[2.2] Mine Arc Diamond Shrine (MADS) - 45k+ PER cast, Atziri Viable. LL available 72k+ cast
Mine Arc Diamond Shrine (MADS) - Assassin Shadow (formerly TACS)
My IGN: experimental_miner, Mine_Arc_Diamond_Shrine
2.1 old videos
So imagine you are a caster who can cast 3 Arcs simultaneously, maintains 6 power charges to consistently crit with 470%+ multiplier and shock and is immune to reflect. With that kind of power you can outright oneshot most packs. 45k+ damage per cast! All this is possible with mines. I present, MADS - Mine Arc Diamond Shrine (formerly TACS).
With the addition of the Minefield gem in 2.2 this build has taken on a different direction; the ability to lay 3 mines at a time makes mine laying speed less important and makes many of Saboteur's abilities obsolete. This also makes a former key component, Tremor Rod no longer mandatory. The Minefield gem also makes the levelling process so much easier, I oneshot most packs on a 3L until Act 3 merciless. It also takes care of the problem of spiky nature of lightning damage. Ironically the Assassin makes for a better Arc mine build. With 6 power charges Deadly Infusion turns your 5% base crit Arc into an 8% base. At the moment I can reach 70% crit chance, which is more than enough to guarantee a crit on full life enemies and possibility oneshot them thanks to Ambush. Power charges are generated by: -Assassin's Unstable Infusion 10% on non-crit -Blast Cascade 8% on mine detonation targeting enemies Both of these sounds low, but the Minefield support helps to quickly ramp things up. The ability to oneshot most packs makes manual detonation less of a pain and improves clear speed, I've even entertained the idea of using Detonate Mines in a Whirling Blades CoC setup, but tests have shown this doesn't quite work everytime. Spell totems are still useful on tougher monsters though. I've also put more emphasis on an evasion based build this time since I didn't really make good use of armour last time.
Stats - Level 88
With 6 power charges. 15.5k Damage looks deceptively low, but keep in mind this is per mine and you make 3 of these. They also penetrate lightning resistance. ![]() 11k Evasion, no flask ![]()
Skill Gems
4L - Arc + Remote Mines + Minefield + Lightning Penetration 5L - Trap and Mine Damage 6L - Increased Critical Damage Alpha's Howl - Wrath + Grace + (ideally, although hard to colour Blasphemy + Enfeeble) 4L - CwDT + Immortal Call + Increased Duration + Stone/Flame Golem 3L - Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Blood Magic 2L - Enduring Cry + Blood Magic 2L - Spell Totem + Detonate Mines Blood Magic is used to prevent Whirling Blades and Enduring Cry interrupting ES recharge.
Eventually you'll need an Alpha's Howl so that you can comfortably run Wrath, Grace and Blasphemy Enfeeble. In the past I've used The Restless Ward for the life regen per endurance charge and charge duration, but that was more of a luxury. Atziri's Splendour is a solid choice; it has life + res + EV/ES, any rare with those stats will also do. Note: the life gain on kill stat is useless for mine builds. Fill out your life + res + EV/ES with remaining gear. Use an AR/EV base for easy CwDT setup colouring. Look for spell damage, spell crit chance and multiplier on daggers. Same with ES shields, but with more emphasis on high ES. Ideally you want at least 1k ES total to make effective use of EB.
Passives Tree
21 points You'll want to grab Clever Constructions as quickly as you can, in the meantime use Fire Trap and a self cast skill. Blood Siphon is handy for strength to equip armour. Be sure to have Fire Nova Mine and Arc levelling as you go along. Once you've picked up Clever Constructions you'll have a much easier time with Fire Nova Mine. Fire Nova Mine + Minefield + Controlled Destruction = easy oneshootting most packs till Act 3 merciless. Use Herald of Ice and Herald of Thunder for a bit more damage. Keep Spell Totem + Detonate Mines for bosses and tougher packs. 32 points Head for Eldritch Battery and the nearby ES recharge nodes, if you want you could pick up the mine damage nodes or life nodes earlier. I would not recommend doing normal labyrinth until you finish Act 4 normal. Look into getting Jade, Stibnite and Basalt flasks. Ascend as Assassin. 48 points From there grow your tree how you want, I recommend Volatile Mines since you'll be manually detonating a lot. Grab nearby damage and life nodes, particularly Blood Drinker since you'll need to respec points around the jewel area eventually. 70 points Grab as much life as you can in preparation for cruel labyrinth, try after you've completed Act 4 cruel. It will be sketchy, but the pay off is massive; you'll be able to reach Deadly Infusion. 89 points Grab your power charges, Blast Cascade and reduced reservations, start looking into getting an Alpha's Howl. Then run Grace, Wrath and Blasphemy Enfeeble 106 points Finish off the tree by grabbing a bit more life, respec into Assasination near start and grab all the crit nodes you can.
