[2.2] Stoya's CI Trickster Blade Vortex Shadow ! HC viable
" Not much have changed for Blade Vortex. Slightly slower Whirling blades is the only nerf. Now you will be able to grab either extra mana or automated Frenzy Generation after finishing the map-Lab , so this build will get slightly better to manage without top gear. Also transition from life to CI is still simple for build like this, the pathing leads around ES nods so, ye, this build is good option. I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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People even do BV on trickster? I though it was occultist, necromancer, pathfinder, and assassin O_O...
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How hard of a time does this build have in uber lab?
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stoya from Median XL? kekeke
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first of all, i have to say that i moved new city 2 months ago and just settled %100 last week. i had no internet connection and i was working quite long hours.
ill start new leauge on wednesday( or max 2-3 days), so sorry for not checking guide and answering questions till now... answers of questions from start; 1) DC PROBLEM; well i experienced some dc problems while playing bvortex and all of them was near 'alllies cannot die' vaal totem. but it didnt bother me alot.. this problem comes from warlords mark or i assume this way.. but its not a big deal.. 2) STUN IMM, like i mentioned in my main post, i never ever faced with stun problem while playing this char.. plus, i said 'what happens even if u get stunned?' you continue dmg'ing you continue leeching. you are not a melee char that needs to perform several attacks to keep your leech/dmg up.. you spam bvortex charges and whirl/jerk around... i never experienced stunlockd while playing this char, whirling away was so ez and i never faced with interrupting my whirling blades animation.. but if you really wanna solve this problem(if u want to) there are several ez methods you can do a) using eye of chayula amulet or skyforths - both not worth to use esp amulet slot = dmg b) stun recovery rolled flask + cloth belt; best method without sacrificing shit, i used cloth belt and flask with stun while lvling this char! c) uw stance: super no ty crap shit. 1) leo enchant, for stun 2) boot enchant from lab, for stun avoidance having high evasion , %23 basic blodk and %63 block chance with rumi is super safe method.. if you ever played a char with really high evasion and some decent block chance you will never experienced stuns.. just saying. getting stunlockd by high burst spell dmg (firestorm,phys tornado from acacemy boss) is minor details, only crema boss with minus max can stonlock you to death, rest is not problem.. ps: i did double crema boss with minux max and 1 more dmg mod.. ez pz but my char was in its last form. so do not try these kind of map mods till your char reachs peak stage. 3) VERTEX HELM, well its just best in slut for this build.. i tried to shop rare helms with +250 es&eva and some good stats all of them were over +1-2exalt when vertex was 15-40 chaos range.. like i mentioned, vertex, heretics veil, any good rare roll is equal to me. +1 gems and super high evasion(so gucci) and ok es roll on vertex is awesome.. any rare helm works vertex is not core or must for this build. also you can farm uber with this build and obtain it ez, another thing makes it obtainable for us. 4) DISCIPLINE, GRACE, HASTE ; ya its kinda my bad you dont run or have them free you got equal stats from just from trickster.. its just my sucky english nothing else 5) CI/LIFE, going ci for eva base builds solves some major problems.. reaching 9 12 k life is quite impossible without sacrificing dmg output.. where ci shines and says hello! also having high es protects you getting 1 shotd, gearing is kinda ez(after so so early stage of leauge). you can play life based trickster but i wouldnt recommend it. you will waste tons of cheeze potential from shade form high es pool, EB is something optional for life based but tbh ci > ALL for these kind of builds. lvling process was quite fast and ez for me, just used cybils paw till lvl 85ish and went hybrid life es items and got es hp nodes on tree and respec them later. 