[2.2] Stoya's CI Trickster Blade Vortex Shadow ! HC viable
![]() this is my 5th build which play in perandus leauge i wanted to share with other players. our main skill is blade vortex which creates spinning blade around our char and dealing phys dmg to enemies. due to being trickster, we have soo high es pool without using discipline(9.7k with ok gear), have high evasion(10.3k) without grace, and have insane cast speed without running haste(%32 cast speed with just using 1 movement skill) which makes this char solid all around option for every possible cheap caster in game. our offensive power is massive due to our tree stacking crit, crit multi, aeo and duration nodes and finally phys dmg nodes.. ALSO with Walk the aether we have %20 cast speed for 4 sec which is super synergised with blade vortex playstyle.. 10k(22k evasion with grace up and %66 chance to evade) evasion is something serious for a char who is always so close to enemies which gives around %47 chance to evade attacks. !as an important node, Shade Form gives %20 MOOOOOORRREEE chance to EVADE ALL coming attacks while not on full ES, which is easy to obtain with even lvl 1 blood rage at all. we will abuse this trick and cheeze it np.. with insane leech of bvortex + vaal pact, using bloodrage on shield to swap it to safety is easiest way to do it and maximize your evasion chance aswell as creating lovely frenzy charges for more dmg and cast speed. i also spec'd to conduit, with 2nd bvortex setup you will generate power charges nonstop, with bloodrage you will able to generate frenzy and with blasphemy warlords mark or manual end cry you will generate endurance charges to help your party members. so basically power of tricskter comes from having discipline + grace + haste all together while not using them as an aura..(aka poorman's low life build) you have true balance of having high damage with really solid defence together. WHY TRICKSTER? - free grace , free haste, free discipline in 1 char - high evasion, high cast speed, high es pool comes from just ascendancy class - %5 dodge and spell dodge - 500 flat EVASION, 250 flat ES and %20 MORE EVADE chance not on full es - super high mobility helps manually dodging most shit in game, high mobility -> fast map clear speed - super fast es recharge, just whirl away 1-1.5 sec and gz you are on full ES ready to fight again. - pretty cheap gearing - offers balance between offense and defence , doesnt lack 1 or other. PROs -> is this the build you wanna play ?
1- solid map clear speed, solid boss kill speed(actually insta deletes all bosses in game if it doesnt have phases less than 1 sec)
2- atziri viable with 5link lvl 15 quality 15 gems. if your goal to farm it fast and safe 3- hc viable, reaching 11k es is joke even without discipline, vaal pact, can respec to iron reflex with 9 pts investment if you dont like evasion 4- lvls really fast without any unq items, can start mapping with shitty gear(resist must be max'd flasks must be ready) 5- can run ALL map mods except blood magic ofc.. dosnt give a single fuck about phys refl(requires gem changing), doesnt give a single fuck about tripple dmg mods and minus max.. also doesnt give a single fuck about double boss village ruin at all.. 6- ci chars generally expensive, but thnx to people underestimate eva/es hybrid gear pieces you can gear this guy so cheap without currency problems 7- vaal pact + instant insane life leech is just so good with blade vortex. 8- deletes all bosses in game less than 1 sec. CONs -> why this build is not for you?