Low Life Version
TL;DR + extra reservation, HoT + larger pool 6k+ ES vs 4k life + about 7k more damage per mine with same gear and gems, 1.6x better damage per cast vs old set up + higher non-crit damage + replace life flasks with more utility flasks - loses EB; mana sustain for long fights less convenient - no evasion - struggle to get enough strength - no panic flask to recover ES I initially dismissed the idea of going low life but it actually isn't as bad as I thought. To make the most of Pain Attunement I figured it would be better to focus more on raw damage nodes rather than crits. This saves a few points as I only needed at least 47.5% crit chance to guarantee crits against full life enemies. No longer having access to the combined life and strength nodes does make getting enough strength for high level Flame Golem and Rallying Cry a bit tricky. Mana wasn't too big of an issue for most packs, although tanky bosses does slow things down a bit and requires a mana flask for sustain. With the mana nodes I've taken and using Rallying Cry I can regen about 100 mana/sec vs my 140 cost for my mines. Levelling process is similar to the life based version, except you don't need to get the Revenge of the Haunted life/EV cluster. Wait until you finish Merciless labyrinth before you transition into LL ES. I had to replace Grace with Discipline, but I was able to squeeze in Herald of Lightning with everything else. I end up reserving most of my life and about half my mana, leaving about 400 to cast my mines with (I can place 3 sets back to back, more than enough for most packs).
Does about 7k more damge than life based with same gear and gems and the char isn't done yet ![]() Gains 2k EHP vs life based, but loses evasion ![]() Same gear and gems on life based char ![]()
Gear and Gem Setup
Passives Tree
2.1 build
My thoughts on first Atziri Run
It was a pretty bad first run on this build, recently levelled up so I yolo'd. Learnt heaps though: -I need to use flame dash, even with move speed boots I can't outrun stuff -The insane life cost for my mines almost got me killed, not sure how to fix this. I could spam less I suppose, make full use of the second detonate even though it's a bit slower -I can tank a flameblast if I'm near full health -I got enough armour and life to survive spears -Set mines, then the totems. Lucky I had Clever Constructions so the mines fare better than the totem -Won't be able to use Vaal Clarity the whole fight since it doesn't recharge in recovery phase
I've been wanting to do something hipster for a long time now and so when I saw what cha_siu_bao did with his Tremor Rod SRS build I knew speccing for mines would be wacky enough to try writing my first ever build guide on. The idea is to lay many mines as quickly as possible, which is made ridiculously fast thanks to Tremor Rod (which is currently cheap as dirt). I've been able to lay about 3-4 mine/sec, it's hard to know exactly how many without knowing the base laying speed, but it's damn fast. The Detonate Mines + Spell Totem combo then kindly blows up these mines for you so you don't have to awkwardly leave combat to. In most of the mid tier maps I did, mobs usually die to 2 or 3 mines and since they detonate twice I can begin looting before entire packs are cleared while the mines finish off survivors. This hit and run style of gameplay makes it easy to maintain power charges (more on that later), but it also means careful position is very important. You should expect to find yourself running too close to packs or not leaving enough breathing room before setting up the totem and mines. Definitely NOT a HC build! The levelling process is also a huge pain, you will be required to obtain off-class gems and need lots of sockets. I've created this build in anticipation of the upcoming Ascendancy expansion. The Shadow's Saboteur ascendancy class would be perfect for it. Also Shadows have the easiest access to all the important crit and mine nodes on the passives tree. And so I present to you the Tremor Arc Crit Saboteur build (TACS) who true to its name does indeed make lots of *tack* noises when his mines detonate.
Life based
Stats - Life based - Level 85
With 6 power charges ![]() Defences aren't that outstanding ![]()
Skill Gems
Tremor Rod 4L - Arc + Blood Magic + Trap and Mine Damage + Controlled Destruction 5L - Lightning Penetration 6L - Added Lightning or Increased Critical Damage (not sure yet), you could also use Added Chaos to bump up the lower end damage since lightning has very inconsistent damage. For what it costs Controlled Destruction is incredibly good, especially early on when we're not going straight to crit and even if we do it's only a 5% penalty to overall crit chance. You can expect 35%+ crit chance on this build. 4L Detonate Mines + Spell Totem + Increased Duration + Faster Casting (optional) This is what's going to be doing most of the killing. As such, on kill effects like from Blood Rage or charges from killing cursed enemies won't affect you. 3L Cwdt + Detonate Mines + Molten Shell Some extra defence and detonations for those "Oh shit!" moments when your totem is dead and you are swarmed with no decoys. I tend to level these so they proc when I lose about 30%-40% of my life. Everything else Wrath, Herald of Thunder, Arctic Armour, Flame Golem Extra damage and defences
Tremor Rod is mandatory, however you could also use Doedre's Tenure for a big boost to spell damage without the casting speed penalty. Fill out the rest of the slots with as much resistances, life and armour as you can find.
