[2.1] Poison Bladefall + double/triple Curse (Trap and selfcast version)
Aztrizi with Traps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G_vXVKZsy4&feature=youtu.be Abyss Map https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7mbeCNviOQ Level 1 Bladefall Strand Clear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtPntw69oq4 Minus Max, Phys resistance Nekropolis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRS0uRPbxko Enffeble, Physycal Resistance Canyon vs. lvl 1 Bladefall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj1nNGT1qYs
Around lvl 90, might need some Stat Points, doesnt need to be EB
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYAsNii2cgU9W9qjBa_JpVh4lVLdf2Eb9RCtUjrYxEvKwpd8jY9napsjGKstMXC7AW1BnBOn3p_DkgRlgcelS7w1UlRj_pcQIfLp5t1ns8VVL0V7ZaL1bl_xqKjwfOVIC0fTLOCHtsLl5VSUz1fl_RtGQj0wFRqQwQHg9tVxjpYrJj315uhGGp4L3zlWAePRqcI6-4c3LiTKPqCxx2-M4cD7vnoQYe3Pv4K2L01kv6PTeOmVzrh8kUy0UVHmuBFnVNSwGYEs6IA8B88Be987BhObaXEnDKPGrzq Trap version https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYAA-4EBwSzBbUGcAceDR8OSBEvEZYWvxhqHNwdviaVKPorCi0fMtEzhzWSNj06WDrhPAU8KD1fQYdFR0WdSVFMs03jTp9SU1NSVcZYB13yYeJirGSqaPJqNmqMbIxtOnBRcLt1_XZveC96f3sNfOV-sH_Ggh6Cx4PbhG-PGo9Gj_qVIJUul5Wa4JuGm6Gcvp2qogCio6LZplenCKyYsNi0xbVItz63dbiTwGbB88LsyBTUQthU2L3bC9vn6KTrY-vu7BjuFe988B_w1fJF9W_31_no_gr-j05tpcScMlxAVL0V7ZaL1bk= you can take less damage notes and get more life, should work fine Leveling: Grap Poison Damage nodes, Witch Aoe, double Curse then Templer Aoe. After that you can either cou for the scion life wheel or the Phys/chaos damage nodes. Bandidts: Life, skill point (or phys damage), Skill point (or frenzy charge, maybe even endurence charge on hc)
The curses are good for most situation but curse immun maps or Monsters or ranged mobs, not effected by your blashphemy, can easily kill you. One option could be to just run double curses and go hybrid for a large hp pool.
Bladefall can be supported by 4 Multipliers (i.e. Spell echo, Concencentrated Effect, Controlled Destruction and Void Manipultion) + Poison.
Concentraded Effect scales both the initial hit and the Poison Dot so we get a 1.6*1.6=2.56 multiplier, with Ming's heart Unique, or other chaos sources, Void Manipultaion does the same. The resulting damage allows to run Blasphemy Temporal Chains + Enfeebel ( with 50% curse effectiveness) and in some cases Arctic Armour for defences and still clear very fast. Wither Totems can be used to buff the damage up to 2.4 times and slow the enemies. Vall Ligtning trap could be used to multiplie the damage another 2.25 (1.5*1.5) times EB + Vaal Clarity is used for casting, mana based is also possible. Tripple Blasphemy Cursing is possible but needs 6+ reduced reservation and is also very powerfull because Vulnerability increases the initial hit damage and also scales the damage over time (=double dipping)
Poison damage: increased by around 400% (poison on tree and from gem + chaos damage) and Multiplied by Concentrated Effect (1.6) and Void manipulation (1.4) Results in about 1.12 times Hit damage per second, with Vulnerabiliy and Wither stacks up to 4 times
Poison Duration:(2sec + 50% from Tress)*40-60% from Temp Chains= ~5seconds Resulting in 5.6 to 20 times the Initial hit in Poison Damage (Vall Lighning trap = 30 times) My Bladefall (selfcast) does around 25k dps ( withdouble Mings Heart and a 6link) result in around 125-250k Poison Damage. Just some rough calcultions not taking the added phys damge taken effect of vulnerability, vaal lightning trap or chaos res into account
Running Temp Chains + Enfeebel with 40-50% curse Effectiveness trivializes most of the Game, except for Curse Immun Monsters (with is why i wouldnt recommend this for HC) and some Map bosses in T12+ Maps (Village Ruin Map...). Artic Armour can also be run if EB is taken.