1- its eva based char. i know most people dont like to play evasion char and call entropy as 'rolling dice'.. actually its not at all. if you dont know what evasion&entropy is here is your link -> http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Evasion
we have high block with rumi(%63 chance to block for 12secs), around 10k armor with good roll granite, and 10k es pool, vaal pact with insane leech.. i tried all map mods&bosses had zero issues with my gear. i see no reason why other play will have anyway.. but then again if you dont like how evasion works in poe, you have 9pts to go iron reflexes np.. but evasion + es combo solves evasion getting 1 shot problems, fyi... 2- plasytyle might be hectic and super fast sometimes.. sometimes you just wanna charge dem bvortex's and go HAM.. you dont wanna lose charges you have and maintain killing. again its your choice you can perfectly go slow and loot chill out etc.. just dont forget to whirling blade every 4 secs to get massive cast speed -> dmg boost from trickster.. thats it 3-i could describe this build as flask centric(most likely all ci ones), you'd want to take care of pesky magic packs with your vinktars, you wanna change your diamond flask to basalt for academy boss and such.. flasks are huge part of your defence&offense.. if you dont like swapping flasks around and always forget which flask you wanna pop.. it will be hard build for you to play.. 4- keeping up bvortex charges sometimes might be annoying.. i use 2 diff bvortex 1 is for dmg, other one is for power charges(i can afford skyforth np but i simply want high eva es based boots with resist). always whirling blading around might be annoying for you aswell.. SKILL TREE this is pretty much optmized min-maxd tree what i want to do with my char.. ofc you are the tailor here, you can respec some pts for more es if you need/want, you can move more castspeed/spell damage and such.. i just wanna point out why i pick some nodes on tree which are underestimated mostly, void barrier; scion es wheel is so tempting and saves you more points i know but this node is amazing for trickster so far, all around super strong and shouldnt be passed imo. all res + %eva + %es nuff said. reflexes for bvortex you generally wanna grab some duration nodes, going upside of duration nodes saves you more points i know that but pathing duration nodes with reflexes is just extra cheeze sauce for trickster.. +50 flat evasion %30 evasion rating nuff said.. ( you can skip thes area entirely and save pts, i just wouldnt anyway) sentinel 1 pt for %24 eva&armor boost %10 all ele resist: gimme gimme conduit 1pt mate... dont be selfish asshole and grab it.. you generate all charges so fast and free.. boos your party.. be a nice person ! dreamer i dont run clarity, i dont need it at all.. but you need dreamer to boost your manapool and dem gg mana regen is so good.. 3 pts investment to get rid of clarity, boost mana and mana regen.. id take that yum yum.. note: char lacks str for some gems, so while leveling grab 30 str node(physique) you can even had it for your end game char np. 1 point doesnt fuck your build.. i just hate having stat point for my end game char.. you can craft str on every fucking item piece and most items roll str, just search for it np. BANDITS normal: skill point cruel: skill point merciless: power charge alira LEVELING TREE i dont wanna put lvling tree here, like all ci chars you have to lvl as hybrid so grab hybrid es/hp nodes(you are close to them np), mix hp/mana nodes on witch area and grab shadow hp nodes too. with new tree you can lvl as hybrid pretty easy.. ill just list some usefull unqs while lvling.. you wanna use 1) goldyrm cap for resist OR asenaths mark for cast and movement speed for helm 2) lifesprig for early lvling, cybils paw for early end game cheeze(cybils so op) 3) cannot be frozen boots or new %50 ms boots or any boots with ms 4) tabula or naked(naked is faster movement naked is cooler naked is nipples) 5) if all your gear ready fastest lvling is 'hidden potential jool' with just using cybils cheeze DEFENCEs
Evasion: 10.3k %44 chance to evade , 22k with lvl 21 grace %66 chance to evade with grace(dont forget Shade Form %20 more chance will boost it) i dont carry jade but it was around +33k etc
Armour: 280 , %3 damage reduction -> 10.4 k armour with gg rolled granite Energy Shield: 9672, you can boost it to 11k ez but i feel super safe with 9.6k only you can understand how much es you want/need for your char.. Energy Shield Recharge per sec: 2.514 75 all resist immune to chaos dmg Block : %24 , %63 %15 with rumi's Dodge spells&attacks : %5 FLASKS :numbers are for who are curious about it, i kinda feel very safe with good flask management with vinktars, basalt flask, stibnite, rumi's and granite, and i have around 12 flask i change around vs certain map bosses and mods. another defence is, vaal pact + warlords mark with blasphemy.. vortex leech is just so unreal, as long as you position yourself well you will be gucci. with high evasion + block from rumi, and