[2.1] Hipster Nova Mine or the Call of Cthulhu
Tired of trap firestorm ? Feeling edgy but tired of those mainstream Rottenstorm and Rotten Pizza (lame)Blast ? Want to blow entire screens away with the satisfying noise of a crit without actually critting ? Efficiency is so yesterday and you are SO done with this league. No ! What you want to do is have fun and mines are fun, inefficient and completely INDIE. You can be the annoying bracelet wearing hipster in the bar and roll your eyes at practically anything. Nobody's playing mines. We're like litteraly two playing mines in TSC, bruh. Only one person took mine nodes in the ladder and that's me. Check mate, normies.
SooooooOOooo... What's the idea behind the build ? It's more or less a variation on your typical mainstream-420-blaze-it-chaos-goer's passive skill tree, exploiting the now infamous 75+25%=81N0 roxor combo. It brings poison without the support gems, amazing life regen and great boss clear. No, what's a bit different are the skill's we'll be using : Fire Nova Mine, Smoke Mine, Phase Run and of course, Abyssal Cry. The idea was to test how far I could go with mines to test their potential. I'm quite pleased with the results but there's plenty more to test. Note that this guide will be evolving and is actually incomplete. So why Fire Nova Mine ?
Fire Nova Mine releases three fire nova in a large AoE, each fire nova dealing 29% (up to 31% in the build) more damage than the last one. That means it's a perfect candidate for poison :
1. there's the word "more" somewhere which means it's broken. 2. it procs three times meaning it will stack three powerful DoTs per mine on targets and we all know what poison do to bosses. 3. the AoE can cover an entire screen in a regular pack clearing setup and keeps on spreading when in range. 4. mines, like traps, add another layer of more multipliers. 5. It's fire meaning we can convert it entirely to Chaos and exploit those juicy double dipping chaos nodes. And nobody's playing FNM after lvl. 50 or so. Before I go into more details about the build, here's a list of pros and cons. Pros : - Immune to reflect. - Very mobile (Quicksilver, whirling/flame fash/ huge MS boosts from Smoke Mine and Phase run) - Great versatility (can do BM/Reflect/No Regen/No Leech) - Very good clear speed (can blow multiple screens in a single detonation). - Can oneshot a lot of bosses, even some red tier bosses. - "Good" survivability (Smoke Mine, Phase Run, Acrobatics, Arctic Armor, Bino's insane regeneration, mobile and 5k hp XD) - A very active combo style gameplay. - Strongboxe immune. - Instant Talisman Altar clean-up. Cons : - Not the best party build. While damage and AoE clear are good, it relies on punctual burst and a rythm. So groups might upset this rythm. In general, lags spikes and screen clutter is dangerous for a build that mainly relies on being active to survive. - Not a "great" survibility : no leech, no overcapped elemental resistance, somewhat weak to flicker mobs (a decoy totem solves this problem but it slows down clears on certain maps). Not a true facetank build. - Stuns can be a problem in t13+ damage loaded map rolls (trigger gem setups and smoke mine help but you must be able to adapt). - Probably not a lvl100 build (at least for now) and not HC viable. - Mines are layed at your feet. Ok, we're going to start with the passive tree. " " " "
notes about mines
1. they die to AoE, even reflect, but we can fix that for the first 5s (clever construction).
2. you lay them at your feet. You can use shift to lay them without having to aim. It helps a lot when surrounded and in confined areas. 3. you can stack up to 7 mines (the build only uses 6 stacks). 4. you're immune to reflect but not to corrupting blood. The stacks carry over. 5. you can detonate them with a trigger support such as CWDT and CWS. 6. the default key to detonate them is D and you don't need a detonate mine gem to access this ability. I'll update the guide/manifest as testing goes by. Hardest content I've cleaned with this build so far was a double boss Excavation map with -player resist but it wasn't that pretty. Had to use smooth TPs to refill pots spend a lot of time closing my eyes while pressing random keys. I hope other happy miners will come and share their experiences with these uncanny contraptions. Last edited by Bubonlubrique#4315 on Feb 11, 2016, 1:23:46 PM
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Nice build. Great to see more builds that are not mainstream. I don't like the bandwagon and hipster should be the new kool lol. Keep going sir.
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