[2.2]HC Viable Vaal Righteous Fire Flameblast Scion (Living Bomber)

Hello gents and ladies, I am back to make an attempt to update this build as best I can without a character to functionally test this on but in theory should work with the new ascendancy classes.


+Very High Base Damage,
+Kills most things instantly
+If it isn’t dead, it will be soon
+Large AoE
+Prolif Provides a defensive and offensive zone that kills mostly anything upon entering
+Looks awesome
+Scares the shit out of public parties
+Budget friendly!


- Leech changes hit single target leech a problem. Single Target Leech makes it suicide to hit less than 3 mobs
- Difficult Playstyle
- If your party kills mobs too quickly, you may whiff a vaal rf and be on low hp. You have to take the lead, and pay close attention, no Netflix allowed.
- Chaining Vaal RF requires a Flesh and Spirit


Elementalist is the clear choice here and we will take beacon of ruin and liege of primordial.

Passive Tree and Leveling Up

For leveling, I would use whatever the strongest fire skills are at the moment, which for now is firestorm until you hit flameblast. From there till around 60 when you have vaal pact and at least a 4l for vaal righteous fire. Make sure to setup a orb of storms with increased critical strike chance as soon as possible for triggering Elemental overload.

Leveling Point Progression
30 Points

60 Points

90 points


Gem Links and Setup: (In Order of Priority)

Vaal Righteous Fire: Vaal RF - Life Leech - Chance to Ignite - Increased Aoe - Fire Penetration - Increased Burning Damage

Flameblast: Flameblast - Life Leech - Chance to Ignite - Concentrated Effect

(Swap increased aoe and conc effect as needed for single target damage until you can sustain Vaal RF easily with Flesh and Spirit + Sacrificial Harvest)

Auras: Arctic Armour - Blasphemy Flamability - Discipline

Gearing Choices:

Optional, but optimal:

Flesh and spirit for the 20% life recovery on Rampage, plus 5 vaal souls on rampage.
Flesh and Spirit are so low on the rarity tier that they are fairly easy to to scour/chance early on.

Kaom's roots for the most important stun immunity and highest life you can get on boots

Rashkaldor’s Patience with a good life roll is very powerful and cheap to acquire. Rashkaldor’s provides a significant boost to ignite duration and is a good candidate for mass vaaling for fire leech% because of its low cost.

Sacrificial Harvest is a great option to help chain Vaal Righteous Fire, but, funnily enough, is probably spendier than Flesh and Spirit. Sac Harvest is a strong jewel, however, and a well- rolled one contributes significantly to the ability to chain Vaal RF. Make picking one up a priority after your 5 link and a Flesh and Spirit.

Kaom's Heart is a good option if you can afford it.

Searing Touch is a great choice as it provides great fire damage and burning damage.

The Dream:

Kaoms Heart and Searing Touch 5l/6l will take you all the way.

My Gear:



After you get Sacrificial Harvest you're gonna want to get Jewels with 6-7% Maximum Life, and some increases to your Fire damage via Increased Aoe damage, spell damage, fire damage and even ignite chance and duration if you want. After you're all set up with gear and around the end game try and pick up another sacrificial harvest to put in as this will greatly increase your clear speed.

These Videos are outdated and pretty much irrelevant but I am leaving them up for anyone interested.

Tier 7: Mine Map

-Players Are Cursed with Vulnerability
- -12% Maximum Player Resistances
- +60% Monster Lightning Resistance
- +30% Monster Physical Reduction

Clear time: 8:10

Mine map clear

Tier 7: Dark Forest
-Area is inhabited by undead
-Players are cursed with enfeeble
- -9% maximum Player resistences
-24% more monster life
-Monsters Reflect 15% of Physical Damage
-Monsters Cannot be stunned
-Monsters Poison on hit
This map gave me some trouble cause of the life and enfeeble and -max giving me some reflect issues as i forgot my resistance flask so room for improvement but hopefully this can show it off fairly well, i will post more vids soon.

Jungle Valley Enfeebled Clear no Boss

Tier 10: Volcano
-Area Contain's many totems
-Monsters have 30% increased Area of Effect
- +60% Monster Lightning Resistance
-Monsters Deal 88% Extra Damage as Cold

The map wasn't too bad and went quite smoothly despite having to back track a bit as the mods weren't too bad as some of the others im gonna post to show that while the build is strong it has it's limits, mainly limited by player choices and paying attention.

