[2.1.] 300% IIR 35%+ IIQ Easy Mode Ele Bow Magic Finder
After getting my butt kicked by reflect during the last season I decided to do a complete 180 and go for a magic find build. Since Tornado Shot and bows in general are so fun I decided yo try this route and I am pleased to say that it worked. I can reliably clear tier 11-12 maps in magic find gear without dying.....much anyway.
- extremely easy to use, click right mouse button and things die, you use 1 skill for bosses and normal mobs alike - cheap, I spent 3 exalts gearing my current magic finder, you can do fine without that much investment, you don't even need to spend an exalt to have something like 200% rarity and 25% quantity - 4.5k life with 50% chance to evade attacks, 40% chance to dodge and 100%+ resists, so it can take a hit - easily sustainable map pool, keep selling stuff to get alchemy shards, you'll never run out, trust me Cons - cant deal with some bosses, obviously. Because of the nature of the build Precinct and Overgrown Ruin bosses are trivial, however the Necropolis boss is next to impossible, just an example. - no chaos resistance whatsoever, but trust me most of my deaths have nothing to do with chaos damage anyway - sub 20k damage, but this is mostly due to low attack speed. I still rolled over a crematorium map with 55% increased life mobs without much of a problem. - low movement speed, which can easily be rectified with a surgeon's quicksilver flask
It is quite simple really. Critical Strike + Damage = Life > Everything else. Now a bit of an explanation. - I chose Shadow because the class has an easier time reaching the big life node circle and every big crit chance/crit damage node around. It can obviously be done as a Duelist as well but I like the starting nodes of the Shadow better. - Point blank is great against flicker strike/leap slam enemies. It also helps with the clear speed thanks to the increased damage. I will obviously drop it if I want to try higher tier maps with this character. - Arrow dancing is great against multiple projectile maps/monsters. This is pretty much the only reason I got it and it helped me a lot. Try battling the witch from the springs map and laugh in her face. - I don't need the whole life/mana leech cluster thanks to my slow attack speed + the big damage coming from the crits. - Acrobatics/Phase acrobatics is mandatory. No armor/energy shield for defense, only pure life and resistances, which makes it easier to gear up to be honest.
Yes, I know Windripper is on paper great for magic find, however the thing lacks damage. And guess what, no crit multiplier from gear, no elemental damage increase, lets just say that you wont be hitting very hard with that bow. Low damage also means not that many opportunities for shock/freeze. Finally, a bow like the one above is way cheaper than Windripper even after the unique drop change. Attack speed on it is not mandatory. Replace the armor/energy shield with evasion. Archers cant make good use of the Greed's armor because the movement penalty is crippling and the movement skill given to them happens to have a cooldown. Stack as much life and resistances as you can here. A no-brainer pretty much. Rare helm would only give about 25% more rarity which is not enough. After all some damage increase is needed. Starkonja is a cheaper alternative. No rarity on quivers, so stack as much damage as possible on yours. More life is always better but the quivers with lots of life are usually very expensive. No substitutes here. The gloves which give quantity are way too weak for this. Maybe a rare rarity gloves with attack speed and life/resistance can be potentially better, but not by much. No substitutes here as well. I am actually surprised 20% quantity is still allowed but hey, if its here take full advantage of it. Pretty obvious, right? Ultimately you'd want 2x these rings, but they can be quite expensive. 30%+ rarity and 5%+ quantity seems perfectly doable on the cheap side(1-2 exalts). Pay extra attention to the resists, you can take advantage of excess fire resistance for example thanks to your boots. When you don't have the currency to buy the Ventor's you go for this. Try getting one with life. DO NOT go for Andvarius, the resist penalty is simply not worth it. Same as the ring above. jewels are VERY important. The only 2 affixes you really need from them is projectile damage and increased maximum life. The 3rd and 4rd can be used to fill up holes, like more resists and more intelligence(blue gems need intelligence, duh). Thanks to their flexibility I was able to get the resists I needed. If you need some more damage go for attack speed with bows.
Tornado Shot + Weapon Elemental Damage + Greater Multiple Projectiles + Added Lightning Damage + Added Cold Damage/Increased Critical Damage + Item Rarity.