other flask managements i never feel like stun is problem. never stunlockd to death even in minux max crema and such.. stun imm is something overrated if you play eva es char with %63 block chance.. and finally, you are stunned then what? you keep leeching with blade vortex, you keep damaging with blade vortex np.. but still under 9k es might be a bit nasty for stunlocks, id roll 1 flask with stun recovery and might swap my belt to cloth belt with stun recovery... and prolly get loe enchant helm, boots enchanct with %65 chance to avoid stun.. there are tons of options to solve problems in poe.. its upto u.. for shock&freeze&bleed , we roll flasks with remove those shits from our char.. i am not trading my immune to freeze flask for taste of hate just saying.. i would never go greedy :D eh what about phys spells and damage? well basalt flask + rumi and your damage outleech the damage you take mostly id never encounter a dmg that deals 10k es physical damage through basalt + rumi in this game(even uber trio+ even volls smash in vuln map in wasteland,hasted vuln village ruin bosses), only thing you might worry is vaal's smash in tier 14, malachai smash in tier 15, and palace domi smash in tier 14... and then why the hell you wanna eat those smash's with really fast char.. also rumi block helps about them too.. but never forget evasion + flasks + block + vaal pact is not perfect solution when comes to migitating phys dmg, so be carefull and play smart.. thats it.. manually dodging skills and spells is not so hard for experienced player. 'dead mobs/bosses deals no dmg', lol its really fun factor and id never ever think myself using this term in poe but, bvortex boss deletion is real.. charge 50 vortex with conc + pop your diamond flask + pop your vinktars.. and never look back. high clear speed&damage and leech is also another portion of your defence.. manually dodging, is something to be considered aswell.. if you are familiar with bosses/mobs spells and animations and take a look at damage mods on map.. you can manually dodge and outplay everything in this game.. there are 2 exceptions here, 1 dsync lag 2 uber atziri split phase -> no where to run evasion + es brothership, why people hate evasion chars is, you might have chance to get 1 shotted by incoming damage.. having high es pool protects you to get 1 shotd by insane damages in poe. you cant deny the synergy between these too. same goes for stun high eva + block. also final note about evasion for end game mapping, i also have 75 75 perma block 19k armour gladiator in perandus sc.. when i respec that char to uw stance and reduce my block to 40ish and boostd my armour to 30kish.. the result was kinda bad ofc. there is map mod with extra dmg as cold fire light, or titty bitches which deal mix of physical and fire dmg.. last thing you want for end game mapping is getting dmg'd by constantly for me.. ofc its my personal choice, i find evasion chars with really good damage has better potential for end game maps. GEAR & EXPLANATION & PRICES & JEWELs my current gear gear cost dagger: 15chaos + crafted by vagan torso: 3exalts(9 chaos spam to get this roll, u can get far better but its ok) shield: 15chaos + cat cast speed craft helm: 15chaos gloves: 45chaos boots: 45chaos belt: selfound prolly 10-15chaos max diamond ring 1 : 3chaos diamond ring 2: 8chaos amulet: 10chaos total: 3exalts 171chaos explaining gear
dagger: well we got %20 cast speed with whirling blading around, also getting fortify is so ez with bvortex playstyle, then we use dagger, dont use wands even godly wand not worth it... fortify is love.
- spell crit > spell damage = flat elemental dmg to spels = crit multi > mana regen , flat mana, cold damage leech as life > aspeed well we want highest spell crit we get from dagger(plat kris or golden kris is better for sure), best way to boost your crit and crit multi is from gearing imo.. i never wanna waste tons of crit crit multi from tree. %spell damage is obvious as being spell caster, crit multi is king of all crit based builds,,,, !!!why flat cold damage to spells is better than others?!! well we stack cold damage a lot already with running hatred and herald of ice, also every crit means chance to freeze mobs if you have high cold damage.. you can only shock mobs with phys to lightning gem, not worth on getting as flat dmg on your dagger, flat fire dmg to spells is also meh.. also i kinda like high aspeed on dagger aswell for max mobility which is core of our build.. frozen mobs cant attack cant cast so it also adds extra defence to our arsenal. torso: carnal armor with high eva es rolls, resist. is all you want. i wouldnt use vaal regalia on this build which will lover your total evasion much.. carnal armour > vaal regalia > rest dont even try to fit carcass jack for your build cause its not worth it... you will have enough dmg no worries.. shield: safest bet is going high eva es piece for shield too.. you can be greedy here and get gg spell spell crit shield its allowed :D but i kinda love my shield alot.. also while