[2.2] Self Cast Crit Spark | Super fast Clear Speed | Easy to Gear

It says to Go deadeye and then Beserker... After Deadyeye there is only 3 points left... Beserker is 4 away?
Berserker is also 3, its always 6 points...
Hi, I'm pretty noob with ES chars so here is a noob question :

- Why do you play life ?? You spent at least 12 pts into life nodes. Why not spend 2 pts to get CI ? or maybe a shavronne's , i don't know.. As a noob, I really don't get why these 12 pts into life nodes are made for...
I did this build made it to 94 this league and whirled into pack of bearers but I ended with 5k es and 4.8k life and I used warlords mark with curse on hit and I used vics ammy to generate charges worked out awesome got my leech when reflect was owning by time my es was gone the reflect mob; monsters were dead superb build for hardcore and heavy high mapping did any and every boss easily! Appreciate the guide
Why not use wands and skip faster projectiles in your gem setup?
Perception is reality.
Last edited by sklipnoty#7673 on Apr 16, 2016, 9:46:32 PM
What does the culling strike - ice bite - innervate - HoI do? I don't see it triggering anything in my build or adding any impressive DPS>
Ok, a bit confused here... i just picked this build up to try to knock out the remaining challenges I have left this season.... So far, been running Clarity & HoI... Mana isn't an issue...

I go to put on HoT though, and my mana pool is completely reserved.. in your videos, you have all 3 running, and none reserved to blood magic, I'm assuming through nodes...

For early on, your guide says run clarity on Blood Magic? In my past experience that reserves a rather large chunk of your health....

Just a bit confused on getting all these Auras running at this low level.
Would this build be easy to make into an MF build?
Hey guys, pretty new to this but so far really liking this build. however im curious as to why whirling blades is used? It slows me down a lot when it comes to crossing cliffs/gaps... wouldn't something like flame dash make more sense to allow more flexible travel?

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