[2.1] iao's Poison Blink/Mirror Arrow -- 3/4 Curses, 2s Full ES Recharge, 8k+ HP -- Videos
Hi, thanks for an amazing build that I would like to play CI with.
Have you had a look at the Witch Occultist sub class which helps so much with ES recharge/chaos damage + curse. I feel like it would be optimal for next league, what are your thoughts with the sub class or would you recommend a separate sub class with this build? Edit: Adding a separate link to the Occultist tree: https://i.imgur.com/WOo4rUb.jpg Edit #2: Just re read your previous messages about adding a quad curse/full ofense/full defense/CI versions, looking forward to whenever you get the time to do so. In the mean time I have made a simple tree similar to yours starting as witch with focus on ZO/CI and ES for defense and minion/curse/chaos damage as offense: http://goo.gl/Al5nQQ. Keeping in mind not having access to Blightwell but to Soulstrike only. Please let me know what are your thoughts on my tree, I'm unsure if the chaos damage nodes scale with the added chaos support gem with the minions. Last edited by suddha1#0621 on Feb 14, 2016, 6:30:30 PM
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No problem! For a time I actually wanted to play as CI but I found hybrid less gear intensive. However it is certainly doable, especially with the Ascendancy classes coming.
Some others and I theorize that the Scion Ascendancy class gives the ability to take nodes from multiple Ascendancy classes, so if that's true then Scion would likely be the best starting point, grabbing from Necromancer and Occultist nodes. However if not, Witch is easily the second best and Occultist is definitely the way to go if so. If Scion I'd use this tree, and if Witch I'd use this one. Scion's is certainly better, but it doesn't make too much of a difference. With the Witch version it's actually quite nice getting so much evasion scaling as it boosts Jade Flask by a lot. The thing about chaos nodes is they don't affect our minion' damage so they'd be wasted. Also Essence Surge is a good choice without Blightwell but you'd need to find something to give up for it. I'll probably be expanding the guide once the Scion Ascendancy class is revealed as it would mean either having to switch to Witch or not, which a lot rides on. Hopefully I can try out quad curse soon though. same name in-game
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Fantastic build, well done!
IGN: Lets_talk_to_clad
2.0 Endgame Poison Arrow Full Build Guide: view-thread/1412226 |
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Thanks, cladclad!
To update, I'm starting to solidify my build plans for Ascendancy. I'll be playing this build early on to see how it performs on a budget. The subclass of choice is clearly Occultist unless Scion is ridiculous in some way. Void Beacon (reduced enemy chaos resistance and life regeneration) and Profane Bloom (cursed enemies take 10% increased damage) are definite musts but the choice between Malediction and Wicked Ward is difficult. I guess the former early to help with gearing and I'll switch to the latter at some point to test it out. As for my current character, it died. I was in an Arsenal with GMP walking along a wall and a pack of magic Lightning Arrow skeleton archers instantly RIP'd my guardian and I from the AoE shotgun. I might have lived if I had Enfeeble + Blasphemy but there really wasn't much I can do regardless. So now I'm testing the build in Standard. I may record Atziri and some maps to show how the build is before the expansion hits. And for the guide, I'm editing in some stuff about gear and etc. Just the necessary updates. I don't wanna get in too deep as the expansion might influence it a lot. same name in-game
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Here's an Atziri run just to showcase the damage. I haven't run the map with this build much so it's kinda sloppy. But I think it's a good example of the build's potential nevertheless.
I'm not using a guardian or Wrath here, so almost all the damage is from poison. Also I'm using a Tabula Rasa for Mirror Arrow so no Unholy Might (which isn't up permanently for roomed bosses anyway). The Increased Duration lets me have an extra clone up at a time and nearly doubles poison duration for half the clones. A more Atziri-optimized version of the build would probably finish this map in half the time. same name in-game
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After considering the two trees and seeing what the Ascendant has too offer i imagine that a Deadeye/Occultist combination is the most powerful route we can take, The additional arrow helps alot and with a +1 quiver we can probably drop lmp/gmp and while the Occultist doesn't give another curse it does give the -chaos res.
What do you think Iao? |
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Mark_GGG just confirmed that Deadeye passives don't work with Blink and Mirror Arrows so our only choices are Necromancer or Occultist. They buffed Pierce support gem in Alpha, it grants more projectile damage now, so I was hoping to get rid of LMP/GMP too :(
Last edited by Semarogin#7457 on Feb 26, 2016, 4:25:45 AM
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Yeah it's somewhat disappointing they won't be affected by Deadeye passives but oh well. If it did then yeah the Scion would be the best option I imagine. But since not I agree with Semarogin-- Occultist or Necromancer.
The Pierce change is still very welcome however. Hopefully it gets to 30% so there's no damage loss when switching from Slower Projectiles. And the Poison support gem still has 100% chance to poison so we're in the clear! *sigh of relief* It's a damage loss (and hits summoners harder than anyone else) but the Ascendancy classes should still be an overall buff. It also worth mentioning that the Blink Arrow helm corrupt is 30% increased cooldown recovery speed. It kinda sucks it doesn't also apply to Mirror Arrow but it's still gonna be a 15% damage boost in a way. same name in-game
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The new cluster trap gem doesnt have less dmg modifier for everything as multiple trap have. See http://i.imgur.com/53r6HTK.png?1.
This means we can use that for mirrow/blink arrow to spawn like 4 clones at once without ANY dmg modifier. Maybe even use less duration with the new more dmg buff and like sunblast to spawn clones even before the mobs step on it? Opinions? |
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" That's insane. With that in mind I'm gonna have to think how to fit it in. The burst damage should be ridiculous. same name in-game