Unfair way to give beta keys!
You do realize that inviting inactive members is probably better in the long run that way they know the game is out, they wanted to play before but who knows if they forgot about it by now. Sending an email to those guys with beta keys gets them back into it and into it hard. They know the frequent guys are gonna play it anyway, either way though, its random so w/e :P
" And one more thing. Why was not kept in place the 75 keys a day but to active users.Than if u interseted in the game u will have a chance to Beta Test it was suposed to be fair for your loyal folowers thouse that counts. If i was not geting piked i was not that upsaid becouse it was fair and have a chance to get in as my chances, for folowing the game for so much time,were high becouse lets say 2000 area realy folowing the game. So 1 chance in 2000 is bether than 1 chance in 30000 accounts. How can we suposed to relax and wait to get in first that we folowers deserv it and second to hope for a chance in 30000? |
" well im on inactive side...but its beta game testing not marketing lol@ beta timer > next jestingsix Joined: 25 grudnia 2010 18:12 Last Visited: 28 grudnia 2010 14:36 Total Forum Posts: 0 (0 posts per day) world is cruel :D Last edited by darkmajin_pl#6231 on Aug 11, 2011, 4:43:10 AM
" A few questions about this: 1. Does this mean that you have mechanisms into place to validate that the people you give beta keys to have actually visited the site after their join date? 2. Do people who *do* take the time/effort to log in (but never post) have the same chance as those who never even bother to log in? 3. If people who visit the site regularly but never bother to log in, have such a good chance of getting into beta, then shouldn't you have something in place for those who visit the site regularly but never even bothered to create an account? (sorry, I guess that I'm being cynical with this one) |
Oh god the whining never ends. Blabbing on forums about a game you've never played for a few months does not entitle you to ANYTHING. Beta testing is not for the player's personal enjoyment, it serves a vital purpose in bettering the game. From a developer standpoint trying to make the game more popular..sending beta keys to people who arent constantly trolling the forums is more effective than just tossing them to people who will be here when open beta/live launch comes around. On top of that..they're not just giving them to one set of people or the other...IT'S RANDOM. Multi acct muling is retaded..but Chris already posted that steps are being taken to curb the effectiveness of people trying to do that..so quit bringing it up. This is a game they are making for US for FREE..we have done no coding,advertising,web design,web hosting for it..therefore are entitled to absolutely nothing. Get over yourselves people.
" And you don't realize that most of these inactive account its jus someone multi-accounts. |
That is a moot point, multi accounts are in the process of being dealt with, and it has already been stated that if they send out a lot of keys,and not enough people are playing..guess what..they'll send out more! Novel concept right? Impatience is the cancer that is killing these forums.
" Well i am not sory that i am inpation about geting in beta but as many i tough i have earn that right after folowing this game every day. If you are fine with the 1 chance in 30000 accounts be my guest taking in cosideration that many have never give a dam about it and never folow the game after creating the account. My points is at least the first wave of keys was suposed to be given to real folowers not some random lotery. I will be more relaxed with a 1 in 2000 foloers than 1 in 30000+ accounts. |
" Well i am not sory that i am inpation about geting in beta but as many i tough i have earn that right after folowing this game every day. If you are fine with the 1 chance in 30000 accounts be my guest taking in cosideration that many have never give a dam about it and never folow the game after creating the account. My points is at least the first wave of keys was suposed to be given to real folowers not some random lotery. I will be more relaxed with a 1 in 2000 foloers than 1 in 30000+ accounts. |
Guys, please *do* keep in mind that leaving feedback on the entire beta key process, is kind of an involvement in the beta in itself. If a lot of people leave negative feedback, then the developers will learn from it and figure out ways to improve that process as well (which is exactly what they're doing now).
Last edited by Centaur31#4324 on Aug 11, 2011, 5:15:14 AM