The Perandus League Challenges

WHY did you decide to start the video in the middle of the portal animation!? Check the "fade in" too guys - the outer ring actually rotates into place, followed by the pins.

I love the keyhole/vault door concept.

/edit: ****, this is awesome.

EveFury wrote:
Last edited by Razis#4500 on Mar 2, 2016, 4:57:34 PM
the weapon effect looks so so

But very interesting league I think
Qarl wrote:
Yiros wrote:

You cant roll double boss on core, you have Colosseum for double boss T15 ;)

To quote from the patchnotes:

"Tier 15 Core maps can now get the "Twinned" map mod. Be careful out there."

My CoC is ready. EleGiggle
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
Liking the high amount of challenges, during the 8 ones I got 1 at max.
tim to rip in the labyrinth because i suck
Last edited by Heisendonger#4039 on Mar 2, 2016, 5:55:27 PM
40 Challenges? That's a lot. Though yes, overall, it looks to be the most reasonable set for a 3-month league. For anyone curious, I decided to break 'em down into categories:

  • Leveling milestones (14) - These are the easiest; they should come naturally while leveling (completing Acts 1-4 on Normal through Merciless) and at most require only a LITTLE stepping out of the way. There is little else to say, really.
    • Kill these Unique Monsters
    • Clear Act 2 Interiors
    • Complete these Encounters I
    • Items from Vendor Recipes
    • Kill these Normal Act Bosses
    • Create a Hideout
    • Clear Act 2 Cruel Exteriors
    • Kill Rare Monsters in Cruel
    • Use these Currency Items
    • Complete these Encounters II
    • Kill these Cruel Act Bosses
    • Level these Masters
    • Complete These Quests
    • Kill these Merciless Act Bosses

  • Perandus Challenges (12) - I can't say with too much certainty, since this is all "new content." However, it looks pretty straightforward. Only potential caveat is that it could get grindy due to gating-by-RNG: some of these require completing the Labyrinth multiple times, and given that it only can be done once a day? I hope GGG isn't intending to punish people who can't be there to play EVERY one of the 90 days.
    • Unseal the Labyrinth
    • Complete these Encounters III
    • Identify a Lost Treasure
    • Open these Perandus Chests (12 encounters)
    • Kill Argus in each Difficulty
    • Kill these Chest Guardians (16 encounters)
    • Achieve Ascension
    • Challenge Izaro (8 encounters, maybe only 1 per labyrinth?)
    • Use these Trinkets
    • Apply these Enchantments (12 RNG results, 1/day... Could be trouble)
    • Buy these Items (10 results... Out of how many others? One per day?)
    • Clear Perandus Manor (unknown level. Could be easy if it's like most unique maps, or bad if it's like Vinktar Square)

  • Mild Effort (6) - These aren't going to be hard to experienced players. With some devoted focus, they will just be a matter of time. Though some more commentary on each:
    • Fully Upgrade your Hideout - Easy; just try rotations AT ALL and you'll hit this in a week.
    • Kill these Vaal Bosses - Easy; just scour for ONE vaal area each.
    • Identify a Labyrinth Unique - Trading challenge, but reasonable: we only need ONE, so no "bottlenecking inflation." Also helps that just about all the qualifying items are vendor trash, so this is purely an "effort" and not a "grind for stacks of exalts to blow just to get it done."
    • Kill Atziri's Elite - Pretty easy, but clever; because of how Apex of Sacrifice works, this makes it less cheese-able than just "kill Atziri."
    • Reach Level 90 - Easy; A decently reasonable milestone to hit. Given how easy the rest of the challenges are, this may actually be one of the last challenges, akin to the level challenge in 1-months.
    • Kill these Unique Map Bosses - Easy on softcore. Tunneltrap has NOT been properly balanced since going from level 66 to 75, but on softcore, he could just be zerged. Ditto for a couple others; easy to get help with.