Selfcast is better in 95% of cases just because of the trap cooldown slowing you down, but if you want to run ridiculous map's and kill the bosses or want to farm aztrizi, traps could be right for you
Non are necessaray but:
Conqueror's Efficiency jewell (or a Alphas Howl) is necessary to run 3 Curses is good for damage is awesome because of the Prolif and Life Regen which gets up to 8000 (or 20k with traps) life per second ! is also quie nice for damage and leech
My gear:
Running a Doedre's Dreaming or the curse boots for Tripple Cursing might be better (Vulnerability is more damage then a mings heart, but curse immun enemies would be even worse)
mostly the same, dont need castspeed tho
BF + Spell Echo + Conc Effect + Poison + Controlled Destruction + Void Manipulation or Faster Casing
Trap Version: BF + Trap + Poison + Multi Trap + Conc Effect + Trap Damage or Rarity for low level maps Other usefull skills: Whriling blades + Blood magic + Fortify + Faster Attacks Wither + Totem + Faster Casting (very important for running curse immun maps(=slow)) Vall Clarity + Inc Duration + Faster Casting Cast when damage taken + Artic Breath + GMP Blasphemy + Temp Chains + Enfeeble (+ Vulnerability)
This build can run (almost) every Map mod with this build (exept maybe curse immun + extra damage modifiers/vulnerability) and can clear a T6+ with a lvl 1 Bladefall. Starting Gear is cheap because the Damage scales so well.
Phys reflect is the biggest Problem and can easily oneshot you in a reflec map, but those Maps can be cleared either with traps, having a chaos flameblast with consuming dark in a tabula or lvl 1 Bladefall + added chaos and wither totems. Also did all the boss kill challenges myself with this build(double boss colosseum, avatar of thunder etc.). Updates: Went for doedres dreaming (+1 curse) + 1 Mings heart to triple curse = more damage but no more arctic armour and less damage against curse immun maps/rares Went for a trap version to better do bosses, because it grants more mobility and possibly more single target damage, especially when using wither and vall lightning trap synergies but clears considerably slower (because of trap cooldown, another trapped skill could maybe solve this problem) (skilltree linked below), dont know if my version is the best trapper (might want to look at https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1511356).Traps definately seem to need Bino's for clearspeed. Went back to selfcasting, but now with faster casting to clear maps faster and grind some challenges more effectiv. Updated the post. Last edited by Wutlatte#1767 on Jan 7, 2016, 7:11:09 PM
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Has the bug fix for poison affect this build at all? It doesn't appear to use the mechanic that was affect but I was curious as I was planning to run this build soon.
Thanks |
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Looks good but is that your life after running two Mings hearts?
Git R Dun!
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Any good leveling uniques you would recommend?
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What did you go with bandits? Oak/kill/kill?
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" No changes noticeable, still as strong as before. " yes but + 1 frenzy charge could be good too if you manage to generate them, because frenzy charge damage also double dips. " Lifesprig, Reverberation rod, Tabula Rasa could be usefull. " Yes, my life is 4.5k (at lvl 91)but the damage is more then enough without the mings heart. Last edited by Wutlatte#1767 on Dec 25, 2015, 9:06:43 AM
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Yeah, I was thinking about using Blood Dance to generate frenzy charges. Looks like a fun and effective build :)
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Do you not feel that Oak's 16% phys damage in Cruel is worth it over the skill point?
Kiwi Name = Sir Remington Kiwi; Duke of that tree over there.
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" If you want to go all out damage sure, but i prefer 4-5% life nodes (because of Mings' Heart) to be able to do more difficult maps. At lvl 93+ it could be better because then there arent any more live notes which you can resonably get, on the other hand notes like ''Entropy'', ''Curroption'' , ''Growth and Decay'' ( or +1 fenzy charges) would give equal or more damage per point while allowing you to be more flexible. " Could be hard (over)capping your resistances, but with running just one mings heart it should be doable while doing about the same or more damage, more life and more regen. |
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Looks like an interesting build. I think I might want to try it...a question though. What do you think would be an ideal leveling skill until Bladefall? |
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