[2.0] The Glupport - Quad curse immune to physical & elemental damage support
To start this off, take a look how 80 Voll smash doesn't even tickle me.
Or what about CI / EB (1 maximum life) against double Conservatory Bosses with 3 frenzy charges? ![]() Hello! This is my first attempt ever at making a build guide, so please be gentle :-). I would like to introduce you to Glupport, a support who specializes in nullifying hard content and creating a window of opportunity to safely burst down any target. - Glyttony of Element's Base duration is 6 Seconds. - Gluttony of Elements makes elemental damage taken instead heal you and nearby allies. - Gluttony of Elements is considered a Vaal Skill and therefore will benefit from jewels that affect Vaal Skills. - Gluttony of Elements requires 96 souls to be used in Merciless / Maps. - Gluttony of Elements' healing is based on how the damage is dealt. Damage over time (RF, Burning ground) is healing over time, while normal hits are instant heals. - Gluttony of Elements will benefit from AoE, Aura radius and Skill effect duration in skilltree and gear. Bosses like Courtyard trio, Crenatorium firebitch, Conservatory Vaal or just a Level 86 Freeze + 3 Magic monsters + Ice nova boxes are just couple things this build makes a breeze to do. Or how does 90% life regen per second sound?
Background story
It all started in Closed Beta of the Awakening. I was experiencing high end mapping and atziri/uber in the SC side for testing the limits of the SRS for HC. Kill #1, Kill #2 and Kill #3, deathless for anyone interested. During this point, community was already learnt about the unique item Chriss itself had made and we're tinkering on ideas how to abuse it or if it was possible in the first place. It seemed that it would only be good for some builds that already have duration in their skilltree, like SRS, and only for a short duration. So the item got somewhat lost in the communitys mind. It was for me too, untill I received a message from ProjectPT ingame which was more or less like this: "WOULD YOU WANT TO DO UBER SAFELY IN HC?", added me in skype and showed me this video. What was left mentioned in the video (though was known), was that you could store multiple amulets with gluttony, because the amulet granted the skill and it was stored within that specific amulet. So you could have 5 amulets, every each of them granting 11,2 second duration in a normal SRS skilltree. What was also unmentioned, is that Atziri's Reign affects the duration and stacks. A base duration of 6 seconds would gain 1.2 seconds duration per 20% jewel (6 seconds * 1.2 = 6,2 seconds, substract the base duration from this and you are left with 1,2 seconds) After the Awakening went live, I was planning to farm uber with SRS and gathering the needed souls to my amulets using all my jewel sockes with Sacrificial Harvests to maximize souls gained, and then have 2-3 Taste of Hates and a Lightning Coil to mitigate all damage from trio, since 60% of the physical damage would be elemental. So, I bought multiple Blood of Corruptions when Tempest launched, only to notice they had silently changed how it worked. Now the amulet grants you a skill, but the skill that before was stored within the amulet doesn't store it anymore. It was just granting you a skill that has global souls, so switching to another amulet would have the exact same souls as the other one. So having multiple amulets doesn't let you have multiple Gluttonies for a single fight. At this point, the dream of cheezing uber Atziri in HC kinda died, and I started to think about a normal build that could utilize it. Only support build seemed to be worth it, and I waited untill the recent Flashback league to try it out. Sadly, I died couple times just at the doorstep of respeecing into it. And now I'm back in the 5 Week HC Darkshrine league, finally with a somewhat polished build, yet far from maximizing it's potential. So shoutout to PT for bringing the Gluttony and it's interaction with Atzri's Reign to me. The build itself is theorycrafted, built, tested and polished by me. Take a look! So, how can this be done? And more importantly the skill that this item grants, Gluttony of Elements
Let's get a bit deeper into this skill, and start of with a couple questions I asked from Mark_GGG about it's mechanics. I will give TL:DR below, but here is the questions and his answer. TL:DR Before any damage is substracted from your life pool (yes, Gluttony does not heal ES), game calculates the ending result. So if the result of any given hit is more healing than actually hurting you, you will not get damaged. Example with 0 resistances to lightning and cold, and using Lightning Coil + Taste of Hate; Let's say we get hit for 1000 physical damage without mitigation. 