  • Real Challenges (8) - These will be the ones that will take serious, concentrated effort; I expect these to likely be among the last 8 finished. Some are good, though.
    • Clear Unidentified Rare Maps - Probably the one that will suffer most from "harder than it looks." Decent balance, but two main issues: getting rare map drops of what you want can be hard, so players may have to trade for one of the tier 1s. (while the other you just get as a quest reward from Diala) The other part: Museum is on there, with what is almost certainly the hardest low-tier boss. Expect a LOT of RIPs (and a decent few "ran out of portals" incidents) on this one.
    • Complete these Encounters IV - Relatively easy for the most part; the latter five should show up sooner or later for most players, and because of that, "selling" prices shouldn't ever be particularly high. The wildcard that makes this hard is the Temple Map: GGG did say that this is the RIP'iest map in the game, so players might not have too many spare portals to share.
    • Redeem Divination Card Sets - Ugh, a full-blown trading challenge. At least 4 are pretty easily farmable (Flora's Gift, Gambler, and Lover are effortless, and Vinia's Token not far behind) so I expect anyone who finishes this to have those four. The most common other three will likely be Chaotic Disposition, Hope, and The Sigil, though expect to pay up to a full exalt for the Hope set. At least we have multiple options, which again, will help reduce the effect of "challenge bottleneck" pricing.
    • Kill Two Deadly Bosses - Pretty clever, if somewhat easy. Sharing will provide the easy way out to claim it, though it might encourage players to push to try and do them themselves, which is a good result.
    • Clear Twinned Maps - Challenging, but doable. Will likely cost currency for most. Same as before; will be SLIGHTLY easier because now people will be using not JUST Colosseum Maps, but Abyss and MAYBE Core too. Will likely bring the standard "fee" down from the 30-50c I saw for "Twinned Ambrius full clear" to maybe 10-20c.
    • Identify these Treasures - I'm calling it; this will be #40 for over half that reach 39. It was a good idea, but still flawed: both in its short list (changing it doesn't help too much) and moreover, it does NOT count chancing or receiving an item through divination cards. (both produce IDENTIFIED items, and are also cases where only one player can thusly be marked as "producing" it) I had to trade for all four on Talisman, in spite of getting a dozen various items that SHOULD HAVE been on a more complete list. (Drillneck? Lightning Coil? Maligaro's? Astramentis?)
    • Clear Maps with Eight Mods - Hard, but VERY CLEVER; possibly the smartest new idea GGG has come up with. For lower tiers, this requires little effort: Just spam Vaals on otherwise-worthless maps. (any challenge encouraging Vaal use is good; why is this the only such challenge?) Harder ones will roughly fall in the same vein as twinned clears.
    • Fully Level Zana - This is easier than it looks. Just keep doing your daily Zana rotations, and it's done in just a few weeks!
    Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
    Last edited by ACGIFT#1167 on Mar 2, 2016, 11:22:42 PM
    I am seriously considering joining Perandus League after Bex's post here.
    ~ There are spectacular moments.
    Qarl wrote:
    Yiros wrote:

    You cant roll double boss on core, you have Colosseum for double boss T15 ;)

    To quote from the patchnotes:

    "Tier 15 Core maps can now get the "Twinned" map mod. Be careful out there."

    there will be 6 hearths?
    Dethox420 wrote:
    Just as crappy as last league, bring back similar challenges as back in Torment/Bloodlines 1Month with different SC/HC pieces as rewards - noone wants the same challenges in HC as there are in SC, it just encourages SC play and makes HC even more dead than it usually is.

    The leagues should be the challenge, and "challenges" a minor part that happens automatically or with gameplay effort that isn't character-risking (and flat-out undoable with most characters) in a way like doing Atziri or twinned T15 bosses.

    There needs to be distinguishable rewards for SC/HC or people are just not gonna bother, knowing that SC players get the same stuff without risking their character and spending half the time.

    That portal is pretty awesome looking!
    Not Zana again, have mercy :(
    IGN Reeze_, Lauma_, Raskar_

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