current jewels are

For jewel stats you want to prioritize damage -> %life -> cast speed
can also get +dex if you're having trouble getting enough dex.


Instant Recovery, Remove Bleeding is ideal, but freezing works as well

helps us deal with ele reflect, Increased Duration or Increased effect , Removes Freezing is ideal, but removes bleeding works as well

MOVESPEEEEED... Chemist's is a nice mod, better then ample, but can also use increased duration if you want, Adrenaline suffix for more movespeed

Huge phys reduction, High chemists roll so we can use 2 charges, Warding to remove pesky curses like silence

Use this to cap our block... gives us some armor too...

Bandit Choices
Normal - Help oak for +40 life
Cruel - Kill all for passive point
Merciless - Help oak for endurance charge

I chose necromancer because of the huge survivability it gives from bone offering. 35% block and 34% spell block at lvl 20, combined with rumi's and 12% block from our pledge of hands we have capped block, and with stone of lazwhar we also cap our spell block. Also bone offering gives us 594 life instantly each time we block. This stat is amazing for fast attacking mobs and big groups of mobs. It also gives us around 52% increased damage and 12% cast speed.

Some of you may be thinking necromancer is bad for storm call because it increases the duration of it. I assure you it is not, a capped less duration gem more then makes up for the increased duration you get from the ascendancy. A Regular storm call lasts 1.5 seconds before it goes off, my storm call lasts 0.9 seconds. It feels nice. I like it, and honestly the increased duration helps with bone offering, desecrate, orb of storms, and vaal skills (if you chooose to use one)

Normal Ascendancy - Mistress of Sacrifice
Cruel Ascendancy - Spirit Eater
Merciless Ascendancy - Commander of Darkness

Use twink gear to improve Levelling
Tabula Rasa

Can switch to pledge of hands + carcass jack @ level 68

Skill Tree
Level 60 tree

Level 85 Tree

My Current tree (level 96)

Currently working towards Breath of Ligthning for more lightning damage, shock chance, and shock duration. Will acquire that full cluster at Level 99

At Level 100 i can take the bandit respec for 5% cast speed


Boss Kill Montage (Double Daresso, Kaom, Core bosses)

Abyss Map Clear No regen, 42% monster life, 28% monster damage

White Gorge Speedrun 2:29

Hope you enjoyed the guide, feel free to post questions you have
Last edited by XStinger#1081 on Apr 26, 2016, 6:25:59 PM
Last bumped on Jan 8, 2017, 7:20:37 AM
how are you 75/75 block? I don't see where you get that
8/8 Overachiever
Last edited by HegemonyTV#7983 on Apr 16, 2016, 2:05:00 PM
He writes the following in his guide:
I chose necromancer because of the huge survivability it gives from bone offering. 35% block and 34% spell block at lvl 20, combined with rumi's and 12% block from our pledge of hands we have capped block.
Prolif radius buff? Pls?
Anonymus42 wrote:
He writes the following in his guide:
I chose necromancer because of the huge survivability it gives from bone offering. 35% block and 34% spell block at lvl 20, combined with rumi's and 12% block from our pledge of hands we have capped block.

And with the Stone of Lazhwar amulet he's also at max spell block.

Bada_Bing wrote:
Anonymus42 wrote:
He writes the following in his guide:
I chose necromancer because of the huge survivability it gives from bone offering. 35% block and 34% spell block at lvl 20, combined with rumi's and 12% block from our pledge of hands we have capped block.

And with the Stone of Lazhwar amulet he's also at max spell block.

Thanks guys, I added that in, hopefully a little less confusing now.
Just added a White gorge speed run in 2:29

Last edited by XStinger#1081 on Apr 17, 2016, 9:38:02 AM
Starting this build in the league now seems like great fun, maybe add what we should emphasize on jewels and such :)
PapaDroid wrote:
Starting this build in the league now seems like great fun, maybe add what we should emphasize on jewels and such :)

good idea! i made a short little write up on Jewels

XStinger wrote:

In this build we get 4 jewel sockets, for example my current jewels are

For jewel stats you want to prioritize damage -> %life -> cast speed
can also get +dex if you're having trouble getting enough dex.

Last edited by XStinger#1081 on Apr 18, 2016, 5:42:41 PM
Wish I could find gear that nice! LOL
I have walked through the Valley of Death & emerged the Shadow of Evil

The Gene Pool needs chlorine

Humanity is the worst STD Mother Nature ever contracted
XiliX wrote:
Wish I could find gear that nice! LOL

lol keep playing and you will ;)

but honestly my gear is way above the minimum requirements for this build

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