[Build 2.2] Crazy Miner's Fire Nova Mines
Even though I do not recommend this build for beginners, there is alot that you can learn from it and apply to your own builds. I do not want you to just copy the build one by one but give you a fully understanding of its mechanics and calculations so that you can further improve this build with incoming changes but also apply that to other builds and be able to create and improve your own builds. ![]() Expectations: Mines look clunky but if you give them a chance, they turn out to be incredibly good. They will probably never be able to compete with a maxed out CoC-build or other top tier builds but it is the first build that kept me playing in a league for more than a week and I loved it. The build has one huge advantage, it can deal with all map mods without any exceptions and therefore you can generate a very good mappool and depending on your goals, alot of currency - by vaaling your high tier maps. Even though I sold almost every t15 map I was able to sustain a t12 + mappool. Have fun:
Fire Nova Mine and Mechanics
Let's take a look at the skill itself: ![]() Attributes: AoE, Mine, Spell, Fire, Duration. Those represent the supportable mods while it is not necessary to improve the mine duration. AoE, Mine, Spell and Fire damage will affect the spell absolutley equivalent which means 1% Increased AoE dmg = 1% Increased Mine dmg = 1% Increased Spell dmg = 1% Increased Fire dmg which makes damage scaling very easily: you will always pick the highest % available. Cast Time: Each of the 4 waves is getting cast with a speed of 0.4 seconds which is the equivalent of 1/0.4 = 2.5 waves per second. While this is affected by your cast speed, it is obviously not recommended to stack any cast speed, one Fire Nova Mine will always cast 4 waves and the mine deploy time is not affected by your cast speed but by "increased Mine laying speed". Mana Cost: Fire Nova Mine has a ridiculously high base mana cost. There are multiple options to deal with it: - Early game: Mana Flask with high up time (Sanctified for example, 14 secs uptime) - End game: Vaal Clarity + Increased Duration - End game: Lavianga's Spirit (can be expensive) The first option works fine but as soon as you hit endgame maps (around t11+) you want to be able to stack a maxmimum amount of mines to kill bosses as fast as possible. In the following example, I compare the new support gem "Mine Field" with "Controlled Destruction":
![]() Damage Effectiveness: Fire Nova Mine has a damage effectiveness of 30%. This means that "flat spell damage" will be multiplied by 0.3. If you have 100 flat spelldmg, only 100 * 0.3 will go into calculation, this seems low but flat spelldmg still has a huge impact on our damage output.
Examples of flat spell damage
Quality: Quality gives you 20% increased fire damage which is one of the best quality bonuses for the whole build. Tooltip average damage and mechanic: ![]() The tooltip does not show you the damage done by one single mine but only the damage done by the first wave. ![]()
Calculate your damage
Burning Damage: Burning Damage deals 40% of the highest hit over 4 seconds while our highest hit will always be the last wave (Burning damage does not stack but queues up!). In case you want to modifiy my build and convert your damage: Poison Damage: Poison damage deals 10% of every wave and stacks. The calculation is slightly more complicated though since on average, only 2.5 waves will hit per second and poison lasts 2 seconds without modifiers. Therefore in 2 seconds, 5 waves will hit and that is how the damage in the spreadsheet is calculated.
Gem setups
Sorted by importance, if there are 2 possible picks, the left one is prefered for overall clearspeed while the right one improves your static boss killing abilities. Max Atr requirements for maxed out gems: 111dex,111str,155int. 6l Fire Nova Mine: - Empower - Trap & Mine Damage - Fire Penetration - Increased Area Effect/Concentrated Effect - Mine Field/Controlled Destruction 3l Mobility: - Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify 3l Defensive - 1: - Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Detonate Mines 4l Defensive - 2: - Temporal Chains - Blasphemy - Enhance - Enfeeble (Incase you pick Occultist!) 4l Defensive - 3: - Cast When Damage Taken - Blade Vortex - Blind - Ice Nova Offensive & Supportive: - Vaal Clarity - Increased Duration - Vaal Lightning Trap - Tempest Shield
Damage optimization
This does not include any damage over time, check "Fire Nova Mine and Mechanics" -> "Calculate your damage" for additional details. https://goo.gl/XYjK3R
Possible Passive Trees
Max Atr requirements for maxed out gems: 111dex,111str,155int. Note: The followeing trees do not provide enough atr, you will have to get some from gear, maybe even use slightly different pathing ("Practical Application" and right part of the tree, trade 2 into nodes for 1 int and 2dex for example).
