2.1 Bino Wild Strike Poison build --> 75K DPS - 2 vids - ATZIRI down
Hi guys,
# first of all sorry for my bad english. I'll do my best :) I play POE since open beta (with some breaks) now and think i have some experiance in creating my own builds arround special skills and items. This build focus arround bino and the regen it has with poisoning enemies. I first decided to take doublestrike as main skill with the Bino Kitchen Knife together with meleesplash and the Poison Support Gem. I did some tests and it worked well, but i tested some different settings also and finally i switched to Wild Strike! Wild Strikes damage has been increased in 2.1 by a flat 10% at all levels and it now grants two additional projectiles at all levels. The radius of the Wild Strike explosion has been increased by 9% (from 22 to 24). So i can drop Melee Splash for added Fire Damage! The AOE of Wild Strike is very good. Also decided to drop the Poison Support gem,cause with the 2 notes in the Tree: Adder's Touch + Chance to Poison i have like 35 % chance to poison on hit (with my 90 % Chritchance). I tested and its enough to throughout poison all the mobs and have a stable regen with bino's. So i switched poison for faster attacks. With this new setup i have 64 K screen DPS with Wild Strike buffed and with 5 power charges up. With atziriflask i have 75k DPS. Without chqarges its still 51k DPS. I have 2 vids uploaded showing the build in action. Here is my gear. As you see its focused on evasion and its almost selffound except the 6L Daresso's Defiance (15 EX) and the Saphire Ring, which i bought for 1EX+200Chance. You dont have to use this armor but i think it fits this build nice. My Tree: Defence wise i focus on evasion and dodge as well as some block. Bino's regen is very strong also. Normaly i have between 600 and over 3000 Regen a sec. The average regen is like 2000 HP/sec. So all together my survivability is very good. As i swiched to Wild Strike i also did a little respek with 5 points and this is the result: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYAAF4EsQV9BbUGcAguCTMOSBEvEZYVIBaqFr8Zjhm0G60i6iP2JP0mlSoLKwos4SzpLVUtgzBxMHwyATY9N9Q6Qj3RPeJHBkd-SO5LeE2STp9RR1VLVvVd8mHiYetirGNDZU1qjGwIbIxwUnBWdf14rnpTen97FH11feOEb4TZidOMNo19jb-OipAbl9CaE5smnaqi2aOKrGaw2LGzshm0xbTRtUi5Pr02vqfC7MgMyBTPetE2037UI9h2227b1Nvn3ajiLOLV51To1utj7T_tQe2D73rxivLh9W_2o_66_94=?accountName=jehoba&characterName=TrapJaw The Wild Strike is linked with: melee phys, multistrike, added fire, added chaos and faster attacks. For a 5L i would drop added chaos. I curse AM with the new very nice support gem, that transforms curses into auras. I use also HoA and AA. For Mana i use just one jewel with "2 mana gained on hit" as well as 0,2 mana leech on one ring. With some regen i have no mana issues. 17% Mana is unreserved (enlighten gem actually lvl 2). The clearspeed with Wild Strike is insane and also single target DPS is very nice. If you still need more single target DPS, then use vaal doublestrike as i do. (Vall DS, increased duration, culling strike, item rarity.) Its very nice. Your clone doesnt care about dmg spikes and makes constant DPS with some more drop chance for bosses. For Defences this build offers 25% Block, 52% Evasion (64% with evasionflask) 46% Dodge and 46% Spelldodge, as well as 18 % physikal mitigation with 3 Endurcnce Charges and another 13 % from AA. Resistances should be capped. Mine are a little overcapped atm. Regen is between 600 and 3000 HP/s as mentioned. I just have a little more then 4100 HP lifepool. It's not that much, but with the insane regen I almost never need to use the healthpots. Gems im also using (you can also see in the items): I run an ice golem with cwdt lvl 17 //// whirling blades with fortify and bm /// Cwdt Immortal Call lvl 9 and tempest shield for some more block Cause of Bino regen and my 1 % lifeleech i can play reflekt maps without dying. Physikal as well as elemental reflekt. So thats it. :) Hope you enjoy and let me know if u have any improvement suggestions. Wild Strike vids: LVL 78 Plateau: http://plays.tv/video/56708605cd532a5980 Zana LVL 78 Torture Chamber + 2 Exiles: http://plays.tv/video/5671204e1aad2547e9 Old Double Strike video: Bazaar: http://plays.tv/video/566e8fc4c5efeec03c jehoba Last edited by jehoba#0067 on Feb 7, 2016, 9:02:29 AM
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Any video for your build?