0.6*1000(elemental portion) - 0,4*1000 (physical portion) = 600-400 = +200 damage taken, which is positive. So you've gained 20% of the damage as healing that the physical hit would've normally dealt as pure physical. This means, that if you have over 50% or more physical damage taken converted to elemental and 0% resistances to those and Gluttony of Elements active, you are immortal to all physical and elemental damage. I have not yet tested if getting hit by a large physical bleed and casting Gluttony after will turn it to healing, but it shouldn't. So in theory, you can die to physical damage (bleedin), but there is a trick to that (apart from obviously using a flask that dispels bleeding), and that is Righteous Fire, since it will heal. With 75% Fire resistance you will regen approximately 15% of your life per second, even more if you have less resistance. In the closed beta of the Awakening this interaction wasn't working, and we (Me & ProjectPT) were thinking that it was intentional, since it could be so broken with Veil of the Night). This was to our surprise later changed in when Awakening and 2.0 hit live with a silent (wasn't on patch notes) fix and now this build has over 90% life regen per second for over 25 seconds on demand. Even thought Gluttony does not heal ES, when you take no damage from elemental (or physical with some tricks) your ES recharge will kick in granted you don't take any damage that would othervise hurt your ES, which gives you 50% stun avoidance, which definately helps against fights like Crematorium Magaera. (Thanks Yotmato for pointing that out) Damage taken, and damage actualy hurting you differ from each other. Exact quote from Mark_GGG; " This is why you will still get stunned by hits that would normally stun you, and proc CWDT and CWS setups. Crematorium Magaera for example will most likely almost permanently stun you with enough damage / speed mods if you stand in the stacked firestorms. "But noone will ever have such low resistances with a high level character in HC!" - Well, not quite exactly. Check itemization below for a neat trick to doing it. If you started thinking about one particular item that is often treated as useless as Thorns damage rolls on good items, yes. You're gonna see something amazing.
Itemization And my current links/setup
Obviously, Blood of Corruption is a must to get the skill. This is definately the BiS chest piece, but Cloak of Flame will do the trick aswell. Without this item you cannot achieve 50%+ physical damage converted to elemental, so to truly become immune to physical damage ToH is a must.
My other flasks
Dispel burning is a must if you use RF. Dispel Bleeding in one of my "Oh shit!" spots. Could be 2nd Taste of Hate. Important to NOT have Curse immunity in your quicksilver if you are running in maps with TC:ing yourself to extend the duration of Gluttony. Using this in maps with extra fire damage, or against map bosses like Crematorium boss. Just in case. This is my 5th regular flask. Curse immunity + extra physical damage reduction since using Lightning Coil. Helps a lot when Gluttony is not on. No regen maps. Replace with 1 life flasks or Topaz if you have curse immunity here. Makes slightly annoying to run no regen maps with TC:ing yourself since you are often dispelling the TC from yourself. Good with Vaal Sparkers to get them running faster. 2 Respec points (atleast in my current tree) required, so you can use conduit. Can kill yourself if you use it and have not dispelled RF after Gluttony ends, so careful use needed. A jewel with bottom roll will increase duration of Gluttony by 0,9 seconds, top roll (20%) will increase it by 1,2 seconds. This is one of the core items needed to be able to reach high enough duration for Gluttony to be useful. In fact, I would say you will need atleast 4 before you can really feel it's power. My current character at level 95 has 8 of them, and my tooltip duration for Gluttony is 20,46 seconds.
Picture of the tooltip of Gluttony of Elements on my character
![]() Not a must, but the duration that you will gain to Gluttony by having access to Temporal Chains yourself is just absurd. BiS gloves and I would suggest having these atleast in your inventory for longer fights. A cool fact, another quote from Mark_GGG when I asked about the 40% reduced effect not applying to my character while testing; " This means when you cast TC to yourself with the gloves, you will gain 100% effect, atleast as of now. This means that 30% curse effect, level 2 Enhance and 20/20 TC will give you 55,9% slower duration. This will also apply to your Taste of Hate! Corrupting these gloves to +1 all skills, having level 4 Enhance and 20/22 or 20/23 (Yes, quality is better than 21/20 since level 22 doesn't incerease the effect from already 30%) TC with 30% curse effect in skilltree would make your Gluttony and ToH last (20/23 TC = 40% + 32% quality from Enhance = 56% Slower * 1.3 (Curse effect) = 72,8% slower. This means that a 10 second Gluttony actually lasts 17,28 seconds. Demonstration with self TC:ing myself on my current spec IMO BiS for cursing, especially when you TC yourself. Fast, can chill with iceshot and you don't even need a 6-link. For 4 curses 5-link Quil + 5-link Chest you can apply 4 curses in around 0.4-0.5 seconds. Or 6-link bow, 4-link in Boots/Chestpiece. If you are lucky enough to have a corrupted Quill Rain with Culling Strike, you can use Sacrifical