Congrats and season retrospective
congrats to everyone in the top 20! krame hit 2500 points and had a commanding first place. correct me if i am wrong but i think this is the first time (maybe cwu?) we have a racer who has a demi record in every single class, GORATHA! This is a very impressive feat showing mastery in all classes and racing in general which should get recognition. Winterheart's MVP in my eyes, congratulations sir!
let's open up the discussion on how you guys felt about the changes and sig this season. i personally liked the sig this season, it was nice to have the mods benefit the player this time, even though it felt nominal it was prevalent enough to think about and utilize. i also like the introduction of the alt start races, we've been asking for these types of races for a while and now they finally happened. i think there could be some minor changes, like why do i need to mule herald of thunder as a shadow, but overall a welcomed change. i personally dont like normal decent being 30 min, feels too short. endless ledge going back to 1 hour was nice, i think this is the sweet spot, and descent champs being 40 min also seemed appropriate. i dont particularly like torment and headhunter, while fun, i dont think they are indicative of racing competition. obviously im biased because i dont like them but i think they could be replaced with races that are designed to be more serious AND fun, similar to descent/d:champs. would like to hear everyone's thoughts, especially janimauk, but only if his thoughts are expressed in a colorful picture book. -HeaT Last bumped on Mar 17, 2016, 4:03:08 PM
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Master_nerd_Goratha op. And yes, cwu did it once, almost twice apparently.
Sig race was pretty good imo. Once you learned the layouts properly, you could blaze trough the whole race. Think there was several sub 35 min vaal kills, which compared to earlier seasons is pretty damn insane. The extra cast speed on ice was very noticeable, especially on bosses. Of course it never was at the same spot on floor, which made for some casual rng. As a caster I welcome all the changes except the scion gem rewards. You already have the by far shittiest starting nodes, so I don't see a reason do force her to mule + not giving her a good lvl 12 skill like firestorm/lightning trap. Even with those, she would still struggle to keep up with other casters. I've also tried to id random jewels for a couple of seasons now, but never actually found a single one in a race that was better than a mediocre skill point like 4% cast speed. The alt start races really just felt like docks farming. Sure you could make an argument that it's the players own fault for not progressing, but why make it harder than it has to be when you can afk for a demi. Apparently you can still mule in the races, which I thought they fixed... :) I actually liked the 30 min descent timer, even though it threw me completely off guard and made me lose a lot. Now it actually feels like a race, rather than rush monkey zone and kill everything you encounter, only exception would be stuff that could 1shot you. Didn't play any torment/headhunter, but occasional descent champs is always nice for a chance of pace. Scion bow stronk! [quote="Hilbert"] CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels. [/quote] Last edited by ZoRoXo#7767 on Feb 26, 2016, 3:28:21 PM
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" the thing about descent being 30 min is you cant kill piety, at least i dont think you can (if you can and someone did disregard the next part). where as the 40 min descent champ race, you can kill big G but have to manage your time in the zones. why have descent with piety as an end boss if you remove the possibility of killing her with a time restriction? -HeaT |
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" Yeah, but Piety gives really terrible experience unless they changed it recently. So the few times you were in a position to kill her it would almost never make a difference. Gravicious on the other hand gives easily a level and is always worth it, only exception is you have completely shit gear so you might not be able to. But even then, there's certain workarounds like using a lvl 1 firetrap to stop the es regen while he's 360 noscoping. XoXo ZoRoXo [quote="Hilbert"]
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels. [/quote] |
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" but is anyone even hitting that last zone? and are in a position where they can do it? -HeaT |
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" Yours Truly, .:Janimauk:. |
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I think the no portals races are pretty good. But I didn't like 1hour of endless ledge, 30-40min would be much better imo.
Anyone got the alt art demi yet? Edit: I saw on alpha stream that the "Create New Zone" button is on the very top now, that's a nice QOL addition Last edited by bottlehead93#3713 on Feb 27, 2016, 10:58:19 PM
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" I got the normal demi?! Did they give the wrong one to me or is it the same for everyone else? |
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IGN ................... MikeManning Alt Art Stuff ....... view-thread/1401085 Shop ................. view-thread/536289 Boost-Service .... view-thread/543033 Gilde ................. view-thread/817890 Last edited by pasta777#4918 on Feb 29, 2016, 3:51:13 AM
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