shopping try to find open slot for cast speed craft.. it boosts your dmg by a lot.. eva + es shield > pure es.. high eva es > resist > flat int > flat eva -> high es > spell crit > spell damage etc helm: the vertex is best in slut here for this build... +1 gems is so good to put enlighten and free up your mana pool.. +700 eva 300 es.. nuf said.. any rare or heretics veil works too.. best base to roll is deicide masks.. eva+es > resist gloves: rare glove with high es and evasion.. maliagaro, shadows and dusts is options that i dont like.. but yoy can go greedy route np.. high es > eva > resist > rest boots: pair of rare boots with high eva es resist.. another option is rainbows stride which has synergy with our rumi block and flat mana, skyforth is an option too but i kinda dont think its necessary but more like luxury..like i said before i can affored skyforth but i am feeling ok this way. rare>rainbow = skyforth for my build.. high eva es resist, u dont need movespeed its just extra cheeze sauce. belt: rustic sash for boosting bvortex phys dmg > cloth belt for stun recovery > chain belt for mooar es, resist flat es and flask mods are gg to have. like reduced flask charges used and such diamond rings/unset ring: diamond rings are obviously for moooar crit chance, then you wanna get str, flat es, flat mana,mana regen and others for your needs. mana regen and flat es is kinda important things you def want. unset ring for putting manual end cry or vaal summone skellies for some bosses.. just had to mention.. you can always craft %es on rings. amulet: str roll is kinda important for gearing str gems, crit chance , crit multi, %es, flat es, mana regen, resist,. pretty standart things for crit caster. !flat int on gear mean, more %es more flat mana , keep in mind that while shoopping.! !mana regen on rings and amulet is pretty important, cause we dont run clarity.! jewels
spell damaga, spell damage while holding shield, global crit chance, global crit multi, area damage, total elemental resist, increased damage, cast speed, cast speed holding shield, spell crit and such all works but, most important thing is min %7-8 energy shield... FLASKS imporant part of build, here are my 5 main flasks, flasks i ALWAYS carry on my inventory; for bosses and map mods.. flask management
is key part of this build so you will always wanna roll GG flasks or try to shop them.. its core part of this build and building up your defence vs physical attacks and pesky burst spells and removing status ailment or bleed effect..
WHY VINKTAR over TOH or ATZIRI promise? well vinktar has cool synergy with blade vortex , we are always 'nearby' enemies which cuases shock shockd mobs take %50 increased damage, also leech from vinktar makes it better choice over toh & atziri flask anyday. this is what i experienced.. and i am not willing to trade my other flasks with toh or atziri promise anyday. keep in mind that bvortex hit 1million times, u dont wanna get 20 stackd bleeding around or perma frozen by xtra dmg as cold mod or waterways ice golem or uber vaals.. bleed, shock and immune to freeze flasks are mandatory for this build.. if you wanna go greedy, your choice , i just warned you and told my experience about which flask is better.. also basalt flask is so so good pair with 3 perma end charges and rumi.. mapping and flask change, when you see map mod with vuln, or you know boss of map is hard phys hitter, you change your diamond flask with basalt which are same rolled(imm to shock), for going further if you face with academy boss, you always wanna get imm to curse flask, stibnite that i rolled with high armor to boost rumi defence, basalt and keep your end charges.. so flask management is pretty damn important if you wanna lvl up safe way.. i am working on rolling 1 stun recovery flask for some map mods aswell(for now dont feel like i need it).. as you can see, i have answer&solution for every map mods and bosses in game by carrying flasks in my inventory. if you do/follow the same route.. you will enjoy cheezing/lvling ez in poe.. - worst part of this strategy is less looting potential.. doubt many people will care. GEMS and GEMS i keep inventory and why & MAPPING & AURA choices
you can check my gearing section for the ideal gem setup,
for 5link vortex id give up inc crit dmg gem, for reflect maps we swap controll destruction -> inc crit strikes inc crit dmg -> phys to lightning herald of ice -> arctic armour rallying cry -> end cry IMPORTANT NOTE: shield green gem slot has to be 'blood rage gem' to generate frenzy charges for more dmg and cast speed and boosting party with conduit aswell as granting %20 more evade from not on full es, and gloves green slot 'summon skellies' has to change with herald of ice, ill work on chromes soon to optimize that part. for phys reflect maps we change our gems and swap our diamond flask to basalt... for some map bosses we change our flasks to get ready for dmg type of boss... while mapping with aurabot you migh consider using mantra of flames unique jool to boost your dmg.. while