[2.1] Dimio's Defensive Support Low Life Chaos Build (shavs not required)
With the introduction of the blasphemy support gem and new chaos skills, i wanted to make a support build which would also be able to run content solo and not be completely reliant on party members. I also needed to make the build able to function without needing highend gear right out the gate. I have had a ton of fun optimizing this character and i will probably remake it in future leagues since it is a really fun low life support build that does not require a big upfront investment.
Required Uniques
Solaris Lorica (or shavs if available) for the "chaos damage does not bypass energy shield" mod. Any source of +1 curse. I have been running windscream since it is the cheapest solution, but something like a Eye of Chayula with +1 curse corruption is superior. Prism Guardian enables you to run 135% worth of mana reservation on life, gives your auras +2 and all the other goodies it provide.
Skill tree
Life Based
Low Life ES
Low Life lvl 100
This build started out as a life based but i changed it to low life when i realized that it would benefit me more. I recommend leveling as hybrid since pure ES can be a bit of a pain, and then convert from hybrid into pure ES low life. This build can also easily be made as a witch if that is what you want.
Kill all for x3 skill points (helping Alira on cruel for cast speed is fine)
Note again most of these are upgrades to aim for and not required gear. Gives +1 to your curses, ES, evasion and chaos res, just a value upgrade. Getting chain stunned by big hits is a possible way to die for any ES build and this is what we use to counter it. Getting this with +1 curse is second biggest upgrade (after shavs) since it allows you to drop windscream and get some boots that actually have ES and movespeed. Getting destroyed by the crematorium boss stunlocking me with a single firestorm was when i finally swapped to using this permanently. A cheap ring that gives you 20 all res and 25 chaos res with some move speed (which is nice since windsream is only 10% MS) and the funky unlucky hit thing i still don't know if actually is good (i am guessing it is good for lightning hits because of the variance). But this can easily be replaced by a better rare. It does make your hand shiny though and we gotta get those style points. Prism Guardian became one of my favourite uniques playing this build because of the sheer bullshit it allows you to pull off. This is also the only required unique that has no alternative for this build. The big money item which became MUCH more accessible with the drop change to T1 uniques. This is the biggest upgrade from the required uniques you can get for two reasons, the stats are not terrible(unlike solaris) and possibly more important you can actually get the right socket colors without investing a mirror in chromes(unlike solaris). Boots with +1 curse, not much else to say. I picked this over Doedre's Damning because that ring has literally no other relavant stats than the +1 curse (and 5% all res i guess), and 10% MS + 14 all res is not too bad.
Granite(+armor) Sapphire(freeze immune) Amethyst(bleed immune) All with increased charge recovery. With the introduction of Coruscating Elixir i immediately wanted to try it with Divination Distillate since i have been trying to find a effective way to run the Divination Flask. Combined this gives increased 16% fire resistance cap 6% cold and lightning resistance cap, 500+ ES regen and all the rarity/quantity bonuses.
Other items
Wondertrap - Low life magic find boots if you have +1 curse somewhere else or if you just want to cut something like vouln for low tier maps or dom/piety farming. Doedre's Damning - Another source of +1 curse if you don't want to use Windscream. Dream Fragments - Freeze immunity is really strong since big cold hits from bosses can put you in freeze for up to 3 seconds (have happened to me on graveyard mervail and vaal oversouls in apex) since freeze duration depends on your max health with is very low.
Current Gear
I will link these here when it stops linking to an external skill tree.. Conqueror's Efficiency Conqueror's Potency (silence immune) Energy From Within (placed next to the melding nodes on the tree, right next to pain attunement) 3 rare ES + spell damage jewels
Damage dot - Essence drain, Void manipulation, Controlled destruction, Rapid decay, Empower, Slower proj (Ordered by importance) Curses - Blasphemy, Tempchains, Enfeeble, Vouln (Vouln is you "flex" curse and can be swapped for whatever blue curse your party needs) Auras - Grace, Haste, Discipline (must be in Prism guardian) Dot amp - Wither, Spell totem, Faster casting Spread dot and movement - Contagion, Flamedash, Inc aoe, Faster casting Vaal gems and clarity - Inc duration, Vaal discipline, Vaal grace, clarity lvl 1 (this setup is the flexible part and you can change it to whatever you prefer) Chaos golem (running this in my 5l, cut it if you have a 6l) When you get Blasphemy, Wither, Contagion and Flamedash lvl 20 use the GCP recipe to get them q20 and just use them (remember to keep flamdash at lvl 1 after q20).