Harvest(s) and/or Chill of Corruption (if someone in your group freezes) to gain souls to your Gluttony faster. You don't want to have your second curse setup in Gloves, because selfcasting TC, or in helm, because.. USE THIS ITEM ONLY WHEN GLUTTONY OF ELEMENTS IS RUNNING, AND YOU WANT TO BE 100% SAFE FROM PHYSICAL DAMAGE This item will make all your elemental resistances to zero, and therefore with 1 item swap you can make yourself immune to physical damage during Gluttony + ToH durations. You DO NOT want to use this helm during normal gameplay, you "Only swap Night of the Veil for super hard content" when you have already casted Gluttony. With this helm, righteous fire will heal you for about 90% of your life per second, so it is important to have dispel burning ready when gluttony is about to run out, and ready to swap your normal helm back on before it ends. This is my normal helm. Resistances, life, evasion. Armour or hybrid would also do. Most important stat after life in this is the lightning resistance, you need loads (38+ on all your non-unique item slots) to be able to cap your resistances, and even then you need Purity of Elements to cap yourself to Elemental Weakness maps. Resistances, life, movement speed. One could use Windscream for getting the 4th or even 5th curse (6-link + 5-link or 3rd setup needed), but I am happy with 4 curses and I want atleat 25%+ movement speed from my boots. Life, resistances. A must to have resistances in your quiver, and this is second reason why using a bow and iceshot is better than Whispering Ice for example. One could argue you can use shield and use Ball lightning, but in my opinion it lacks speed of cursing and AoE capability that fast attacking quilrain provides. If you're only cursing with 3 curses, or have Windscream instead of second curse ring, you could be using something like Rearguard to gain some armour and block chance. Life, resistances, and reduced flask charges used. Having a roll of 16% or higher will give you extra use of Taste of Hate, Quicksilver, whatever you 3rd/4rd utility flask is and 4 uses to Divine flask, while sparing 5 charges, if you care to spend 2 nodes in your skilltree for Arcane Chemistry which is already in your path. You can also corrupt a belt with extra AoE or Skill effect duration, which both are extremely useful for us.
Bandits and skilltree
Normal: Oak (life) Cruel: Kill (skill point) Merciless: Kill (skill point) or Oak (Enduring charge) if you want to use Enduring cry to have more physical damage mitigation during Gluttony downtime and a longer Immortal Call. Current level 95 skilltree As you will notice at looking the skilltree, I've specced into Leadership, 12% extra aura radius in templar side and the whole Amplify cluster. The reason to this is that the base radius of Gluttony is really small, only about 1/4 of the screen. With the radius/AoE I have in my skilltree (which was not planned to be there in the original build) makes it almost fullscreen on right/left of my screen. They are a must to have in order to provide safety to your group. There is more AoE somewhat in reach in the Scion start (12% in 4 nodes), Witch area near below Alchemist (which is amazing cluster for ToH but not needed nor worth the investment of points and loss of life nodes currently, only 5,2k life since I am using so many uniques) and then south of Duelist is another cluster for auras that has a nice amount of radius. If I were not to apply ANY curses to my group, I would definately think about grabbing some of these nodes for QoL to other party members. At the moment I am applying EE with cold and lightning damage (Lightning Coil + Ice Shot) and therefore giving enemies -50% fire resistance. With one point investment in Avatar of Fire I would be EE:ing with only fire damage and therefore applying -50% cold and lightning resistances to enemies. I respec to this node (taking Master of the Arena out) when I am playing in a group with no fire damage as primary damage. Planned level 100 skilltree, respecced Scion start + Master of the arena for 2 more jewel slots.
Check me playing this build at My stream You start of the map with cursing enemies and casting rallying cry for granting mana regen to the party (and damage), gaining souls to Gluttony. Depending on the clearspeed and challenge of the map, you either save the Gluttony for bosses and/or hard strongboxes / beyond encounters and so on. With enough clearspeed (Plateau, Gorge, etc) you can just slap on Gluttony (granted about 18s+ duration w/o including TC) and TC yourself if you feel that you need extra time before the souls are gained. With Vaal Sparker and doing linear maps you will not need to TC yourself at all, maybe for boss fights. Swap in Veil of the Night and cast RF for really hard physically hitting bosses such as Kaom, Daresso, Voll or so forth. Strongboxes with freeze + magic monsters in a map with Vulnerability + monster damage also calls out for Veil swap for being sure to be safe. I will post couple map runs in here later, and videos of me taking ZERO damage (well, being healed) by bosses like Voll etc.