EB/ZO/MOM based
Going EB/ZO/MOM has the advantage of dropping Blood Magic for Increased Critical Damage as 6L to do more damage. The gear would typically have less armour compared to life based, but makes up for that by using Endurance Charges and MOM. Gameplay does become more complicated because you need to pay more attention to your ES and Enduring Cry cooldown. Gearing also becomes a bit more difficult.
Stats - EB/ZO/MOM based - Level 88
Got that 6L Tremor Rod and was able to drop Blood Magic gem ![]() Now uses 4 enduring charges and MOM for damage mitigation ![]()
Skill Gems
Tremor Rod 4L - Arc + Trap and Mine Damage + Controlled Destruction + Lightning Penetration 5L - Added Lightning 6L - Increased Critical Damage 4L Detonate Mines + Spell Totem + Increased Duration + Faster Casting (optional) 4L Enduring Cry + Increased Duration + Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call Basic setup, if you had more links you could add a curse and Molten Shell. Having Increased Duration linked to both IC and EC is handy; longer physical immunity and to squeeze a little bit extra regen. 2L Vaal Discipline (or Vaal Clarity) + Increased Duration For when you run out of ES for mines, Vaal Discipline will recharge ES and allow you to continue using MOM and lay mines, whereas Vaal Clarity doesn't but will give free mines for longer. Everything else Slot these in where you can.
Gear - EB/ZO/MOM based
Similar to life based build, equip AR/ES bases with resistances, life and ES. The Restless Ward is nice for the regen from enduring charges, not entirely necessary as Enduring Cry can take care of topping up ES. I wanted to use Doedre's Tenure here as well, but couldn't quite cap res and meet dex requirements from Arctic Armour. Once you've picked up 4-5 jewel nodes you can begin looking for viridian or cobalt jewels with increased mine laying speed. Along with a Tora crafted increased mine laying speed belt you should have enough mine laying speed to swap the Tremor Rod for dual daggers. This also has the advantage of being able to use Whirling Blades.
Stats - EB/ZO/MOM dual dagger- Level 91
Dual daggers for an easy 26k arc mines ![]()
Gear - EB/ZO/MOM with dual daggers
Pros & Cons
Pros -High Spike damage; 6 mines, EACH doing about 12k lightning damage, with a good chance to shock for extra -Cheap, the only mandatory unique is Tremor Rod -Permanent 6 power charges thanks to Blast Cascade passive -35% crit chance, 375% multiplier -Reflect and Corrupting Blood proof -Easy to cap resistances -Hilarious play style Update -With the EB/ZO/MOM setup mines can easily do 16k EACH thanks to the higher crit multiplier Cons -Mines are expensive to cast on mana, need to use a Blood Magic gem -Long encounters against some rares and bosses is taxing on life, free casts with vaal clarity can help somewhat -Levelling can get gruelling around mid cruel until you hit level 31 -Can be rippy if you're not careful -You're also screwed if your totem dies, therefore struggles against quick, ranged and AoE enemies -Gem vendors won't sell the much needed Blood Magic, Remote Mines or Increased Duration to Shadows
Passives Tree - Life based
I don't really have a polished levelling guide; they way I did it could have been a lot smoother, could be the gem choices. With the introduction of the new physical and chaos spells in the Talisman league I don't know how they compare to other ways of doing things. If you follow this guide you'll probably struggle too, use it as a loose outline of progression. 19 points Start levelling with Freeze Pulse and Fire Trap, dual wielding sceptres. See if you can roll +1 fire skill on either one. Make your way through the ele nodes and go straight for Clever Constructions. Skip the crit nodes, for now. When you hit level 12 replace your Freeze Pulse with Fire Nova Mine. Don't forget to grab Arc when you reach Cavern of Wrath. If you get a Detonate Mines gem early on, you can link it with Spell Totem, which you sadly can't get as Shadow. Grab your Herald of Thunder and Arctic Armour in Act 2, you should be ok with mana even with 50% reserved, use Herald of Ice instead of Arctic Armour if you want more dps. At level 18 grab Controlled Destruction and if you have the socket Trap and Mine Damage. You'll probably be in Act 3 normal after this tree, make sure you have Clever Constructions before fighting Piety in Crematorium or she'll wreck your mines. Grab Wrath in this act. Fire Trap and mine your enemies to death or however you like to level until 31. Once you have the Spell Totem setup and Controlled Destruction linked to Fire Nova Mine you can stop using Fire Trap. 58 points Nothing much here, though could probably be improved. Head for Templar area and grab any life along the way, you can also fill out Blood Siphon near the Shadow's starting area. Two important milestones: level 31 you can use Remote Mines and Blood Magic - swap over to Arc mines, and being using Wrath as well. You should notice a greater reach compared to Fire Nova Mine. Level 45: you can use Tremor Rod. From this point the build begins to take shape. You can go back to past difficulties for the skill point side quests and use a few respecs. 101 points You can start grabbing those crit nodes and power charges. Notable ones to get are: -Blast Cascade - Pretty much 100% uptime on power charges, thanks to Tremor Rod you'll be pumping out those mines. -Power charges near Shadow and Witch, and the spell damage per power charge node. -Doom Cast, Annihilation, Arcane Potency - spell crit and multi -Serpent Stance - extra crit and multi when wielding staff Or go below Templar start for more life and armour, then regen helps a bit when it come to Blood Magic. At one point I considered taking Shaman's Dominion for that 100% increased global critical strike after summoning a totem. Not sure if I can fit it in the build or if I would even want to do that.
