[2.1.0 Talisman] Barrage Volley fire COC Bladefall SC/HC
What is your opinion on ascendancy class choices?
With Scion - Ascendant: We can get 1,5% lifeleech from berserker with 10% more dmg. That alone may free Lifeleech gem slot. Deadeye adds +1 projectile, nice projectile speed (benefits EK) and 50% pierce. I'm worried here.. when you pierce you can't chain and without chaining barrage+CoC feels.. bad. Assasin with 1% base crit.. that seems weak for wands with 10% crit. Its only about 10% increase in base crit, but can be usefull for crit caping. On the other hand, for 5% base Bladefall it is about 20% increase. Other options for scion? From other classes: Assasins Deadly infusion with 6 power charges Ricochet from Deadeye can possibly replace chain gem. Then again, what to do with two remaining points - pierce goes against chain. Also, there are rumors about nerfing CoC gem and Bladefall itself is certainly getting nerf. Any theorycrafting ideas to rebuild into ele dmg spell coc if physical spells get nerfed too much? |
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" Hey,first i didnt have to time to paly around this yes but i will share my thoughts on this. Scion,s life leech seems okish it may free a gem solt but u loose 0,5%leech but main reason not going scion is that u can archive much more benefits with other classes. Deadeye: i pretty much agree with u here not much to say more. Assasin: would be my way to go. The hughe amount of extra crit frees up much skillpoints u can invest in other things like live atatckspeed,damage etc also u are not that much gear dependent to cap crit chance (diamond rings for example) Maybe the 10%chance to gain a power charge will be enough to sustain powercharges (15%chance to not crit on barrage and much more on bladefall added with the hughe amounts of hits u do) this definnetly needs some testing for sure but if its enough it would allow you not to use poc gem or volls protector which would be hughe. Also incresed crit chanc eon bladefall. Coc gem got untouched in acendancy, bladefalls damage got reduced but just cause of the fact bladefall was bugged so that it made less damage then it was intended. Now that this got fixed bladefall got adjusted which results in bladefall being as good as it was before. |
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