Bandit rewards
- Normal = Oak - Cruel = Passive Point - Merciless = Power Charge
Ascendancy Class recommendations
Assassin: Picks: - Deadly Infusion - Ambush Conclusion: Increasing your 5% base critchance to 8% and your critical strike multiplier by 103% is huge. My critical strike chance is around 45% with controlled destruction, assassin pushes it to 75% critical strike chance. Unstable Infusion can be abused by an Incinerate + faster casting in your second weaponslot to instantly max out your powercharges, the "Blast Cascade" passive ensures that you won't run out of charges. Saboteur: Picks: - Demolitions Specialist - Blinding Assault With Bomb Specialist, you can skip a Carcass Jack or even the increased Area of Effect support and use Critical Strike Chance or both Controlled Destruction and Mine Field. Demolitions Specialist gives you the ability to place upto 6 mines at once for a crazy amount of burst dmg. Occultist: Picks: - Wicked Ward - Malediction At some point we will accumulate enough damage that even endgame bosses get obliterated, at that point we might want to stack our defenses and the Occultist is the perfect choice for a hybrid build that cannot leech energy shield. The combination of temporal chains and enfeeble together with the Wicked Ward passive will turn you into a wall that still does incredible amounts of damage. In case the base mana cost is not getting reduced in 2.2, running 2 curses on blasphemy will not be an option.
My gear at the end of talisman sc
Please stick to the gem setups recommended in the "Gem Setups" spoiler!
I'll upload more as soon as Ascendancy is up:
First Atziri run
One week into talisman with around 4k tooltip avg dmg:http://plays.tv/s/KhPifVnoLb66
Map progression
Vaal Oversouls
Atziri's Trio
Corrupted Double Voll at 2:50
Corrupted GMP Dominus at 7:30
8 minute merc lab runs as assassin
Crazy Miners Fire Nova Mines: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1595627 The Savage, Endgame cleaner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1613272 Last edited by GGprime#5060 on Mar 20, 2016, 10:51:09 AM Last bumped on Aug 20, 2016, 5:28:27 AM
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This looks very interesting, and much more fun to play that the fotm IW firestorm or rf totems with chieftain. Good work. I think I might be trying this out.
I imagine the new mine field gem will up your clear speed quiet a bit. How hard is this to play starting from nothing though? You have some very nice ES items which new league are super expensive. Would you recommend playing this as a first char, or using something thats pretty solely self found until you have the currency to afford a 6l then making a new build. Also, I really like the idea and more defensive play style of the occultist, but the raw damage output on the crit side for assassin has to be insane. Which ascendancy are you leaning towards IGN
Domination: CockBlockingAxes zomgwtfbbqlegs, GotYourselfAGun Standard: LookAtMyHorseMyHorse, ComeOnNSlamEveryBodyJam, AdmiralTrapar |
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" Hybrid items were actually very cheap this league, I guess because barely noone played them. The shield was expensive (5ex) but I did not pay more than 40c for all the other pieces. You can use Tremor Rod until around lvl 70 with a 4l. After that you really want a dagger + shield, I get around 1800 es only from the shield. If you get the blasphemy temp chains up early on you will be fine even with lower defenses. Crazy Miners Fire Nova Mines:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1595627 The Savage, Endgame cleaner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1613272 |
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Can you fix skill tree to 2.2 patch?:>
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" I'm at it :). Crazy Miners Fire Nova Mines:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1595627 The Savage, Endgame cleaner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1613272 |
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Looks solid and quite interesting, havent played a mine build yet therefore lacking in knowledge. Am I missing something? You are speccing into crit and powercharges yet linking controlled destruction?
Last edited by raclife#3079 on Mar 5, 2016, 6:40:34 PM
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" Controlled Destruction is not "less" but only "reduced" critchance, I end up with around 75% critchance with 6 powercharges up as an assassin, or around 50% critchance with the other classes and that with Controlled Destruction. So 2 power charges make up for the 100% reduction but you gain a 1.44 more multiplier. Crazy Miners Fire Nova Mines: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1595627 The Savage, Endgame cleaner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1613272 Last edited by GGprime#5060 on Mar 5, 2016, 6:32:02 PM
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" Got it, at such a high %crit 100 less wont matter much in comparison to a more multiplier, would you prefer minefield with lower gear or always the other way around? Found what i was looking for, thanks for the quick answer. Would you have any thoughts on how to properly build powercharges with saboteur? This build isnt really quickpaced and i dont want to slow it further down with a different spell :/ Last edited by raclife#3079 on Mar 5, 2016, 6:49:14 PM
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" I actually only use the blast cascade to keep up my power charges. I tried assassin's unstable infusion, it is not that great. Even with incinerate it takes abit to get to max charges. As a saboteur I'd always use Minefield over Controlled Destruction, this also gives you more consistent charges. You can also use a tremor rod until around lvl 70, then you rly want to switch into dagger + shield. Crazy Miners Fire Nova Mines: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1595627 The Savage, Endgame cleaner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1613272 Last edited by GGprime#5060 on Mar 6, 2016, 6:36:48 AM
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What a build man, just started T7 map and I keep one shoting everything despite using Increased Area of Effect gem :-D
Probably the best build I've played yet, 4/5 active spell, lots of damage and decent survivability. I've killed aztiri at level 78 and that was really easy (even if I'm not used to fight her, only my 5th or 6th kill on her) Here is my current gear on perandus league : " Thanks again for sharing this build, I love it ! Last edited by Kededia#4366 on Mar 10, 2016, 5:20:27 AM
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