Ascendancy Enchantments

thus flicker strike becomes even more op
good news post there ggg
GitGud, GitNerfed, Repeat.
SO EXCITED! Awesome!!!!
amagad.. ill love this patch
I wonder. Do the meta-crafting mods from Vagan and Catarina limit the rolls of Ascendancy Enchantments?
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
Oh my... I think I just had a nerdgasm... ;)
omg i play poe now a long time but this is
Too much rng again , boring.
Is it possible that GGG would be kind enough to supply a list of possible enchantments for the skills?

Yes, I'm aware that that would entail a list of ~300 enchantments but it'd be really nice to know that you have something worth running for, not just hoping you get one of the 2 (possibly three) enchantments that may or may not suit your build.

I'll speak for myself alone when I say that 8% base Area to a skill is not exactly enticing enough to spend countless runs attempting to obtain it. (Granted earthquake isn't released yet but increased area that is slightly better than 1 AoE node doesn't exactly get my juices pumping.) Knowing that there was a "golden mod" for my build would draw me to run the labyrinth a whole lot more than just hoping that if I pray really hard, and play to the best of my abilities that RNGesus will bless me with a useful enchantment.

Not to mention, it would help us Wiki Editors out a lot in keeping PoE community tools and info complete. :P
Last edited by cmilles on Feb 26, 2016, 12:38:44 AM

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