6) PATHFINDER&OCCULTIST etc which class is best? well i played low life pathfinder when nearly %1 of community was playing pathfinder.. i played low life bvortex, st, ek, coc ek bfall etc on pathfinder.. its super cheezy and interesting class to play as bvortex occultist is always solid, assassin dmg output is amazing, scion is versatile etc i just saw trickster potential for bvortex and went for it, and i have zero regrets about it. and if u ask me which was better than others, it was trickster i geared so cheap, i lvld faster then ever, i had 1 deaths while lvling(3 of my deaths was intentional), my dmg output boss deletion was amazing, map clear was so so fast and solid, playstyle was fast hectic and fun.. but its upto you most classes has high potential for bvortex. its your choice, i even theorycrafted chieftain bvortex with rf and such. 7) UBER LAB, well i had no experience about uber lab cuz i didnt start new leuage yet but i farmed uber with this build many times and i ran normal lab tons of times for my fr list.. i had zero issues with uber atziri or normal lab, i dont see you will have problem with uber izaro tbh. main trick is using stibnite+basalt+granite vs izaro he is probably one of the easiest boss in game for this build, rarely lands a hit with stibnite smoke cloud, he is super slow boss and stationary(not fast like daresso) so stibnite chezzeees this guy so hard. even early leaug with hp/es hybrid undergeared build with cybils paw might do it.. 8) STOYA? ya i am stoya from median xl.. hi mate !!! :D final note, for prophecy i guess ima play my legendary ST build which i made in perandus leauge. my fr gonna play low life trickster bvortex. ill keep uptaded this thread for the new leauge.. feel free to ask any questions here or you can msg me. edit note: 2 more solution for stun adeed. Last edited by feelgod#6479 on Jun 14, 2016, 5:41:07 AM
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this whole build is a lie. its slow and isn't hardcore viable. That's why he has no videos.
Last edited by bdy#7807 on Jul 3, 2016, 7:27:01 PM
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" well have you ever played with me before? you even know me? whole build is a lie ? i stopped playing this char around 4-5 months ago, it was in perandus leauge. i had zero issues with clear speed build was FAST as fuck.. pds was really god damn god tier. i was able to carry 4 men tier 15 maps alone without aura bot or curser.. if we compare this build to mirrored gear, or other broken builds clear speed it might be slow i can admit that. but simply, i spent less than 5-6exalt to this guy and able to done uber atziri and core malachai*no ez pz mods* nice and ez, able to delete double boss village ruin map bosses less than 3 secs. i am fine with this performance. my only death was vs core maligaro in minus max map with some other shitty mods and reason was i forgot my imm to burning flask, i reenter and clear that map too. realbux, playing/played this build in hc prophecy, my guildie omniend playing this build in sc prophecy and he is around lvl 91 92s with build. you can ask performance of build to them. whole build is lie, part is really funny. why would i waste my time to write a guide which is lie and not working.. i have a lot of better things to do with my life. i gave away all my standar items to a guildie *omniend*, i can get them back and make video to prove you wrong if id take you serious, but gimme some feedback why build is slow? why i would lie and such.. gimme some reasons and put some real arguments about build then i will gladly prove myself and show you, you are the only liar here.. waiting. |
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Well i am playing something similar to this build. At start my goal is to change the build something like coc+dicharge or glacial cascade, but now i am afraid of not reaching the same damage output.
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I find this build great! Super happy being able to do so many map mods and bosses.
No problems with either dps or survivability, kind of surprised that ES/Eva works so well tbh. Blood rage has killed me two or three times though, panic while low ES and forget to swap weapons make for a certain death :-) Linked blood rage with less duration while I'm learning to keep my cool. Oh, also. I went with Weave the Arcane for the last ascendancy points, and that works really well. E: Oh and Uber Lab was no problem at all, make sure you choose IncAoE/ConcE depending on what he is supported by. Last edited by ekaerik#4684 on Jul 15, 2016, 5:51:23 AM
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first of all thank you for taking the time to write this guide. I'm currently considering this as my main build for 2.4 essence league. I was just curious as to the interaction of "increased critical damage support" + "controlled destruction support". Wouldn't "controlled destruction" negate the effect "increased critical damage"?
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