Passives Tree - EB/ZO/MOM based
109 Points Similar layout to life based, except it doesn't venture to Templar life or Scion life wheel, instead it takes some ES and an extra Enduring Charge. Once you begin reserving all your mana you should grab EB, but don't rely on ES for mines until you have at least 1k, preferably 1.5k. Once you do, you can go for ZO and MOM. Dual dagger tree Around high 80s you'll probably be able to grab 5 jewel nodes to fill in with mine laying speed viridian or cobalt jewels, drop the Serpent Stance cluster. Otherwise the tree is much the same. Bandit Choices Oak, Kill all, Alira Conclusion If you don't mind dying every now and then and you want something different from the Cyclone, Reave, Tornado Shot and Bino's builds, this build might tickle your fancy. |
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Atziri video added, the build can kill her surprisingly.
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It's good to see a new miner, a few more and ggg might noticed and start working on some fresh mine mechanic.
Nice build, but are you sure about tremor rod? I mean when i watch your videos most of the time you replace the old mine with new one so there is not much of a gain from additional detonation. It might be better if you used 20q detonate mines gem (20q adds 100% cast speed, nuts). Also q detonate mines is still very cheap. Maybe 2 high crit/lightning/spell dmg daggers would be better than the staff. Another idea: what you think about EB/MOM, it could free you one gem slot. Last edited by Proximi#3724 on Jan 6, 2016, 4:40:17 PM
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" Thanks for the suggestions. It's true, I do replace a lot of my mines before they detonate a second time which is unfortunate, but I don't have a 20q Remote Mines to test out laying speed without Tremor Rod. It's also partly getting used to the play style; I often find myself spamming mines too much and overkill things. As I played I found it's best to lay 2-3 mines, put up a totem in front, then run in front of the totem to lay more mines. You can chain packs that way if your positioning and damage is good. I agree, 20q Detonate Mines would make totems even faster. It's still pretty fast without it though, probably one of the last things I'll upgrade. I wouldn't want to manually detonate either way. It'd be hard for me to replace my staff with daggers; I already use a 5L for my CwDT setup, although most of the gems are for convenience. It's also in a strength base which would be a pain to recolour for mines. I thought about going EB/MOM but I'm worried about getting enough life, armour and ES. The various pathing I tried made me feel I was stretching myself too thin. A way around BM is to have another staff without it and swap over to it when Vaal Clarity is ready, if I'm quick enough I can refill before it expires (about 16s as of now). It's also cheap (16 souls). |
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Added EB/ZO/MOM version of build to drop Blood Magic for Increased Critical Multiplier for even more damage. Still uses Tremor Rod (which I've now 6-linked).
Currently experimenting with daggers and will post more results. Finding a way to get enough lay speed without Tremor Rod will be tricky. |
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Got the dual daggers setup working, now mines do 26k. Also added an Atziri run with this build; much smoother but died a silly death. Not sure how to fix the bottleneck in clearing with totems for detonation.
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I am curious, why didn't you take the Volatile Mines cluster?
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" With the tree I had at 2.1, taking Volatile Mines would involve taking 5 extra points for an extra 58% damage (works out to be 11.6% per node) and 8% lay speed which is poor use of points. Collecting the High Explosives cluster would be a better option, but I was running out of points. Besides I wanted to focus more on crit multipliers. I'll eventually update this build for 2.2, I'm currently testing the new Minefield and I have to say that it's absolutely fantastic. |
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Updated for 2.2
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Currently running this build and i got to say its great!
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