mapping with curser, you replace your blasp + warlords mark for herald of ash can you explain 4 another 4link bvortex you run? well its for generating power charges reliably, if u ask why i went inc aeo gem over fast casting is, cause faster casting makes no sense at all :D and with your dmg output small bvortex area might miss tons of charges... cwdt + icall setup is necessary? might not be.. but its so vital for eva chars, considering i have gg helm enchant for it.. i always play eva chars with manual end cry since ages.. 3 end charges : %12 true physical migitation + %20 from basalt you are goddamn gucci. rallying cry is that usefull? i like to play my char as much as active possible, i am kinda hyperactive person, i want all my button available for my controll and keep me focused while playing.. it gives free dmg like 1 big node on tree and also gives free mana regen equal to having clarity.. so i like it.. i swap it sometimes to generate end charges manually(even with warlords mark ya).. what about curse imm maps ? i swap my inc duration gem with life leech and swap warlords with hoash.. nothing to worry about.. also you can keep inc duration and rely on vinktars leech np(but i wouldnt recommend it).. why warlords over ass mark? well warlords is just so good for bvortex, and frees up my gem slot for dmg.. if u go ass mark you have to use life leech gem which result abit less dmg and less crit multi, since ass markd nerfed a lot i kinda feel this is best way to play bvortex with blasphemy.. wtf u gonna do vs curse imm packs or rares? i pop my vinktars ez pz... wtf is gonna happen when u dont have vinktars? id never ever give up life leech gem and would run ass mark in that case.. also stunlcok is real sometimes with warlord marks.. eh mana leech is op for no regen maps aswell.. warlords beat ass mark anyday imo. herald of ice really? ash gives more dmg bro? maybe on char screen you get more dmg, but hoi + cold dmg to spells dagger clear speed is unmatched.. you can even use hoi with curse on hit setup.. i like it more.. with hatred + hoi you can ez freeze most mobs rares and protect yourself more aswell.. lol omg, no discipline on ci char? thats why i went trickster bro,, i have discipline from shade form.. hatred is mandatory? can i sawp to grace? well grace is so op, you kinda take nooo dmg at all whole mapping process, i reach around 22k evasion with lvl 21 grace but i kinda feel like hatred is mandatory ya.. conduit is really worth it? 1 pt waste well its so good on this setup.. i generate all charges reliable to boost my party.. 1 pt for boosting every dmg crit and phys dmg reduction resist and life regen.. i love it. blood rage on 200 armour char ? really? well we have %20 MORE CHANCE TO EVADE ATTACKS while not on full es, which goes really well with bloodrage.. and leech of vortex is already super safe to use it.. and its on my shield spot..i can swap it anytime i want and close the effect of it. its extra cheeze sauce of my build i really like.. can u run all map mods ? dont fuck with me bro? i ran all crazy mods in poe you can imagine with this guy.. all good and smooth sailing.. which map bosses should i be carefull? well here comes to tricky part for trickster, academy boss, arbiter of knowledge hexfront -> can silence you (working on getting jool with imm to silence) casts ass mark, proj weakness, vuln whenever you damage this boss deals physical damage tornado spells around.. with extra projectile map mod you will enjoy fireworks!!! this boss is true counter for builds like mine, fast att cast speed builds with no armor getting fucked by this guy nice and ez.. i tested him around 10 times.. when player 1 hp, you delete this guy less than 0.000001 sec before he can even produce tornados.. dont need to mention vaal clarity + swapping inc aeo gem for conc eff gem cheeze... you whirl on him + get fortify + 50 spinning blades with vinktars up : he will be deleted in poe history forever.. but also you need immune to curse flask, basalt flask, and armor rolled another flask to make things safer, and even maybe replace hoi with arctic armor.. daresso in tier 15 map is another asshole for us, those undodgable, unblockable phys dmg blades around are tricky.. but like all other bosses this guy is easy to kill for our dmg.. follow the same route for academy bosses change your flasks and try to avoid blades, ez with whirling blades.. he has some phases which makes fight interesting.. probably hardest boss i have face in game. didnt die yet but prep yourself to hard fight.. atziri trio, uber trio needs 2 bleeding flasks but tbh these guys are pancake and not worth to mention, they melt so quick with bvortex cheeze even uber is not a problem.. but if you fuck up killing process and place... if fire dual striker comes last.. gg wp you fucked your uber set most likely :D can you really run all map mods besides blood magic? ye, simply zero fucks given.. if you have +9k es and dmg i have (its not that skyrocket) and setup prepeared around.. you are gucci can %100 guarentee this. (tested all map mods and bosses around 3 days) how my inventory looks like