Volcano With Boss

Tier 8: Canyon
-22% More Monster life
-Monster's Have 266% Increased Critical Strike Chance
-Monster's Have 30% Increased Critical Strike Multiplier
-20% Increased Monster Movement Speed
-34% Increased Monster Attack Speed
-31% Increased Monster Cast Speed
-Monsters can Not Be Stunned
-Monsters deal 75% Extra Damage as Cold
-Monsters Gain 2 Frenzy Charges Every 20 seconds

This Map Definitely Pushed my builds Defensive Abilities to the limits and took me a while to complete because of how careful i was being but still managed to pull through, surprisingly not the closest call out of some of the videos i recorded for the build, i guess i get a bit of stage fright and make more mistakes then i should.

Canyon Map with 4 damage modifiers and Monster life

Tier 8: Orchard Map
-22% More Magic Monsters
- -11% Maximum Player Resistances
-Players Recover life, mana, and energy shield 40% Slower
-Unique Boss Has 25% Increased attack and cast speed
-Unique Boss has 30% Increased Life
-Unique Boss
-Magic Monster Packs Each Have a Bloodlines mod

This map wasn't too bad after i switched in abyssal cry for my rallying cry and wasn't having too much problems besides getting very distracted and making 2 fairly big mistakes and nearly dying twice. Otherwise this shows how to deal with porcupines in a map.

Orchard -Maximum res tanking 12 Herald of the obelisks cause dum dum


Why doesn’t Vaal RF kill you? I heard it kills you. This build is bad because it kills you!
The important thing to remember about Vaal RF is that it is not regular RF and regen is useless for it, as the damage is dealt all at once. Because the base damage of RF is insanely high, we use Vaal Pact to instantly leech back from our massive damage. Being a mid range - close range caster, the instant leech is also highly relevant for defense. As long as you have Vaal Pact, your HP never actually hits 1, as the leech happens at the same time you deal damage, which is also when the hp adjustment happens. I have used Vaal RF while taking a variety of degeneration effects, and have yet to die when I cast.

Carcass Jack. Why don’t you use it?
There’s a few reasons, the chief one being that you can craft ignite duration with Catarina, which is sort of important for resist maps, tanky blue packs, and key to burning down tanky rares and bosses. The aoe is good, but we have enough already that Carcass Jack is overkill. Vaal RF damage is calculated based off your max hp, so the mediocre hp on Carcass Jack is also a drawback. Also, Carcass is a Dexterity/Intelligence base, and the build requires 3 blue and 3 red. This kills the Chromes.

What the hell is that green thing on your neck?

Rashkaldor’s Patience
. A good roll has life at an amount comparable to a rare item, it gives us status ailment chance, as well as duration, which is important for burning down high HP targets.

Those Kaoms Roots though.
Stun immunity is important, because a stun while casting Vaal Righteous Fire means you’re in a bad spot without your best aoe skill. Eye of Chayula is a poor choice because it reduces our max life, and Unwavering is light years out of our way.

Thanks to Lloydicus for all the help with the post <3
Last edited by GooGeish#7810 on Apr 7, 2016, 9:30:26 AM
Last bumped on Jun 5, 2016, 12:33:40 PM
Nicebuild confirmed.

Seriously though, awesome build to run with, the damage is insane.
Bump for nice build!
Looks like an interesting build, would be good to see some footage of it if possible.

BTW unless I'm missing something, you link jewels just like anything else, however I assume you are having difficulty because you are trying to link them while they are placed inside your tree.

All the best :)
Last edited by HystR#0619 on Nov 13, 2015, 4:13:29 AM
Nice and innovative builds as usual.

Romiras + Volls Devotion + AOF would work quite similarly I'd imagine

You wrote:
"The Dream:
20q gems"

You're in Darkshrine, it has never been so easy to get 20q gems, why not make it true ;) ?
What do you think about The Searing Touch for this build? It has always been a solid choice for burn builds.
HystR wrote:
Looks like an interesting build, would be good to see some footage of it if possible.

BTW unless I'm missing something, you link jewels just like anything else, however I assume you are having difficulty because you are trying to link them while they are placed inside your tree.

All the best :)

Thanks very much im working on getting some more footage of it after i get my second sacrificial harvest but there are some videos out that show it in use for now but still working on improving it more and more, glad you liked it :)

Also figured out how to link jewels, thanks! I was trying to do that lol
Haboryme wrote:
You wrote:
"The Dream:
20q gems"

You're in Darkshrine, it has never been so easy to get 20q gems, why not make it true ;) ?

Haha yeah this is for future reference as well but im currently 30 weapons without perfection but im gonna have another run at it soon :)
Rodrux wrote:
What do you think about The Searing Touch for this build? It has always been a solid choice for burn builds.

Yes that is something ive been working scrstching up ideas on if it would be worth it to lose the shields life and get a kaoms and searing touch but that is a bit expensive so im taking it one step at a time and gon a purchase a searing touch, sacrificial harvest, and kaoms heart in that order when i save up enough currency.

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