[2.3] CoC Cyclone Discharge Trickster! HC/Level 100 Viable!

I had 4 points spent in a badish area only because my gear was so bad. I had 3 points in the middle of the tree grabbing extra ES and the Path of the Savant node. I don't reccomend going those unless your ES absolutely sucks (like mine did).

You want >8k ES. It makes up to T8's comfortable.

Anything less than 8k and volatiles and random garbage reflect mobs will make you jump harder.

I think should also include that if you want to run this on hc, plan to pay someone to run you through merc lab. It's worth it. If you really want to do merc lab yourself, do it after you've ascended to get the +250 flat es. The boost is, in my opinion, necessary to not rip earlier.

In my trash gear, I was @ 8.3k ES. When I upgraded my boots (next piece I was planning), I was going to respec those nodes in the middle (Path of the Savant) and grab the flask nodes I was missing, and after that, it's just the power charge on the right and the two jewel sockets I was missing. After that, it's a post lvl 90 spec, which most people won't hit on hardcore, but I'd reccomend going for that +1lightning res node last at the ES tree in witch for the final 10 points.
Last post and i'm done (since I've played this build to 88 and 86 respectively twice):

This is the tree I'd reccomend if you hit 100:


The final 3 points would go into intuitive leap area on the left near templar for the power, endurance, and the resist +str Faith in Steel node. I also specced into physique as this build will run into strength issues if you're trying to run a maxed out duration gem and purity of fire gems respectively, as well as possible dex issues with faster attacks on whirling blades. If you want to skimp some on ES, you could go Coordination above vaal pact for probably the best bang for your buck dps increase, but for me personally the build already had great dps. Survival becomes a problem in deep red maps that you're yolo alching, so more ES, more resists, the better.
Last edited by aylictal#6990 on Jun 13, 2016, 4:08:50 PM
If you're on a budget, I'd expect to pay around 3ex to get started with a pretty solid setup. That's with no voll's amulet or a 6l protector which is where you're gonna spend a huge chunk of change on the build.

I think 5l volls goes for 30c and vagan poignard 20-30c depending on time of league, so thats nearing the 2ex area already. You can then buy >300es helm, 200boot, >400shield, and belt with the remainder of cash going into jewelry which shouldn't be too expensive early on, just get some crit rings with a resist amulet with added cold damage somewhere on those three if the dagger doesn't have it (cold damage to attack on a single ring or amulet i mean).Get a belt with resist or flask stuff most importantly, with str and es as secondary, reduced charges on belt is very very nice, as is duration of flasks. You don't need the endurance charge on belt until you get the voll necklace so don't worry about that. Voidbringers were going for like 5c too, cheap stuff.

Bandits: I reccomend skill point, attack speed, power charge. unless you can get the voll necklace. Most people won't be able to so the power charge is always going to be better. When you get the necklace, respec out of the power charge for endurance charge.
Last edited by aylictal#6990 on Jun 13, 2016, 4:05:05 PM
Got my devotion on Prophecy and updated the OP with current gear. Looking for a 6L Voll's next, then better weapon, better rings, and then a headhunter (not gonna happen 2 leagues in a row).
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
Grocery wrote:
Got my devotion on Prophecy

How to get a devotion that quicK ? I'm level 87 and all my currency went into mapping.
Im 88 firestorm build, want to reroll since its hella boring.
But ye volls devotion is 12-40 exalts :D
Without major luck on 1 good drop like volls, skyforth its doomed.
engelswut wrote:
Grocery wrote:
Got my devotion on Prophecy

How to get a devotion that quicK ? I'm level 87 and all my currency went into mapping.

Trading. Got a few exalts from mapping, just running mid-tier maps not doing more than alching. After that it is all trading.
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
Nivity wrote:
Im 88 firestorm build, want to reroll since its hella boring.
But ye volls devotion is 12-40 exalts :D
Without major luck on 1 good drop like volls, skyforth its doomed.

Volls is basically 13-20, the 40 exa ones are +1 curse. Also, voll's can't drop this league as Zana doesn't have the Anarchy mod. Div cards only!
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
Big fan,you made me taking this build at new lvls of seriozity,i farmed like a mad man,trade,etc and i got my voll's devotion today.Hail coc discharge!

Is it worth to change this dagger to a weaker one (without spelldmg,attackspeed) with "hits cant be evaded". I have no budget at the moment for a proper coc dagger.

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