3 blue sockets might be too much for an evasion armor, so swap increased critical damage with added cold damage. If you have a 5 link either drop the rarity or, again, the increased critical damage. Well, why am I not using added cold damage then? Cause I am too afraid to try to make this armor have 3 green sockets, duh, it is hard. Cast When Damage Taken + Frost Wall + Chance to Flee + Blind Tornado shot is great because it can hit around the wall. The movement skill also easily bypasses the wall. Melee guys can hit you once, then cower in fear. Its even worse for the ranged peeps. Curse On Hit + Assassin's Mark + Herald Of Ice I like herald of ice better because of the nice explosions it does, helps when the mobs are bunched up(all the time) and easily spreads around. Other notable gems: Summon Ice Golem - accuracy and crit chance, duh. Blink Arrow - movement and escape. Enduring Cry/Vaal Grace - for higher tier maps. Grace - flat evasion, which doesn't depend on gear? It was made for this build! Flasks: Keep a life flask for dealing with bleeds/chaos damage. Granite flask for some physical damage reduction if you are expecting to get hit(by the boss in gorge for example). Quicksilver obviously, one is enough. Divination Distillate for even more rarity+quantity. That said, I really enjoy this build. It is unusual, doesn't have to use chaos/physical damage to stay relevant and most importantly allows me to constantly tweak the skill points on the tree, always striving to make it better. Cheers! Last edited by Johny_Snow#4778 on Feb 3, 2016, 3:39:25 PM Last bumped on Mar 29, 2016, 3:12:26 PM
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Interesting your mf build.
Looking your 5/6L show that the GGG need made a generic suport gem with elemental penetration, more weak that the especific gems, but usefull to Elementais builds based on 2 or 3 elements. Guides made by me:
Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast |
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I know what you mean. Currently elemental equilibrium and general map resistances really hamper my damage.
This is why I am planning to make a Templar archer for next season actually. I can get 40% attack damage 10% attack speed 30% crit multiplier(plus easier time doing crits against targets which are not shocked/frozen/burning) critical strikes ignore elemental resistances completely(insane when you are doing triple elemental damage by default) This is IMO much better than what the Shadow specializations have to offer. I even have a passive tree in mind right now. Last edited by Johny_Snow#4778 on Feb 5, 2016, 5:35:19 AM
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You're correct. Same Hierofant can be very good. But maybe Assassin subclass can be interesting.
Guides made by me:
Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast |
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I already have 60% crit chance without power charges, 75% with them and even more chance considering I can manually cast assassin's mark on the boss without depending on curse on hit. Considering I am going to get mostly the same nodes as a templar I don't feel like I will miss out on some important crits.
The Inquisitor path is pretty much a godsend for the triple elemental builds which have been neglected for the longest time. |
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Yes, but if possible to achieve with Shadow 90% or more of critical chance, maybe be feasible to use the unique amulet Marylene's Fallacy, currently this amulet is bad for most crit builds, a normal critical chance build normally that has between 45-55% critical chance added.
But I dont know if this until 160% critical mutiplier (and multipliers to Assassin class) is better that 0% resists (Ignore elemental resists), because that most enemies have little elemental resists. Look this: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Monster_experience Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Last edited by Carrasco_Santo#1203 on Feb 7, 2016, 10:58:31 AM
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When I look at the ascendancy classes the first question that pops up is how they'll help me fight bosses. Trash mobs are really not a problem UNLESS GGG changes them, buff them significantly. I will definitely reevaluate things if this is going to be the case but as of now map trash dies in 1-2 hits. The only reason bosses and some rare mobs take more time is because they either have elemental resistances or the map has the very popular elemental equilibrium mod.
Someone definitely needs to do the math either way. I think there was a thread on reddit which showed that the inquisitor would do more damage with a higher level gear than the assassin and this was for only 1 element build, not all 3 of them. Last edited by Johny_Snow#4778 on Feb 8, 2016, 4:02:34 AM
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What about bandits ?? :D
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life - skill point - power charge. If things get hard I can always swap the rarity gem for a power charge on crit one and with the fourth charge it becomes better than the increased critical strikes gem. Good to always be prepared.
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Hey Johny what you think about your build now with assassin + elemental focus support gem?
Guides made by me:
Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast |
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