Playstyle and Mechanics
Your two main spells are Essence Drain and Contagion. You run up to a pack cast Contagion then Essence Drain, order sometimes matter since ED can kill some white mobs before you even get Contagion off. As of lvl 90 with a 20 Essence Drain the dot does 13575 chaos damage (not including vouln). Contagion exists only to spread Essence Drain but if the mobs clump up just a tiny bit you will lay waste to everything in sight with only two spells cast. I guess this is how the prenerf fire prolif felt, watching rooms just lay over. On blues, rares and uniques you throw down the Wither totem for the damage amp. Flame Dash for mobility and try to keep your golem up. If shit actually hits the fan you have two vaal skills to save you, Vaal Discipline and Vaal Grace which both last forever because of all the inc duration in the build. While doing this running around with the laugher of a maniac while watching the world burn around you is required. Now, how does a character with ~2k ES and no health not get instantly killed when you start mapping? Yes, that is how much ES i had after converting from life to low life when i started mapping and i can count the amount of times i went below 50% health on one hand. Dodge like evasion, mitigate like armour and hit like a strangulating truck. All done with the power of curses and auras. With grace and enfeeble the mobs have to get though 50% chance to evade and 50% chance to miss and when they finally get though they now get mitigated by enfeeble which is up to 45% less damage. And this just gets amplified by the fact that tempchains makes everything move like a snail while also contributing to keeping your and your parties debuff effects up. Discipline gives you and your allies a ton of ES and will early be the biggest contributor to your ES pool. Haste makes 10% MS boots a bit less of a pain and also allows you to not needing faster casting in your main skill which means more deeps, and let's be honest who does not like to have a haste aura around. For solo and parties with high phys/degen you run vouln but if needed you can swap into ele weakness or even assassins mark(i recommend leveling both on the side just to have them available) The best part though and the reason this is a support build is that all this does not just work on you, everyone close to you will get the full benefit of your almost immortal granting power. For a long time my friend who i am playing with was running a windripper build and he was able to go full magic find if he wanted and still do very deadly maps because all the defences he would need, i gave to him. This was also how we made the money for said windripper and my shavs, you can get some disgusting magic find builds into maps when they are near immortal. I will also note that in parties this build basically goes full support since you can't compete with the builds going full damage.
Short answer: yes. Longer answer: While doing maelstöm of chaos i came to the realization that i was not getting self cursed with the blasphemy curses and this also applies to Atziri since she is not immune, she just reflects. Now i have only done Atziri once and that was with a shavs and a lot of my end game gear. I am not the big Atziri runner so the fight was super clunky filled with positional mistakes and i died once to trio because apparently big black cloud hurts (there might have been poisen from the spinny guy below but i have no idea). Vaal oversouls: Get your dot on them and run around, do NOT get hit by the ice shards from the sky it will freeze you forever, otherwise easy fight. Trio: Titty bitch -> spinny guy -> flame wuzz Get rid of the phys spells ASAP then the spinner before he goes ape shit on you and then leave the fire dude last and crying when he realize he can't reflect the chaos dot. Atziri: Don't be bad like me and get out of aoe. Not sure how i did not die after tanking everything other than the dubble flameblast with 4.7k ES.
This kills the Aidsmancer
Now you are unfortunately not a god with this build and there are a few things that will ruin your day. Physical spells - You have no armor and phys hits can still hurt and since phys spells ignores all your evasion they will hit you every. single. time. High cold damage - Low life, just like CI, have basically no health pool which means that cold spells can potentially freeze you for a very long time (freeze duration depends on your max health). Constant degen - If you are losing health you can't restore energy shield other than with your essence drain which wont save you in the cases where there is no trash mobs to drain off. BONESPIRE TALISMAN - This shit gets it own mention because it is somehow more aids than my build. I have no idea how anyone would dare going low life or CI in HC with that shit around. Most of my deaths are to bonespire and i will probably sill die to bonespire even when everything else hits like a wet noodle at this point and i hate bonespire with a passion. Map mods: No regen - Doable but my god is it a drag. Blood magic - I guess it is doable if you only use temp, enfeeble and disc but i do not recommend it. Curse immune - Doable but very dangerous (everything seems so fast, it is kinda funny). I did not get my shavs until level 88 when i was already running maps up to tier 10 and have ended up soloing twinned jungle valley and twinned orchard with a worm possessed by a spirit all with a bit more than 3k ES. You can get away with a lot by simply being aware of what can harm you and how it harms you. If you are a PA player who wants to try a support build i think you will really enjoy this since it play quite the same. I will see if i can get some map footage up later if needed. And finally i want to say thanks to my friend Korago(Koragodk) for doing deeps for me. For questions, comments and constructive critisism write here or ask me ingame character - Aidsmancer Last edited by Dimiodd#3562 on Jan 2, 2016, 6:09:55 AM
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If you want this to be a support build i suggest replacing contagion with abyssal cry - iaoe - poison - void manipulation for party play.
The ED/contagion combo is pretty useless in partys as it takes too much time to get the chaos spread going. Usually the rest of the party has already killed the mob before the ed - contagion - "wait for one kill" mechanics starts to work. Abysaal cry on the other hand can give a substantial contribution to the party's kill/clearspeed. It works for solo play too. |
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" Swapping contagion for abyssal cry in parties is a good idea, i stopped using it when soloing since i'm killing things pretty fast and unlinked AC is not that impressive. Only issue here is i have to get some other gloves for that setup since the colors don't overlap at all (BBBB -> BGGR), but i will have to try that. This is not a pure support build though and i solo pretty often so i won't just chrome my current gloves, in parties is when i transition into just supporting. |
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Hi, one question about this build, is not a good idea to use Ghost Reaver? i believe is better leech to apply in ES
Regards, IGN: Nenufar
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