Spectral Throw Returns ELE BUZZSAW 50k+ DPS Ele Atziri Capable/High End Mapping 2.1[STREAM Offline]

ILuvCookie wrote:
Hi, Trying out this build right now, and i was wondering on how you would start the skill tree. Early when i first make a character for this build, spamming Spectral is just too much mana, would i rush points for the mana leech or what? Is it also possible if you could make a level by level(like by lv32 or something like that)

I suggest using 1 or 2 elreon rings for leveling. thats what im doing right now and have absolutly no problems

This! Should of included this in my original levling post and completely forget. Using elreon jewelery while lvling is really really op and good! Also a night's hold to socket your st in for a few lvls makes the dmg pretty ridiculous until you can get some good support gems! Hope that helps!
马丁加布里埃尔 wrote:
DPS on a 6L?

Put on a tabula for fun as I dont have a 6L belly yet and Its about 60k reliable gmp st

thats with max frenzy blood rage and max power which you can easily keep up forever in Maps!

Also updated and changed a few things on guide.

As opposed to enduring cry immortal call I added frenzy with pcoc to keep charges up against bosses it helps a lot!

Also added gorge run video!

Thanks for all the posts and support!
Last edited by ExilezQ#5038 on Dec 26, 2015, 8:24:24 PM
I'm using 1 elreon, while also rushing the mana leech nodes and while I still have to use a mana flask every now and then (especially against bosses) it's fine. I think that if I were to get another and better elreon ring, mana issues would stop completely.

I was also thinking of getting a mana regen jewel or something, the jewel node that's right next to the start of the scion tree I'm not gonna use for a while since the statics go elsewhere. I'm not sure if it would really help all that much though so meh, I think I'll keep going like this.

Anyway, I'm loving this build. I started playing around a month ago and just started with this build and I'm enjoying how fast I kill stuff, how easy leveling is (without the use of totems :D), the fact that I don't have to respec later on. Props to you, your guide is simple and easy to understand while complete to understand what the build does.
danomaly wrote:
I'm using 1 elreon, while also rushing the mana leech nodes and while I still have to use a mana flask every now and then (especially against bosses) it's fine. I think that if I were to get another and better elreon ring, mana issues would stop completely.

I was also thinking of getting a mana regen jewel or something, the jewel node that's right next to the start of the scion tree I'm not gonna use for a while since the statics go elsewhere. I'm not sure if it would really help all that much though so meh, I think I'll keep going like this.

Anyway, I'm loving this build. I started playing around a month ago and just started with this build and I'm enjoying how fast I kill stuff, how easy leveling is (without the use of totems :D), the fact that I don't have to respec later on. Props to you, your guide is simple and easy to understand while complete to understand what the build does.

Thanks for the kind words! and yes 2 -7/8 elreon rings help wonder with leveling! Good luck!
Last edited by ILuvCookie#5947 on Jan 3, 2016, 10:33:18 AM
I would like to have an Information how to skill the passiv tree properly.
Lvl 31- Tree
Lvl 51- Tree
Lvl 71- Tree
Would help everyone I believe.
Anyway. Good Guide so far I will definitly try out spectral throw again :)

PS: English is not my main language, so as long you understand what I mean, deal with it :D
Is the nodes that important? I'm currently running the build and i check the market for Static Electricity and it goes for 5c(a lot for a starter) and Intuitive leap is like 1EX or 38c. Should i avoid the jewel slots in the skill tree for now? And if so, where would i focus on getting then? Crit nodes, duelist area or shadow? The idea from CidNinja with the lvl by level trees would be very helpful, along with if you can't afford the jewels.
AccelCrown wrote:
Is the nodes that important? I'm currently running the build and i check the market for Static Electricity and it goes for 5c(a lot for a starter) and Intuitive leap is like 1EX or 38c. Should i avoid the jewel slots in the skill tree for now? And if so, where would i focus on getting then? Crit nodes, duelist area or shadow? The idea from CidNinja with the lvl by level trees would be very helpful, along with if you can't afford the jewels.

The Static Electricity gems are pretty essential. It's a lot of free dmg. However, intuitive leap could be avoided you just lose out on a power charge. skip the jewel slot all together and just go for the frenzy charge!

And I will update the passive tree information after the holidays little busy with family and stuff atm and trying to keep up here!

Happy Holiday everyone!
The Static Electricity jewels are not that necessary while leveling. I had just enough chaos to buy both when I started this but I decided to just buy one at first and leave the other for later so I could afford the recommended leveling sword Fidelitas' Spike and in case I needed some survivability from gear.

I did need an upgrade for the sword at around level 50 and again at 68 but it was easy to level up with just 1 static electricity and Fidelitas' Spike/high-ish edps sword so I don't think it'd be bad at all to skip them completely until you get more currency.

Regarding the tree, here's what I did:
10 points
20 points
30 points

I wanted survivability first so I rushed acrobatics and some resistances, life nodes. Then I started going to the bottom of the map because I did have 1 static electricity but you can just skip them for a while and still get the life/mana leech nodes.

40 points
50 points
60 points

After getting the mana/life leech nodes I went for some life regen, herbalism, and finally some damage nodes.

70 points
80 points
91 points points

More damage and crit nodes and some life regen. I left Vaal Pact and the jewel nodes out until the level the 70 tree but you you can get them at any point when you feel it's necessary/when you get some jewels.

I think that what helped the most was having a nice sword and some survivability from the start. I didn't die much except a couple bosses (a better pc/player could go deathless for who knows how long) and everything just melted. If at any point you feel things are not dying fast, just upgrade the weapon.
Hello nice Build , why no Lightning Pen? Is added lightning really better ?

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