Upcoming Divination Cards

Can't wait for all the drama and mirror card scamming! :P
Does "The Dragon's Heart" confirm that there were dragons in Wraeclast? I hope so. I want to update my Dragon theory thread I posted a coupe years ago.
Chris wrote:
It's worth noting that as we keep releasing Divination Cards, their overall drop rate goes up because there are more to find. We don't reduce the chance of existing ones as we add new ones.

Is this assuming that the cards that are added will drop in the all of the same areas as existing cards? What if the card drop table for one particular zone does not change (as there are many zones), are those cards more likely to drop? If so, then I'm all for drop rate increases.
Mirror card... dont know what to say.... it will be extremely rare anyway.
The mirror card only drops in Twilight Strand Normal.

True story.
is it possible to add the newly released divination cards (the previous set and this upcoming one) to the challenge list?

Gift of the Gemling Queen... after I have seen the new cool 6l staffs I guess we might see lvl20 Empower, Enhance and Enlighten :P

I hope they learned from the Staff-thing and ensured them only turning level 3, or not being dropped from the recipe.
inb4 mirror card alluring abyss :D
IGN: TitanVaolox
Awww, was hoping mine would be getting in soon since its been at the art complete stage for over a month now. :<
Hyped for the level 82 corrupt map card.

That's going to brick often, and when it does, it's going to be a very, very difficult decision in Hardcore leagues.

"My only level 82 map is this 2x added damage Beyond deathtrap, what do I do?"
Le Toucan Will Return

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