[2.1] Apathae's Flicker Poison Blade Vortex
" the ONLY reason to get acrobatics is to get phase acrobatics. end game physical damage is not usually an issue with layers of defense and mitigation but its spell damage that kills end game characters. phase acro is POWERFUL and its currently the only reason to get acrobatics at all. either you get it, or you skip all of it IMO. |
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hey thanks for the reply will be using the 4 nodes in a few.
i was also wondering is mind of the matter worth it . i know that it says 30% damage taken from mana first. does that mean that if the damage taken is for example 700 but ur mana is 300 u loose 400 health to make up the difference or just takes from mana( if that makes sense). also would it be a problem taking mind over matter if ur mana regen is not high. im thinking of growing to like lvl 80 first then checking how mind over matter works first |
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it means upwards of 30% of the damage taken by you is drained from your mana first.
if you get hit for 1,000 damage, it will take 300 mana and 700 health. but if you only have 100 mana, it will take all 100 mana and you'll take 900 damage from your health. |
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Helloo what you think about using Doedres scorn as a unique helmet, it adds 20 inc dmg per curse on enemy ? , alsso why you use 2x blashemy ? i use 2 curses and blashemy in a signle item, Doedres scorn that is. what you think thats better to get for +1 curse, boots or ring? , do you think that 5l chest is enough for this build, last question, is bladefall tottaly essential for this build? mb we can use that 4 slot for something else more defensive, or some other dmg spell ? also is it possible to somehow make bladevortex autocast, precasting all blades is a bit tedious heh . btw im loving the build :) ,especialy the NO DIE cybils + binos ;)
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" Helloo what you think about using Doedres scorn as a unique helmet, it adds 20 inc dmg per curse on enemy ? , alsso why you use 2x blashemy ? i use 2 curses and blashemy in a signle item, Doedres scorn that is. what you think thats better to get for +1 curse, boots or ring? , do you think that 5l chest is enough for this build, last question, is bladefall tottaly essential for this build? mb we can use that 4 slot for something else more defensive, or some other dmg spell ? also is it possible to somehow make bladevortex autocast, precasting all blades is a bit tedious heh . btw im loving the build :) ,especialy the NO DIE cybils + binos ;) What you think about making this build as a scion ? Last edited by vukanskevelic#3033 on Feb 25, 2016, 5:38:42 AM
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" Regarding Doedre's Scorn. The curse level is nice, and the damage per curse is also nice. The main problem is that it has no resistances or life on it. The more of that you can get anywhere the better. The build does so much damage as it is that the damage per curse is a bit of a wash in the grand scheme of things. Regarding two blasphemy setups at least on my own character, that's just kinda how the sockets panned out. You have to also worry that if you link enhance to both curses it will increase both of their reservation multipliers, so depending on your mana management, reserving that much might be a problem depending on your gear. There's nothing wrong with combining them to save sockets; YMMV. Doedre's damning or windscream will work or like i said in the guide, a corrupted amulet with +1 curse can work as well. Whatever works out for you as long as your basic defensive bases are covered. 5-link is good enough, a 6 link is overkill. Regarding bladefall that's up to you, it's nice to have for the occasional enemy that you just dont want to get anywhere near like the boss in the library that spawns all the tornadoes; or the fire guy in the atziri trio fight. Regarding an autocast; this is a self cast blade vortex build; the best way to alleviate the play style is to get more cast speed or more duration. Cast on crit builds are different entirely and the spells are inherently weaker than a self casted spell aided by several support gems. --- You could start this build as scion but your leveling is going to be much slower initially as shadow gets a lot of the physical damage nodes early on; you may also be sorely lacking in dexterity required for your spells for quite awhile. With the upcoming Ascendency patch; I feel like Shadow start is still ideal as some of the nodes for Trickster would supplement the build immensely; Assassin would be another strong candidate. Last edited by Apathae#5064 on Feb 26, 2016, 5:04:18 PM
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RIP I think |
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" I don't know about that, it hits less often, but harder. OP: Let us know how this change plays out for you. |
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I wish that is the only change in the patch. Poison was nerfed from 100% damage to 38%.
I was considering this build as my new one in the upcomming league, but now I don't even know does it work anymore. Last edited by darketka1990#6317 on Mar 4, 2016, 2:52:34 AM
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Well, I am going to try running this build again this league even with the Poison nerf, because honestly I think it won't make a huge difference anyway.
Either way, here are the trees simply updated for Ascendancy (no path changes). 30 Points 50 Points 70 Points - Main path. You need a +Curse item such as Doedre's Damning for this tree. 70 Points - Alternate path (not recommended). You take +Curse on the tree, however his later trees do not follow this so I would suggest either getting Doedre's Damning and using the above tree or just single cursing until you can. This will save some massive respeccing later. 90 Points 110 Points 120 Points - Offense Spec 120 Points - Life Spec Since I will be playing on softcore I will use his Offensive Spec. The part I am unsure of is Ascendancy classes. We could go Trickster or Assassin but I am a little stuck on which to go for. If we go Assassin we could path to Assassinate then Toxic Delivery (or Unstable Infusion for quicker Power Charge generation). I don't think Blade Vortex can proc Noxious Strike as it is not an attack. If we went Trickster we could probably play a touch more defensively and there are some cast speed bonuses in there. Probably take Shade Form and Patient Reaper or Swift Killer? I think I will roll Assassin, but hard to say. Any input? |
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