[2.2] Occultist (Contagion + Essence Drain) Beginner starting build
" Oh ok, you saved me some time, lol. In the meanwhile, I posted my Scion variant of the Essence Drain gameplay on the appropriate sub-forum. :) Last edited by djnat#4628 on Mar 21, 2016, 9:46:04 PM
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Can someone explain why slower projectiles is way more damage than faster projectiles, when they have the exact same projectile dmg %?
Also why is empowering being suggested? A level 3 gave me considerably less damage than either pierce or slower projectiles on a 6l. Also wondering what type of damage is considered normal with this build. Currently doing 35k DoT with it. IGN - Partitioner
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" There is a huge difference between increased and more dmg, pierce gives now more dmg thats why its better, 35k dot dmg is amazing. |
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i really find the Zealots oath being a royal pain in the behind...
after i picked it i have to stay WAY more on my toes, and traps in the lab, are now the most deadly thing known to mankind, due to not being able to regain any health at all :/ |
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" I'm assuming you're posting this in the wrong thread cause i have no idea why you would get ZO with this build lol |
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" it was djnat's suggestion... |
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" Taking ZO is a completely different approach than the build discussed in the main post here. |
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" Oh wow, I didn't even notice that, feel like an idiot now. Thanks for pointing that out. Somehow I just assumed it was the same type of % increased without bothering to read what they actually say. :S IGN - Partitioner
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" Thanks for the info! Any suggestions to improve my defense? I'm currently lvl 79 and struggle a lot with some map bosses, I'm using arctic armor, chaos golem and arctic breath with cwdt. Since I can't afford heretic's veil, I was thinking about trying the combination cwdt + curse on hit + enfeeble + firestorm that someone mentioned previously to replace arctic breath + cwdt but I'm not sure if it would make a significant difference or what else I could try to improve things without buying expensive gear. Last edited by acc1986#2456 on Mar 22, 2016, 11:01:00 AM
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" Aside from gear, my personal way to improve my defences (I'm going full ES, switching for CI any time soon) is: -Cap resists. On top of everything, is a MUST on this builds. -Go for defensives curses, meaning use Temp Chains and Enfee, and add Vuln to your CoH shenanigans. -Did we mention Whirling Blades+Fortify? If you don't use dagger, put Fortify on ANYTHING you can. Mitigates a shit ton. -Last but no less, run. Run like a chicken. No, really, as dotters your main way to stay alive is to kite the shit out of everything. It may not be the fastest way through everything, but we're no tanks either (unles you spend your life saves on glorious equipment). Dodge, kite, dodge, run and dodge. Repeat. |
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