[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

IGN: Vivaki
37 yo doc from Greece...
Nice Guild this seems to be.. :)
Hi everyone,

I'd like to join the shelter =P

I've been playing since breach league mostly on softcore, trying to get diferent builds to endgame contetn and chasing challenges.
I play basically every day 3 to 6 hours a day and right now what miss the most is the chance to play in groups, like maping and masters rotations etc. and eventually some help with my builds.

I've seen some of lighty's vid's on yt and really liked the depth of it. I think it would be great to join the guild for 3.0.


IGN SparklingBoemer or HowRBoemer on legacy SC.

IGN: SheeversGuard
somewhat new player that plays most days and going to play a shit ton in 3.0. looking for a guild to help me learn the game and have fun :)
IGN: Thisisstillatest

27 from Ireland. Playing since open Beta with around 7000 hours of game time.

I spend most of my time messing about with builds. My Goal for this league is to break by bad habit of altoholism and actually get a character to 95.

Im looking for people to level and map with in a fun environment that lets people play on their own terms.
Currently looking for a guild to play with for oriath
IGN: Stubstoes
IGN: ThirstyJesus
Looking for guild to enjoy Oriath with.
People to map with.
24 year old from Latvia.
IGN: TheRighteousWay

Hi All.

Let me be brief:
I am an ER Nurse.
I've given many a sandwich, graham cracker, and juice box to homeless dudes over the year.
I even let one kiss me on the cheek one time.
I am, basically, already in your guild.
You just need to invite me to formalize our relationship.

Yours Truly,

Lighty, shoot me an invite please.

Just played entire content of beta... quests; bosses; labs etc.

Already got me my 3.0 character and build laid out.

Looking to play with a very active guild.

Doedre, I am coming for you... again.

There's devils on each side of you with bottles in their hands.
You need one more drop of poison and you'll dream of foreign lands.
Last edited by bloodstainedcrown#2101 on Jul 25, 2017, 6:47:37 PM
IGN: RFflameboy

Playing this game without anyone to talk to gets lonely, i miss being in a community

Last edited by siclop18#7148 on Jul 27, 2017, 5:53:29 PM

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