As mentioned earlier.. Check me playing the actual build and ask me if you're curious about the build! Eating Voll smash in 80 Wasteland 0% Elemental resistances, Lightning Coil, Taste of Hate + Gluttony = Immune to physical damage! Raiz dying to bearers because the range of Gluttony was too small - After this death I specced to Amplify (20% AoE), Leadership (50% Radius) and a single 12% Aura radius node in the Sovereignty cluster, and the AoE was fixed to about a fullscreen range. Getting nearly permastunned in Crematorium 50% Boss damage while Gluttony is on In this video we learned that you will still get permanently stunned even if you are not receiving damage that actually hurts you. My friend was stunned in the middle on firestorms when the Gluttony finally ran out and he died instantly. It was after this death when I contacted Mark_GGG about the mechanics. Killing a 81 Crematorium Magaera facetanking in firestorms Friend leaving the range of Gluttony in a panic in Core Shavronne fight And got 2 shot to death, instead of logging out in the middle where I was standing with Gluttony. Important to communicate with your team to log out or TP out within the range of Gluttony instead of trying to leave an area othervise! Cursing myself with TC using Shackles of the Wretched to gain over 10 seconds more duration to Gluttony!
RIP @95, read what happened (no recording)
Was playing in Academy, and entered bossroom (map had 3 Frenzy charges + another more or less unnoticeable mod. Was standing next to the boss, didn't change my helm for Veil of the Night, because was lazy and didn't care too much about it. He then gained 3 frenzy charges + casted Vulnerability on me and while Incinerator was massively spawning tornados on top of me I forgot to refresh my ToH + Topaz flasks, and died in around 0.1s even with 15% regen from righteous fire. A bad player mistake while playing tired, nothing else. It was bound to happen soon since we've been testing a lot of sketchy stuff lately (like double Voll bossdmg + vuln Wastelands, Minmax fleet bossdmg Conservatorys, Excavations and so fort) and I think I've proven it's broken-ness with already getting to 95,5 in a HC environment and being able to receive absolutely zero damage taken from my lifepool for a period of 30 seconds while playing the build properly. There has been about 4-5 cases where we have been actually needed to facetank the boss as close as possible in order to survive, so for example my RIP was just silly since there was no need for me to be standing next to him. Good ru Hope you enjoyed it, let me know what you think! :) Last edited by Karvarousku#4030 on Nov 22, 2015, 7:26:50 AM
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This is very neat idea. Thanks for sharing, I think I'm gonna try this out xD
"What's do you what?" - Kira of the Maraketh
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Gluttony doesn't heal ES, but you still won't take elemental damage, which means ES recharge kicks in even when you're in the middle of a magaera firestorm, with the added benefit of having 50% chance to evade stun because you have ES, that makes it possible to not get permastunned by stuff like Magaera, since your ES will be full constantly.
It is definately awkward to use on group, your allies only get an icon without any duration indicator, they have no other visual cue to know that gluttony is up, seems like that didnt change at all, since your teammates still die to ele dmg even when you're using the amulet, with teamspeak/mumble and very good coordination and faith from your teammates it can be really powerful though, even if everyone should be running builds capable of soloing in HC. Nice guide, the voll smash is funny :D Lowest level Hardcore Atziri Kill ~ Level 65 ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyDB6Haa6U8 Level 100 Tempest HC with self-made and most played build of POE 2.0 ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlTUOhqEZ9s (✿◠‿◠) Last edited by yotmato#4991 on Nov 20, 2015, 5:30:57 AM
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" Yeah, you are correct on the stun part. Not sure why I didn' it count it in, it's an obvious detail. Thanks for pointing it out. Not having ToH up and adds on the bossroom can cause your ES to go down though. There is literally 1 RIP that was somewhat "my" fault and that's the magaera fight. And not because he died in the middle (I didn't run out of range, the Gluttony just ended), but because I wanted to test how the fight goes. Raiz's RIP was his greediness / autopilot, even with gluttony you should never run into bearers, no matter what. Wootz died because he left the safe zone (tried to exit bossroom from the entrance door due to not knowing that you can do it and slight misunderstanding). Most of the RIP (haven't had any lately anymore due to playstyle changes) are caused by poor player decisions, not the flaw(s) of the build or Gluttony. What comes to "akwardness", after a certain point, 30 second duration w/ TC it really feels comfortable especially when you are communicating in mumble/TS or similiar, and when you let your party know how to deal with the Gluttony potentially running out. When my tooltip duration reaches 5 seconds (which is actually more like 8, because TC) I start to push them to either log out or TP out unless I'm 100% certain the threat will die. However, I wouldn't say no for