[2.0] Hasty's Bino Reaver - ft. Deeps & Survivabilty
![]() -----------------------------------------< Hasty's Bino Reaver >------------------------------------------ This is rather a showcase than a guide. My Reave variant: Wall of Text incoming, beware! The idea is to go full crit melee without being a glass cannon. For me that meant: at least 5k+ HP, running BR without degenerating, not having to rely on a single-sided mechanic like Dodge/Evasion, take the damage high level maps throw at me and not be a potential 1-shot candidate and STILL do a ton of damage without having to invest hundreds of exalts. And I achieved those goals to my satisfaction. First of, using Bino's Kitchen Knife and its famous synergy with the Adder's Touch notable, we are regenerating life on kill in vast amounts. The re-gen scales with your damage dealt on kill, which is why I'm using the Increased Critical Damage gem. That way every kill guarantees life regeneration that outmatches every flask. On top of that stacking leech is always nice and helps vs. bosses. Don't underestimate this. In the average 78, kinda hard rolled, I end up not having to use my HP flask more than once or twice, usually only vs. the boss. Bino's also makes it super easy to cap crit without much of an investment. Secondly, using Daresso's Defiance as our chest armor, we get some dodge, which is minor but still nice, some free life leech, a bit more armor and, most importantly endurance charges on kill. That let's us mimic the old CWDT - Enduring Cry - Immortal Call combo, since it is triggered before the the charges are being converted into 3s of Onslaught. So to sum up, Daresso's is the best offensive defense. You could of course use a Lightning Coil, but it's still a pain to get the missing lightning resistance, even with jewels. Also, Taste of Hate. Kappa. Now, I admit Blood Rage & Frenzy Charges are the shit for offensively focused builds right now, but c'mon, the degen just sucks. Yes, this is personal preference and mostly and aesthetical statement, yet to me it is all the more important getting rid of it. In order to get over the 4% re-gen threshold, I sacrifice some damage potential in the ranger area, but I gain vast amounts of HP form the Templar and Marauder areas and finally am able to run Blood Rage, regenerating even, allowing me to mindlessly spam Whirling Blades. With that we get to the final part of mechanics. Whirling Blades + Fortify. Fortify is nice. That's a fact. Putting it on a movement skill has become common practice and righteously so. With the recent changes to the skill's behavior it has become even faster. Insanely fast when attached to FA. I often forget I carry a quicksilver flask with me. It's so much fun whirling around and it's amazingly easy to manually evade enemy attacks with it. Combined with Fortify it makes for the ultimate ride, crit-freezing many a foe in your way while at the same time offering versatile protection. Note on: "Why not Dual Wield with i.e. Deaths Hand?" - First of, going Dual Wield forces me to go down in the Ranger/Duelist area to get all the nice DW nodes. While this gets me more damage on the long run, I loose a good amount of HP, not only from losing a shield (=resistances), I also have to invest more into getting the re-gen I desire. And, I don't have to waste $$ on a meh stat-stick. Just ain't my style and is contrary to this build's "No more reeps? Now to Deeps" mentality :) For a good DW verion check out http://poeurl.com/zxcQFHK by FIQST. The rest is pretty self explanatory. Ice Golem for that bit of additional crit and accuracy, Vaal Reave, of course, increasing our range by alot and lastly a CWDT setup with Enfeeble and Immortal Call. The rest of the gear is focused on HP, Resistances, Damage and crit / accuracy. I'm running Hatred + Herald of Ash, no mana problems whatsoever with only Mind Drinker. I choose to use a rare helmet instead of Abyssus, which admittedly grants a massive increase to Dps, but to me feels more like overkill and it has no HP and a downside that hurts substantially in high level maps / full parties. It's still a good option tho. Same goes for Maligaro's Virtuosity - they will net you more Dps, yet I personally perfer rare gloves with HP, atk Speed and accuracy. Equipping mostly rare items also made capping resistances a piece o' cake. I easily reached 6k HP at level 98 with 2 jewel slots, but 5.5k, which is still enough by far, is still easy to attain at lower levels. Bandits: Oak, Oak, Alira - I originally intended to change the merciless reward to Kraityn, but instead ended up dropping one PC from the tree - not sure tho if the 5th Frenzy charge would be better then the crit multi node at Disemboweling. Probably :D Atziri? Normal Atziri, sure, just get your moves on :D New Leagues / Budget: Perfectly viable for new leagues since it really only requires Bino's (2ex in temp leagues) and 5-linking a Daresso's is super easy (or just buy one for 1 ex), but any 5L/6L chest will do. Not sure what else to cover, but feel free to ask. Finally, I know very well that this is no re-imagination of any Reave build, it's pretty straight forward and hardly innovative, I just felt like sharing it for the Shadow section :) For further details including Tree, Gear, Links and Visual References, check below. Tree:
Screenshots: Defensive Stats (unbuffed):
![]() Offensive Stats: (I forgot to summon my Ice Golem, so not 100% accurate :D) Hatred + HoA:
![]() Hatred + HoA + BR + 4 Frenzy & Power Charges:
![]() Hatred + HoA + BR + 4 Frenzy & Power Charges + Onslaught:
![]() Hatred + HoA + BR + 4 Frenzy & Power Charges + Onslaught+ Atziri Flask + Taste of Hate:
![]() Videos:
Running a 77 Shipyard with Increased Area of Effect instead of ICD, mimicking 5L Dps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3ty8qzrnEA WTB List: - Shrubbery, only the best!; Mirror - wooden frame - 90x50cm Last edited by SchwarzeSonne#2959 on Sep 1, 2015, 10:37:06 AM
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Lvling guide would be great
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Nice build bro budget and I like the fact that no abyssus thing I m serious I use that thing and that pretty much ends up one shotted by some phy boss or even reflect anyways cool stuff
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what did you look for on your jewels? and did you not like the build? saw you switched up to a wander build lol =P
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I always prioritize life on jewels. I actually don't care about the other mods so much since they hardly do anything substantial.
I switched because this char used to be a wander and I enjoy KB a lot more than reave, although I felt like this would be the one reave build I could keep using. WTB List: - Shrubbery, only the best!; Mirror - wooden frame - 90x50cm
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thanks for the quick reply, your build was interesting because it was 1 of the few reave builds which actually looked tanky. Cant wait to try this out, thanks again.
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I was looking at the passive tree and I realized that you went for Vaal Pact. If so, wouldn't it be better to go with higher dps rare dagger than Bino's? cause Bino's regen won't work if you have Vaal Pact effect. (It must be a simple mistake, right? cause you went all the way to marauder area to pick up all the juicy regen nodes to sustain BR so it must be just a simple misclick, right??)
Last edited by edpp121#0231 on Nov 10, 2015, 5:24:21 AM
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Think your looking at the wrong tree, dont go to his profile and look at his character because its spec'd as a wander'er right now. Look at the tree in the topic, he doesnt go into vaal pact
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