[2.1.0] - Chaos Bladefall Crit Build
Hello fellow exiles,
Sorry for not having a really fancy name for my build like some other post but, I not very good at making up stuff like that. This is my take on the bladefall self cast build, using chaos as a main damage medium. Due to the buffs and addition of the really sweet chaos nodes across the tree I decided to go back to a chaos build idea for caster (some of you may remember the dual apep's rage FP build that was popular in 1.3 patch). There are many chaos builds out there, but mostly using different set of skills to this one. As you may guess it by now the build requires 2 items which are Apep's rage wands:
these are only mandatory items u need. I bought mine 1 week into the league for 15c (one cost me 6 and other one 9 chaos). Most likely you can get them much cheaper by now. Build is based on scaling chaos damage using a lvl 1 bladefall spell. Why bladefall, some of you may ask? well, its an awesome skills. It has great AOE on it's own which saves us a support gem slot, it allow us to cast it around the corner and most importantly the skill looks awesome (imo) The Build:
I recommend starting as a shadow, but this can also be done from Scion or even Witch. I just like shadow a lot.
I thought long and hard as to how I will develop this char, and even though I like to make my chars really nimble with acro and ton of evasion I realize that this will not be possible here. Why? cause this build is all about the damage and staying away from mobs most of the time. I still may consider taking Acro as the very last stretch on the char, will see. My current tree: current tree My planned tree: final tree Skills:
The whole build revolves around scaling damage though chaos using lvl 1 skills. Skills set up (in order of importance): Main skill: bladefall - conc effect - spell echo - added chaos damage - void manipulation - ??(don't have a 6L so hard for me to test any gems that would benefit the most) Single target (aka leftovers remover): Flame surge (can be something else) - spell echo - added chaos damage - void manipulation Utilities: Lightning warp - faster casting - reduce duration Blasphemy - increase area of effect - assassins mark Summon Ice Golem + gems of your choice (I will use fortify and minion life or minion res or both, just to beef up my golem so it last longer) CWDT - immortal call - increase duration - phase run (this is a really nice defensive set up that will let you get out of these pesky situations) Leveling:
This will be done in skills points, as many people like to skip the side quest to get through the game as quickly as they can:
1-20 points: 20 points 21-40 points: 40 points 41-60 points: 60 points 61-80 points: 80 points 81+ points: Get the remaining chaos damage nodes (u may want to grab them earlier actually). Then get to the templar are to get the second AOE cluster and spell dmg as well as life/mana regen nodes on the way. Also u may supplement some life nodes (like i did), if u dont mind getting 1 shoted and get the crit nodes (I would) and do almost all traveling points as soon as u can, so later on u only concentrate on filling all the good nodes. BANDITS: OAK, KILL ALL, POWER CHARGE For leveling use bladefall as well, just level it as normal until you can make the switch to chaos version. I had no problem with progressing though the game using this skill. Gear:
My Gear atm:
Ideal Gear: Carcass jack for chest Maligaro's gloves or facebreakers (60% crit multi is a LOT) Tri res, life, movement speed boots rats nets helm or good tri res, life rare helm Diamond rings - with life, res and mana regen (as this will be a problem) Deadhand Talisman - with crit chance and multi, life and res ( that would be ideal rolls) I still may make some changes to this build, gear and other selections as I progress though. Currently I do close to 24k damage buffed and melt though the everything I found. My single target does close to 20k and its enough to kill the stranglers. I got 2.5k hp and really crappy defense (oh well :D), but as long as you don't plan to facetank you should be fine with this. Im always open to suggestions and tips about the build. I hope you will enojoy it as much as I do. Good Luck YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions Lab still sucks balls. I miss Zana already. Last edited by Miazga#7204 on Jan 13, 2016, 1:22:05 PM
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reserved - just in case
YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions
Lab still sucks balls. I miss Zana already. |
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Poison gem would be nice
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Revised tree posted with leveling guide
With regards to the poison gem: I do not find it as useful as void manipulation, as this is not a DoT build of anykind and the whole idea is to scale flat chaos dmg with multipliers YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions
Lab still sucks balls. I miss Zana already. |
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so your pathing on tree is just bad, you can save alot of points if yuo look closer you just taking to mutch points to get from area to area you shoold look and youi will see. and there is no life i thing scion life wheel would be good choice to go to since you not that far away
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Last edited by Klapidu#5684 on Jan 6, 2016, 9:39:19 AM
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Thanks all,
there are some obvious mistakes i took in my pathing that now i see. I've now corrected my tree a bit, still keeping the core idea about it. Life is still an issue, but then again u should not get close enough to get hit anyway. I updated the main page YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions Lab still sucks balls. I miss Zana already. Last edited by Miazga#7204 on Jan 13, 2016, 1:22:48 PM
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I'm still lvl 53 and on hardcore.
I made several modifications on your skill tree look at it and tell me what you think about it. I still didn't get damage nodes, i plan to do it after i get 6 more lvls since i still lack of int for wand. Btw what should i use if i only use one wand? https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYABAcHHg5ID6sRlha_JIsmlSoLKk0tHzWSNj06WDrhPydJUUrITLNRTFVLVcZd8l-wYeJirGSdaoxsjG1sbqpvnnBSfVt_xoMJg9uJ04w2j_qVIJUum7WdqqKjotmmV6xHrJiw2LVItfLB88M6yBTKSti96_Xw1fId8kX1b_4K_o8= just died.....will remake Last edited by pharismo#3678 on Jan 23, 2016, 6:26:05 PM
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" Hey, Sorry to hear u died :/ Thanks for the interest. To be perfectly honest, the build as I presented it, its not suited for HC, but I see u gone for the life circle next to scion, that's a must. I would not make the switch till you get all the chaos nodes as, the core of the mechanics in this build is to scale the flat chaos damage though the tree multipliers. I guess you could play a semi chaos build, using only one apap's wand and have a fast (u don't want to loose cast speed) rare wand with a lot of spell dmg, and deal both chaos and physical damage. Downfall is that you are no longer immune to physical reflect. If this is something u had in mind, I would suggest using a leveled bladefall, as you will need to get the damage u loose from not having a second apep's wand. Feel free to msg me if u would have any questions, cause I;m recently quite busy IRL so I may miss a post. YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions
Lab still sucks balls. I miss Zana already. |
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Do you recommend using 1 or 2 http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ming%27s_Heart ? for extra damage?
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