[2.0.2] Leth's Hyaon's RT Lightning Cycloner | Atziri Viable | Detailed Guide
I am posting this . . . complaint(?) (I can't think of anything else to call it.), due to a sense of necessity.
I have followed this build exactly! I have dotted all of the Ts and crossed all of the Is. At the end of a gaming day, when I remove my armour(Who came up with the word "armour" for armor? Even the spellchecker puts a squiggly red line under armour.<glances in GGG's direction>), I always make sure it is folded with the same creases showing. I have successfully achieved level 50 without the spectre of death visiting me.(By the way, Piety, Dominus, Malachai, et al are not very happy and would like to have a word with you.) I have done all of this, I have held up your build as gospel, as if it were etched in stone and yet- (here it comes) I am still unable to throw rocks back at the monkeys!(What is up with that?) On a more serious side, why no warning about sharp edges, outcroppings and ninety degree corners? Spin into one of those and your character is brought to a sudden and immediate halt. The gods of gaming forbid your character spins into a corner with an angry horde hot on his heels. You need to jump-start your pacemaker when your shadow can't move, let alone start spinning! Aside from the obvious("Stay out of the corners dummy!"), is there a solution to this problem?(That gem(Cyclone) should come with a parental guidance warning attached to it; WARNING: Avoid any obstacle which will hinder progress!(Which is just about any obstacle.).) Thank you for this build. It has been fun(so far). Swords and shields are not my normal cup of tea and this is my first attempt at Cyclone. My other 80+ characters are dual-flame totems and "unarmed" Facebreaker, etc. So, this has been both interesting and exciting. Thanks for the change of pace. |
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I was looking for today since I messed up my build at the beginning of 2.1 and my thought on this was: "I have the gear, I have to do it!". Now I dropped my passives and I'm totally positive to skill my way to the biggest ammount of lightning damage poe ever has seen. But i should have made some screenshots ealier today xD.
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Could anyone update a new skill tree, for 2.2 version? :D
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" I'm with you, bro... Maybe anyone got some screenshots of the pst? Would be much appreciated! | |
" Here's what I set up for my new Hyaon build: So far from my quick research, we have a few significant advantages in the new League: 1) reflect is less of an issue...this was an Achilles heel for our build. 2) Trickster seems almost tailor made for a build like this. all the defensive bonuses, and on top of that, speed and attack bonuses when using movement skills. like icing on the cake. This shores up another one of our weaker points...we were always sort of a glass cannon...er...lawnmower...uh...something ;) Overall, stats are pretty close when comparing to Leth's list in the OP. a few are under by a little, a few are over by a little. Also I have excessive elemental resists added in the tree...I was building this for the new league (new character), and so I planned for the worst. I'm sure ill move some of those resist points around as i get better gear, so feel free to be flexible on those points (especially the ones up by the scion tree). total resists with shield is 68% per element. There are also 3 Gem slots that I only invested 4 points in ascendancy for the skills that I feel are mandatory...specifically the Shade form tree for its extra defenses (we are a primary evasion build after all). due to the ascendancy bonuses, you will probably want some energy shield on your gear at least. it doesn't help much, but it procs allot of speed bonuses from the Ascendancy points, so it's worth it. The others can pretty much go into either extra frenzy bonuses (more damage), or the speed bonuses from Walk the Aether...though at that point you'd be moving so fast I'm honestly not sure I could control my character :D (the attack speed boost is insane!). OF course, this also means that attack and move speed on gear is again less critical early in the game. You won't have to spend all those precious Chaos on a devoto's so early in the league. Feel free to adjust as you wish, but so far this is the closest I've gotten while maintaining the original intent, with a few bonuses as well. Leveling, I actually went in a slightly different direction (only to try out a few new skills) I went with Frost Blades as my AoE, and Viper Strike as my Single target. Even without allot of extra chaos damage, VS kills bosses pretty fast. I also was playing with Blade vortex...it shored up the weaknesses of Frost Blades in close area stuff. But the original Leveling process works fine, perhaps even a bit easier since you only need to worry about one weapon (I'm doing DW right now for the kicks and giggles). 1h/shield would also work for my leveling approach, though it would be more defensive then offensive. I'm just putting this up so people can see that there are leveling options. Been leveling with dropped rares and rare/magic crafted weapons, so uniques aren't needed for the leveling process (they just make it go smoother). Hyaon's is pretty cheap right now...I got a medium tier one for a single chaos. I got lucky on another character and got a set of Blood dance off of Perandus. So I think that the title of "Cheap" still applies to this build. I have yet to have to do any serious farming for the important gear, and the skill tree has enough flexibility that we can shore up our weak points until we get that gear. Still one of my most favorite builds in the game. EDIT: Adjusted tree. Life regen/sec was a bit low, so dropped the extra resists and added life regen up by shadow start point. so Life regen is now 4% instead of the 3% on original build. you can obviously mix and match these to your liking, but regen is a big deal in this build, hence the switch. EDIT EDIT: Updated tree to reflect more life and full ascendancy points. Last edited by Temjiu#2975 on Mar 21, 2016, 2:04:09 PM
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nice mate, thank you!
