(2.1) Demopolos' Life-based CoC Cyclone Discharge (OP damage/Uber Viable)
Hi guys!
Here's my life-based CoC Cyclone Discharger. It's blazing fast with OP dps and very solid survivability. This was inspired by Doeboy's uber-focused and eva-based CoC build. With his help, I re-tuned the build for general mapping by prioritizing a bigger life pool, solid physical damage resistance, and additional AoE. Scion start offers the most OP final tree available due to the extra jewel slot, and the great AoE nodes. I will be updating the build with more footage of gameplay over the next few days. Please excuse choppiness, my comp struggles a little while making recordings with discharge! ***I am very happy to answer any questions I can, but please try to read the guide first, as your answer is likely already in here. Thank you!*** Build Highlights: - 5.3k life (up to 6k @ level 100) - 94/80/94 res - 8.3k armour / 1.7k eva - 29 % spell block - 5 endurance charges + immortal call + fortify - up to 107k discharge tooltip, no RF/flasks - 87.5% crit chance with charges (+ 11 % from assassin's mark aura to cap) - Perma surgeon's flasks Videos of gameplay: (2.1) 81 Shrine clear w/ AoE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2EGpXtR-BY (2.1) Atziri fast run w/ conc effect (3 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuYGSdLWtqk Passive Tree:
My tree at level 94:poeurl.com/wmb
Tree at level 100: poeurl.com/wmc NOTE: An intuitive leap jewel is placed west of templar start. You pick up the 3 life nodes (devotion), the power charge, and the endurance charge. Bandits:
life / passive / endurance charge
Gear Requirements:
-Voll's Protector: At least 5L
-Voll's devotion: any will due -Vagan dagger: Must be base with 1.4 aps or higher with crit roll (speed/spell next most important rolls) -2 elreon rings: diamond base and -8 mana cost required (life/crit next most important rolls) -Rat's nest -Maligaro's gloves -Saffell's shield: do not need legacy -Rare boots: should have 30 move speed and round out res/life -Use rare belt to balance res OP Standard Gear:
My standard flask setup:
Current Jewels:
And I swap in these 2 for no regen or to use conc eff + cont dest (in place of the 2 jewels without % reduced mana cost): For jewels you want a total of a least 4 with -% reduce mana cost in order for cyclone to be infinitely sustainable. You can swap to 6 -% reduce mana cost jewels (with cont destruction/nova) to have a 0 cost cyclone for no regen maps. A single mana on hit jewel is an option too for no regen maps. Outside of these requirements you want the following stats, in roughly this order of priority: -% life -% crit multi to specific element (light/cold/fire) -% spell damage with shield -% crit multi with elemental skills -% aoe damage -% spell damage -% global crit multi -% global crit chance -% damage -% all res Screenshots:
Screenshots of offensive stats:
-Cyclone with charges:
-Cyclone with charges + vaal haste:
-Discharge with charges (conc effect/controlled dest):
-Discharge with charges (aoe/controlled dest):
Screenshots of defensive stats:
-With Flasks (100% uptime):
-With Flasks + Vaal Grace:
6L (BBBGGR): These colors provide us with great options. You will always use Cyclone - CoC - Life Leech - Discharge. The other 2 gems are situational, and partially up to your preference and gear. The best options are: Controlled Destruction, Area of Effect, Ice Nova, and Concentrated Effect. For atziri/uber runs, I recommend controlled destruction and concentrated effect. For group play I recommend Ice Nova (before Discharge in links for EE), and AoE. For general solo play I recommend controlled destruction and aoe. Play around with them and see what you like best! 4L: cwdt - immortal call - blade vortex - increased duration 4L: vaal grace - vaal haste - increased duration - ice golem 4L: whirling blades - fast attacks - fortify - ??? enhance 3L: enlighten - blasphemy - assassin's mark 3L: enlighten - purity of fire - purity of lightning Build Mechanics:
Your Voll's Protector produces power charges on every hit, which discharge expends to create huge damage. When you lose a power charge, you gain an endurance charge, due to Voll's Devotion. Thus these 2 gear slots form an infinite loop giving up to 6 power charges and 5 endurance charges of damage for every discharge. Elemental Equilibrium: "Enemies you hit with Elemental Damage temporarily get +25% Resistances to those Elements and −50% Resistances to other Elements." We make use of this by have added cold damage to attacks on either our dagger or one of our rings. This makes it so that every time we hit an enemy with a melee attack, they are -50 res vs the light and cold damage that make up discharge. You can also put Ice Nova in above Discharge in your 6L to keep the EE effect working for enemies outside of cyclone range (very good in parties). Curses: Assassin's mark aura is extremely OP in this build. Getting a flat 12 % more crit chance (at level 21, with quality on blasphemy) is an outrageous buff when coupled with the "more" crit damage. If you are able to get a +1 curse voll's devotion you can also add ele weak maligaro's to the mix for even more debuff to resistant enemies. Vaal Buffs: Due to the clear speed, you can keep vaal haste and grace up almost 100%. This is a tremendous amount of dodge, spell dodge, move speed, and attack speed! Immortal Call: By keeping immortal call on cwdt, you really round out your defense vs. physical attacks. We always have endurance charges up, and imo you want this on a low lvl cwdt so that it pops as much as possible. Whirling Blades and Fortify: Whirling Blades is by far the most OP move skill in game. Use it always! Also, you can keep fortify up 100 % with it. Blade Vortex: By placing this on level one cwdt with increased duration, it's up the majority of the time. It helps to keep charges max for discharge all the time. Vagan Dagger: This allows us to totally ignore accuracy. It's OP and a must have for the build... get one! :) Elreon Rings: These allow us to go mana based with no draw back. The must be diamond and -8 mana cost to fit well with the build. My Shops:
Let me know what you think, or if you have questions! Feel free to msg me when I'm on- my IGN: Demopolos Last edited by demopolos#3839 on Feb 7, 2016, 12:23:40 AM Last bumped on Mar 9, 2016, 5:43:36 AM
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Well played Sir, well played ;)
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Survivability is better than CI and Hybrid version of this build?
