[2.2] Sando's Crit Trapper (HC viable, 95%Crit, Assassin, Fire/Ice/Bear trap, Atziri)
my question on this build surrounds your auras/curses etc. I see arctic armour (awesome) and blasphemy eleweakness (also awesome) but because your 5l is also fire trap, why not also blasphemy flammability for that added dmg to fire trap? Debating running this build with possibily doedres + heretics veil, just for some added kek.
I really like that you make very good use of the divinarius, esp late game, I also like that your build has a lot of potential in uniques, etc. However, since I haven't played it just yet, I was wondering how much your build can afford to budget in those areas, since there are a lot of uniques that also add a lot to trap gameplay, and or additional curses. Over-all, It does look very reasonably solid, I wish I would have picked this over a melee season! But --- C'est la vie. I really like the idea of assassin, i suppose my only other consideration here in your counsel lies with trickster, only because a lot of people on /ladder have made it quite far with that route. I was wondering if your build would show any noticeable perks with that ascendancy as well. Perhaps even something a bit more obvious to you then it would be to me, as I have never played a trapper! Anyway, Thanks for the link to your build, I really enjoyed your uber vids, and your regular map clearing videos. I really do appreciate the eye opener on how a character can play if they give up the "sword/board" routine. |
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" I am using elemental weakness since I am using Elemental Equilibrium. Elemental weakness also goes well with Ice Trap since it has a decent amount of damage as well. Flammability only works well with fire trap, but you can use them if you prefer them. For unique setting, divinarius and carcass jack are a bit expensive but they fits well with this build, so I wouldn't suggest replacing them. Simply, Assassin - using crit for massive damage, Sabotuer - Focused on trap build, Trickster - Focused on ES. Since my build is a trap build, I should be fine with sabotuer as well but in this case, my skill tree changes. Also since my build concept is about crits, I went Assassin. * IGN :: Sando
* Stream :: twitch.tv/pfmesando * Sando's Dual Strike Scion Guide :: view-thread/982505 * Sando's Necro Explosive Arrow Shadow Guide :: view-thread/1095772 * Korean Community :: eyeofleopard.com |
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added HC skill tree, item & gem setting
* IGN :: Sando
* Stream :: twitch.tv/pfmesando * Sando's Dual Strike Scion Guide :: view-thread/982505 * Sando's Necro Explosive Arrow Shadow Guide :: view-thread/1095772 * Korean Community :: eyeofleopard.com |
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I'm currently using this build and it's really fun. I'm level 74 and I was wondering for the final skill tree if you went for the jewel passives first or you finished off everything else then got the jewel passives. Not sure which would be better.
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" As you can see from my jewels, they have life with trap damage or ES. So grab them depends on your situation * IGN :: Sando
* Stream :: twitch.tv/pfmesando * Sando's Dual Strike Scion Guide :: view-thread/982505 * Sando's Necro Explosive Arrow Shadow Guide :: view-thread/1095772 * Korean Community :: eyeofleopard.com |
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I strongly disagree that Assassin > Saboteur in crit trapper build. Just because Assassin can crit cap doesn't mean it's better. With the newly buffed Increase Crit gem, it is SO easy to reach a decent crit chance with Saboteur and you simply can not ignore the sheer OPness of Chain Reaction. It guarantees that at least 4 traps hit at once (effectively 300% MORE damage vs trash) to a maximum of 11 traps hit at once (1000% MORE damage vs bosses). Even combined, all the points from Assassin tree can not compete with that. Sometimes, the mechanics are more effective than the sheet numbers. You can try Hair Trigger, or using less trap time items for the similar big explosion effect, but Saboteur still provides way better burst and/or reliability. |
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how do you generate powercharges i dont get it
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The unique shield he's using gives you power charges when you throw traps
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Hi there,
wanna try this build in the next league, so i went standard and specced one of my 90 shadows. how much crit chance do u have without the power charges. i have 22.5% on ice trap (additional 5x2.5=12.5% with charges). so im FAR away from yours 51% o_O. simply: HOW? Edit: okay, it seems the calculation changed untill i last checked the mechanics. was pretty sure, that the power charge 50% crit is calculated by the base crit of the gem (so 5% in this case and 2.5% per charge). but onvious its higher per charge. dont know why :D edit2: found it: its the "+0.5% Base Critical Strike Chance per Power Charge" of the assassins class. so the base crit isnt 5%, but 8% with 5 charges. Last edited by Hyron#2986 on May 23, 2016, 1:57:30 PM
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hui these are looking awesome for trappers:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oF4CHnwmx_U&feature=youtu.be what you guys think about this build: i removed 130% trap dmg nodes (and cooldown recovery speed, 10% penetration, cannot be damaged for 5sec etc) and got 4 more jewel nodes for a total of 9. if we calc approc 25% trap dmg per jewel (a mix of cold dmg, trap dmg, aoe dmg etc) we have 125% dmg through jewels. that means we will drop 255% of dmg and gain 9x grand spectrum elemental dmg = 486% which then results in an inctrease of 231% ele dmg. on top of that we will gain 40% mana reg, 1% life reg, 5% movement speed, 24% max mana, 12% spell dmg and 8% ele dmg through the way to the jewel nodes. disadvantage of this is that bear trap does not profit of the ele dmg. what u think about this? Last edited by Hyron#2986 on May 30, 2016, 10:57:54 AM
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