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" NP! I just updated the link in that thread a bit more. More life, and I fully spent ascendancy points. I didn't stop and think how important Walk the Aether was to this build until just a bit ago. But I now see it as the most important points to get in the trickster tree. "Movement Skills cost no mana" this is big. basically, it means that we do NOT need blood magic gems in every skill link setup. two of our most important skills (Cyclone and Whirling Blades) do not cost resources. that gives us an extra gem per setup for damage or utility or whatever. Which ends up being a ton of damage. or, if your just slow/unlucky in your acquisition of a 6 socket, makes it easier to get the damage gems in a 4 or 5 socket. Plus it means that were more stable defensively, since that cost isn't being taken out of our health pool. And it also makes rolling colors on our gear that much easier (the chestpiece was a beast to try and get 2 red, 2 blue, and 2 green on a full evasion chest). As of right now, the only Blood magic Gem I'm using is linked to my golem and my blood Rage. and I am using 100% of my mana pool for auras/buffs. So my recommendation now is to get Walk the Aether as soon as you can once you switch over to the cyclone build, and then fill up the defensive skills. so the full Ascendancy tree looks like this (in order of points spent): Attack and Cast speed, max mana Walk the Aether Attack and Cast speed, Evasion and Energy shield Ghost dance Att&Cast,EV&ES Shade Form The only downside to this setup is you need some energy shield for it to work to it's fullest. An alternative if you don't need the defenses would be to switch that last Att/Ev and Shade Form point to the Swift Killer tree for the extra frenzy charge bonuses. Last edited by Temjiu#2975 on Mar 21, 2016, 2:23:51 PM
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Thx again mate, great work.
I thought about doing this as a Ranger (didn't like the Shadow, but that changed, the Guy is real funny) and "Walk the Aether" just kicked me out of my Atziri's Step... This is so damn awesome! I'm lvl 68 right now, this was a walk through the park! Had a Stormheart 'til 62 and a Goldrim 'til 67. Really awesome! I can't stop thinking about taking Swift Killer, this gives again 3 Passives... Actually it looks like this and I'm planning something like this. I ain't quite sure about "Retribution", it says Melee Damage, so it shoud be no physical, I guess?! "Discipline and Training" is one of the OPest Life Nodes we can get I think. Thinking about taking the attackspeed at "Berzerking" and cold- and lightning resistance at the Scion starting point plus the jewel socket, but I have to check how my gear works out. Also, with Blood Rage running all the time, there's no ES Recharge... at least at me ;) I would love to hear your opinion! Greetz Edit: Man, I'D love to take the Lightning Wheel over the Witch. Maybe I'm trying a ES-Shav-Spec at 2.3 Last edited by GM5K#4733 on Mar 30, 2016, 3:53:03 PM
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" Tree looks great! and Retribution should work fine. It's Melee tag, so anything with melee in the title will get the bonus, so it's not linked specifically to physical. and good point with blood rage. I got lazy with it...blood dance shoes work so well for pumping my frenzy charges that I stopped using it. but I could see with it on that it negates the energy shield recharge benefit. I may go for the frenzy charge too...that's where allot of my damage boost is coming from. on the flip side...your energy shield is always not full, so while you'd lose the 20% atttack speed from Shade form ascendancy, you'd have constant extra 20% chance to evade (not just 20% extra evasion rating). nice big defensive boost. So it's really down to either the extra frenzy charge/chance, or the defense. something to think about when you get to higher maps and bosses hit like mack trucks on steroids. btw, personal note here: I just bought a 20 quality lvl 20 increased lightning gem (using as my 5th in cyclone setup), and my fully boosted tooltip damage (this is with 4 frenzy and the bonus from walk the aether), went from 28k to 38k with that one gem. definitely worth spending the 35-40 chaos on if you have the currency. Can't even imagine what a lvl 21 added lightning would bring. my gem setup for that is Cyclone > Faster Attacks > WED > Lightning Pen > Added Lightning (20/20). And I've been interested in an ES build too! haven't gotten around to one, could be fun project :) |
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Yeah, I think I have to go with the defence benefits, too. getting quite hard right now. And I've got the points left for the Frenzy Charge.
Got the Blood Dance kicked for Atziri's Step, right now I should get some more Life Regen. 10k extra dps sound really great, gotta get it too! I thought long about the points I got left, I decided to go with the weapon elemental damage wheel beyond the ranger (Force Of Nature) - it's 40% more wed + 6% respen for 4 points, awesome! Keep up your good work here, mate! Cheers Edit: With the no-need of Blood Magic Gems i optimized the Gem-Setup, got a cwdt-ic-id-bm setup in the helmet right now. Last edited by GM5K#4733 on Apr 3, 2016, 7:33:44 AM