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Still no fixed seed of random monsters in endless ledge? Restricting act 4 monsters is a bandaid fix, especially since a3x monsters can still spawn. Chimerals and evangelists in particular will still be run ruiners if they spawn on the 2nd or 3rd areas.
I'm not excited, because I don't really enjoy racing.

But objectively speaking, solid changes. Looking forward to seeing how the class metrics shift.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Such Hype Much Wow.

A lot of really great changes that have probably been long overdue.
Great :D
This all sounds really amazing! Looking forward to it :D
damn, Chris brining it legit with race changes. race season HYYYYPUUUUU!

Please make the MTX. Tons of people want it! You've nothing to lose.
I can't imagine anyone complaining about any of these changes. Should be a good season!

Hemmingfish wrote:
Still no fixed seed of random monsters in endless ledge? Restricting act 4 monsters is a bandaid fix, especially since a3x monsters can still spawn. Chimerals and evangelists in particular will still be run ruiners if they spawn on the 2nd or 3rd areas.

This is the only little thing that seems to be missing from the list of "quick fixes". I think its fine if "bad mobs" spawn in early areas, as long as everyone gets them.
If only rewards are good, this is going to be the best season for me! Also I am so glad BLAMT is back.
I only hope Rakangos will be removed from EL one day, they're so laggy...Them, especially rare, and the Ball Lightning eyes destroy all fun.
<3-ing it.
Chris Wilson: "Today was the proudest day of my life."

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