Cheers, May God have mercy upon my enemies; they will need it.
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Dont know how, but i will find out ^^
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Video uploaded :)
EDIT: link was broken...now it should work: http://plays.tv/video/566e8fc4c5efeec03c?from=search&search=jehoba Last edited by jehoba#0067 on Dec 14, 2015, 7:28:34 AM
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Changed alot in this build. New vid is up. Im pretty satisfied with the result :)
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So, im using this build since 2 days now, build a new shadow from scratch, and I like this with this build quiet much so far.
I leveled with this
At Level 35 I had about ~2k dps, seems pretty good for Act 4 normal/cruel and had no problems, never died. The dps got from 2k at 35 up to ~7k/8k/9k till level 60, i tried some stuff, had reckoning/vengeance/riposte in for leveling, that helped a bit with mobs i guess, and 3 frenzy charges from blooddance were always nice to have. In my opinion, it's always nice to have a build that allows to level fast and easy, so it's not a build you need a reset tree, which is nice. Oh yes, and for the Mana issues at the start i used clarity, that worked pretty good, even with 2 (or 3 not sure) Heralds up (enlighted) Gameplay changed when i got to 65, finally i could use the Bino's, then I had ~14k dps. With becoming Level 69 I did the "final" equip setup with 2xCWDT/VaalDS, atziri Boots and such, so I'm with 5 Power Charges up to about ~25k (without charges 19k/ without Heralds 16.7k). For fun I did my daily Zana with my Level 70 Shadow and did the Level 75 Zana Map quiet easy, so that was not for getting XP, but it was fun and makes me hope to keep the build. My Equip with Level 70 is as following:
Everything except the boots is selffound, even the bino's (thats why i was looking for a build in the first place), that makes it for me pretty cheap. I don't know whats the equip worth but I guess it's about 4 ex (+ 5 link daresso, whatever that costs)? So well, not REALLY cheap if you need to buy everything, but pretty good if you are able to find stuff in the Realm, and it came in really handy that I found the knife and shield a week ago... At the moment i got 3,3k life, hope that will get more and with 5 Charges I have about ~64% crit chance. So far, nice build. After writing that, i realised that blood rage should compensate for the using of atziri boots instead of blooddance, so that makes 30k dps with 5 Power and 3 Frenzy charges. With the Aziri Flask up, dps goes beyond 35k I may experiment around the main armour, Daresso's is cool, belly gives u a bit more life (and gore <3), i even might try out some other Evasion armour like Queen or such, maybe u can give an input for that. Did anybody try Atziri with that? Last edited by Dragonk1ng#2980 on Dec 27, 2015, 12:58:37 AM
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Hey Dragon K1ng,
nice to see someone trying out my build. Ist is still fun to me also. Damage will increase with some better gear. But still...35k is alot to clear maps fine. I decided to go for Daressos cause it gives you the endurance charges and also the longer IC when hit. Still....Belly is also a nice choice and might work as well. :) HF mate! Last edited by jehoba#0067 on Jan 14, 2016, 7:31:23 AM
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Hey dude
First of all ill like your Build and Play it also.. Now my question is are u Able to kill artizi with this Build ? Thanks | |
honestly i never tried it :P cause i have a Mjolner-IronWill-RighteousFire Stormcall/Arc build and with this ist easy to run Atziri deathless. But...I will give it a try and Report it back to you. Guess it should be possible, at least with some adjustments :) |
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