wtf is tha ek and bladefall gems? sometimes when we run player 6maps with our guild , like tier 15core or colloseum where i dont wanna facetank some bosses i swap to bfall or ek.. the only reason i do this is , 250 constant ping and i wanna play safe.. this char has 4 deaths till now.. 3 of them was testing bosses/map mods which i basically know ima die and fail(removed my resist, didnt use flask and such wanted to see dmg ill take) PLAYSTYLE
you basically cast your auras, hatred, hoi, blasphemy.. check map mods twice, check your flask, check gems in your inventory.. and start map
you have to use 1 movement skill to get %20 cast speed buff which is whirling blades for us dont forget to keep your fortify up while whirling around cast bloodrage whenever feel its safe and you maintain killing process, when you stop for looting etc, X zipzap X to swap wep slots to close bloodrage. your leech comes from your warlords mark blasphmey, keep an eye on curse imm packs, and pop your vinktars to zerk them faster and leech reliably. before entering boss places, pop your vaal clarity and whirl every 4 sec to stack up to at least 40 bvortex charges and swap your inc aeo gem to conc effect.. dont hesistate pop your diamond, vinktars and rumis while diving to big packs and rares.. never forget spamming your pcoc bvortex setup, you have 20 20 inc duration on it so every 10 sec or 7 8 depends on your memory, keep it up try to keep rallying cry for dmg boost and mana regen, try to maximize its effect when facing crowded packs manual end cry is love manual end cry is king.. try to keep it up aswell when you get some kinda ridic hits more than 3-6k of your es pool, whirl away from danger and wait a bit, trickster recharge es goddamn fast. be pussy np dont forget to pop your flasks while diving into packs if you feel like going HAM on map, go ham dont stop and loot dont get cocky always read rare and magic mobs abilities, be carefull about violatile rares in minuxmax maps, and dont get fool by frost bearers etc.. keep your eyes open playstyle with tons of button must be really painfull for some players, rest every 2 3 maps dont chain them :D keeping another vortex setuo for pcoc, keeping up rally cry, take care of flaks, whirling blade every 4 secs is not ideal for every players.. VIDEOS
really busy with real life shits atm, ill upload most of them next week or sooner.. with some hard mods..
6link vortex in hideout unbuffed: 13.441k
cast speed: 5.38 crit chance : 35.76 crit multi: %445 ill uptade this part with video fully buffed when i chromed by shield and gloves.. lacking bloodrage atm my ign: TricksterCHEEZE , feel free to ask any1 questions you want.. more to come soon PEACE STOYA Last bumped on Sep 21, 2016, 4:02:24 AM
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This guy is a beast, super solid build, very tanky, good damage and can do nearly any map mod. BV with Tricker is also very underated. Can speed run t14 t15 maps easily solo or with a duo support and reach level 95+
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Playing this right now, decent overall. Changed the manual pcoc to a cwdt/bladefall/ek/pcoc setup and it does the job when it's required. Not as good as the manual cast tho.
How do u handle totems with other allies cannot die when there's alot of mobs around and you dont instantly whirling blade onto the totem itself? My game dc's all the time.. :/ |
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How do you deal with stun, I don't see stun immunity mentioned anywhere, wouldn't it be a pretty big problem to get stunlocked.
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Looks nice, probably going to try this in Prophecy.
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" I'm curious about this as well. |
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" If you didnt see, hope it helps: " I tried your build in the last flashback SC, it was really fun and safe early mapping even with 6k ES. It might be annoying to find Vinktar + Rumi's + Vertex early in Prophecy so i'll go Life Blade vortex at first, but i'll play your build again when I have decent gear. Thanks dude. Last edited by blaupe#2322 on Jun 1, 2016, 10:22:07 AM
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Hey, do you think Vertex is super important in this build? To me it seems it's just a luxury item, so to speak. Maybe I'm wrong.
Last edited by g0aky#4925 on Jun 1, 2016, 2:06:48 PM
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You shouldn't say "free grace, free haste, free discipline" You're not actually able to run those auras for free, you just have the equivalent stats of those auras.
Seems like a decent build otherwise. Last edited by highwind123#5988 on Jun 1, 2016, 2:26:26 PM
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Thoughts on this build for 2.3? I kinda wanna play a CI blade vortex character, never played it before.
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