Valentine's Heart and other limited-time microtransactions

I feel like a dick not having paid you GGG yet for this great game. Although I am paying like 30dollars this week :) and will probably continue to do so every other month
Great to hear its going well, Chris! I've bought a few pets and most weapon effects (twice, DW!) already. But then again, I have loads of GGGold from my Diamond pack, so... You'll need to entertain me with more microtransactions, yes? ;)
Playing a dual-wielding swordsman of some kind.
In game name is Kaosu and/or ChaosBlade.
Can't wait for more :D
For Easter How about ur chest armor looks like Rabbit Fur O_O :)

Why not a severed pair of bunny ears on top of your helmet?
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Hey Chris,

I do hope that limited items never are super expensive.
I think a lot of people would feel bad if they miss out on a special item just because they couldn't affort it (in time).

I'm down to 55 points and will buy 500 more on my birthday in march. imagine in those 2 weeks you would make a special item that costs 200 and I couldn't buy it because I can only get more GGGold a week later... that would be too bad.

So my plea would be, if special shorttime items are in the shop don't make them more than 10$ if possible so more people will buy them. You know if something is rare people will buy it, even if they don't really "need" it and if it is cheap more people will do it.

Just my thoughts on microtransactions.
I'd be awesome if you made sure not to forget to include every fight style in time-limited transaction :S Bow user here and I was really sad to find out that there was nothing for us in Saint-Valentin. Or will there be other holiday where there will be Micro-transaction for Bow user only? :3
If you do release the heart again next year it would be nice if it was slightly different to keep each year's heart exclusive.
time for new microtransactions, yeah! (hopefully soon)
Keep up the good work GGG. WTB more spell/attack effects :)

I'm planning on spending what I would spend on a MMORPG monthly sub, 15/month. I've already spent 20 since the game launched, it hasn't been a month yet. Couple weeks from now I'll probably dish out another $20 and get more stash space first until you add some effects that I want/use.

I got to say, you did a VERY SMART THING by allowing people to have up to 24 characters for free. Most companies would limit this to probably 6 for a game like this, and no more than 10 free slots and force you to buy more char slots. However in your case, the more characters the people have the more storage space they'll need, and they will end up spending more money on the storage space than they would on the character slots.

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