Which Volls devo rolls are more preferable from cheap options like 25 ex max on Talisman league? |
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" :) Thanks again for your help in tuning the build. " From the cheaper voll's options, I would try to snag a lightning or fire leech, or perhaps move speed. Each of the builds have some advantages and disadvantages relative to the others (life vs hybrid vs CI). I am not a super experienced ES player, so take this with a grain of salt. From what I've seen, compared to CI/hybrid: Life based has smaller total pool of combined life/ES than hybrid an CI, but has a bit more damage mitigation. Life-based has more elemental res in general (due to saffell's and 2x purity), with 94/80/94, which is a nice luxury. It also doesn't have to worry as much about stun, and can invest less in chaos res (relative to hybrid) with the larger life pool. It enjoys a bit of eva that both of these builds don't pick up, too. One draw for me about life-based is that it has a bit more damage/flexibility relative to ES builds, as it does not need to use inc crit chance in 6L (since it wears rat's nest). It really comes down to preference, as all 3 of these options are extremely OP vs the game's content when they are well built. I really like the explosiveness and flexibility in gem options on the life build. I do think that the endgame 6k life with all of the defensive mechanics of the build is enough. Also, not having to use inc critical chance allows me to mix and match great gems for a given situation in my 2 blue flex slots: AoE, conc effect, controlled destruction, and ice nova. Last edited by demopolos#3839 on Feb 10, 2016, 12:23:24 AM
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Hi thanks for the detailed explanation for the CI VS Hybrid VS Life above, seems legit!
What i here want to ask is, for 2.2, which you think is better for COC Discharge? Elementalist or INQUISITOR? As I am going to level a new COC discharger. |
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" You're welcome man! Both of these classes seem amazing for coc discharge. That being said... I can't think of anything much more OP than "critical strikes ignore resistance" for us. Discharge is criting almost all the time with this build, and when it's not, you still get the 10% penetration. At a glance this seems better to me than 20 % penetration and a 100% "increased" spell damage buff ("more" would be really cool) that you have only 40% of the time. If this remains unchanged, templar might be the optimal class for the build after working the tree. On a side note... doesn't critical hits ignoring resistance really imba for PVP? |
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Hi Demopolos, you made another nice guide. I was having fun with your Facebreaker build but after I partied with my guildmate who's a CoC I was just blown away so I decided to try this build.
So far I've gotten most of the gears covered except Voll's Devotion. (It's really expensive in Talisman but more so in Standard.) My question is will it break the build if I don't have a Voll's Devotion? |
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" Thanks man! Yea, CoC is simply one of the most OP mechanics in the game... I really understand wanting to build it. I can't stop coming back. Voll's devotion is indeed really expensive, and with good reason. The build is playable without it (since CoC and Discharge are so inherently strong), but to be honest, you will lost a lot by leaving out this core gear piece. No voll's means (with rare in place that has some good offensive stats): -30-40% less discharge damage -NO endurance charges naturally generated (less defense) -NO perma charges to fuel immortal call (which is a huge part of physical defense) This all being said, you can still make an extremely fast and offensive build without voll's, but you will need to find some defensive workarounds, and your build won't be "optimal". |
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I'm running similar build in talisman with 0 cost cyclone but I'm surprised about your DPS and proc constancy.
I used increased crit + blade vortex on the 6L, so i should have more constant trigger and more dps since I discharge more charges (5 endu / 5 power). In your video i see often you discharge only 2-3 charges but your dps looks higher with cont. destruction and conc. effect gems. I'm running enfeeble though for survability until I reach 95. Assassin's mark is nuts for that build, I wish I can run double curse. Also i don't use maligaro and i'm still res cap in maps with ele weakness so I can run different auras. Very interesting anyway, I will have to try different setup to see what's the most optimum. |
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