Cheap Prolif Flameblast, HC viable - 2.3 updated
Do you think is viable drop PoFire With new paragon of calamity and run Clarity instead?so you will not need use elreon jewelry ,since cost in mana of FBlast is barely low.
Also want ask you to make this build from marauder for more defences and using Eleprolif gem , i made a tree and have like 50-54% chance to ignite (25% from tree , 15 % chiestain asscendancy , 10-14% from flamability), do you think is enought for nice clear speed? i think should be because you only need ignite one enemy and you always will hit some mobs , but not sure . |
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Just tried and while it's possible to 'sustain' a 23 mana cost (3x5% reduced cost jewels) with 12.2c/s flameblast, it's really inefficient. The reason being that while it works on normal maps, it's gonna be a hell on less regen/no regen maps. Also, to 'sustain' it (it's not even really sustaining, still running out of mana) you will have to invest 2-3 nodes into mana/mana regen as well as getting mana regen/mana on your rings and amulet, and dropping 1 aura. I really don't think it's all worth it. Unfortunately, Flameblast is a pretty expensive spell.
About that Chieftain version, you're gonna lose a lot of damage by not going Elementalist. And you're probably not going to get a much better survivability, too. I tried to come up with something but it's all the same, really. You just can't get any more tanky without gimping your damage/clear speed too much. And this also, in a way, affects your survivability. CET Timezone
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Hi, I like your guide, it is quite clear and well written. However I would like to know, if I would start with version 1, how and when I can switch to other versions? Does this switch include only some gem swap/remove or is necessary also respec some points and spend them elsewhere? Thanks.
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Yes, you can easily transform into different versions later. All you'll have to do is changing some few nodes and gems, nothing serious.
CET Timezone
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Would this work without elreon rings/amulet, just use mana flask?
Also does anyone got suggestions for HC build. Last edited by Moksu#6517 on May 30, 2016, 7:00:08 AM
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I tested a bit and the mana option is kinda problematic, too much investment in mana regen.
Now that the build don't need PoF to stay alive I think BM could be a viable option, a very good option for the start of the league. Also easy to build it with MF with ventors or decent gold rings instead of elreon's stuff. Something like that (I play HC): |
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Was thinking about trying out real pizzablast aswel in upcoming league, its pretty clear that prolif gem is the way to go, but how about blood magic keystone? Frees up jewelry slots, PoF isnt needed anymore, probably still not worth with good elreon jewelry, but definetely an option for early start you think?
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Was messing around in standard for few days,also tested your build.Went from lv 92 to 93 playing red maps only.Dmg is realy good,but build is squishy,gz on lv 99 in PHC.Also,i oneshoted myself on reflect rare(no min max map),ruby flask wasnt up,but it wont be trouble in 2.3(50% red.reflect).I died only once from 92 to 93 on that reflect rare,but i have many close calls and that was with standard level of gear.You was soloing or playing with support?
Last edited by And1111#6139 on May 30, 2016, 8:27:36 AM
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BM certainly is an option (and it was even before, early game PoF is not needed at all, it makes capping resists easier, though) if you don't mind self casting or entirely ditching flammability - just keep in mind that it's huge - first 44% less res for the initial hit, and then 44% less res for the burning damage as well (as opposed to penetration).
" Mostly solo, sometimes duo with an earthquake friend. CET Timezone
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*Wrong thread*
Last edited by eternallink#6849 on May 30, 2016, 8:59:23 AM
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