GGG adding a timer on their screens for the Gluttony. We have been able to do maps (and more importantly boss fights) that before we havent even thought about doing. How does Double Vaal Conservatory with minmax, Boss dmg and fleet sound for example? Been there, done that! Ugh, this came out longer than expected. :D Thanks for the feedback, the Voll slam is definately one of the best moments so far with this build! EDIT: " None taken, felt like I needed to clarify how the RIPs actually happened since in some there was only finnish language spoken. In all cases (but Raiz, I've had just recently gone into using Gluttony) everyone was fully aware that they have to be withing ~ half or so screen of me and I would be standing right at the middle of the room. If they had felt bad about doing any of the fights, they would have not joined. Last edited by Karvarousku#4030 on Nov 20, 2015, 3:53:24 PM
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" I wasn't blaming you or the build for those rips, i was mainly speaking from my own experience using the amulet in a support build in Tempest, at the end of the day, the lack of visual cues for the radius and duration of the buff sort of creates an anxiety in your party members, i'm sure thats what caused the magaera and shavronne deaths. Is the only aura in the game that has that effect on people, since not having the gluttony buff in some situations kills you, that doesnt happen with grace/purities etc. It's great because it actually requires some coordination between party members, unlike anything else in the game, so its unique in that way, very different and fun playstyle. Lowest level Hardcore Atziri Kill ~ Level 65 ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyDB6Haa6U8
Level 100 Tempest HC with self-made and most played build of POE 2.0 ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlTUOhqEZ9s (✿◠‿◠) |
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Looks really cool, though restricting this build to just support seems like a waste of potential. There's nothing stopping you from making this into a life-based SRS or AW. As you mentioned, the tree is almost the same. With coil and ToH you'd have enough defense to do any phys-heavy content in the game, without having to worry about veil.
But speaking of support builds, what do you think about adding AW to your build by using Null's bow to summon them while cursing+culling with SA/chain or IS/GMP? It seems like an interesting additional element (meat shield) that you could add to a support build. All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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" Yeah my friend uses the neck in his AW build to prevent his army from being nuked down by high ele threats. I guess going full support is the straightforward move when you're grouping with multiple Vaal Sparkers and don't have the opportunity to do any damage anyway, plus the clear speed makes a high uptime on Gluttony possible? | |
" The problem is that in SRS or AW build you actually need to take minion nodes too, othervise your minions do absolutely no damage at all. I've played multiple SRS builds in the high levels and the only thing this amulet could be used is for the 11.20s duration, and the required souls are so high that I would severely limit my clear speed by not having my Vaal Haste(s) filling up fast enough. And what comes for using Null's, the bow is too slow when you are TC'd to do anything, and "wasting" a link (well two, since culling strke + AW) out of my 6-link setup would make me need another 6-link setup for getting my 4 curses. I do see it as a option for having some extra fun thought. The extra meatshields doesn't really seem necessary, since everything we are facing is already TC'd, Warlords marked and chilled, so they are more or less permastunned, or dead in mere seconds depending on the group setup of course. " Yeah the problem in going another build is that clear speed wouldn't be enough with a sub-par build to support long duration gluttony, since you actually need to take nodes that support the damage of your main skill too. My build is about 90% only for the gluttony yet still running permanent gluttony needs good clearspeed. Well, could even say 100% since the curse effectiviness is a straight buff to the duration of the gluttony! I would like to see how my souls gained would change if I had Culling Strike corrupted in my Quill Rain and had the opportunity to use 1-3 Sacrificial Harvests and/or Chill of Corruption with freezing builds. Last edited by Karvarousku#4030 on Nov 20, 2015, 3:59:20 PM
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Nice one karv, I wonder if you'll try this support build again and with the new expansion's sub classes perks on top of it.
That is, if it doesn't get nerfed. :) Archives, https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2206812
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" I am very interested in seeing how getting my curses as auras will change it's playstyle. Could use a shield + Dagger for extra safety & whirling blades and think about getting Culling strike setups somewhere (could run Sacrificial Harvests for faster soul gains). And what comes to the nerf.. I don't think so. It's Chris' item & skill afterall :-) Last edited by Karvarousku#4030 on Nov 23, 2015, 3:32:37 AM
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