[2.0] Tokyo's Fan Of Knives (CoC Frostblader/Spectral Throw)

Everyone has wondered how to approach frost blades, and here's my spin on the skill that is quite unique, to my knowledge anyway. It's a hybrid damage dagger+shield CoC EK frost blades build. By "hybrid" damage I mean, even though we're CoC, we don't lose too much damage and thus our normal damage can actually kill stuff too. To do this it requires the unique Crown Of Eyes, this lets us pump up spell damage to increase our EK damage, while also increasing frost blades damage as well.

This combination was surprisingly effective, coupled with CoC and our main skill Ethereal Knives, you get a nice clear speed build without much lag like other coc builds, that feels like melee.


Frost Blades is a fun skill, with very nice design. It gives +14 weapon range, low mana cost, and after the 1st hit, 2 additional projectiles fire off, hitting enemies behind/to the sides of the 1st target. Unfortunately GGG made it not that great. This is slightly due to needing to hit an initial target first, but also because the projectiles are only 2. There's another reason too.

Compare it to Wild Strike:

A skill I'm very familiar with, it acts similar in that you have to hit a target 1st, to trigger the secondary effect. Here's the difference. Frost blades can be hit at a reasonable distance. The problem is, WS's secondary effects are much more useful than FB's blades, the lighting chain effect being very strong, with all/most effects being able to hit multiple targets, not just 3. The final reason why Frost blades is bad that I hinted at, is its "base attack damage" it deals. It is a lot lower than most newer melee skills at all levels. At lv20, Wild strike deals 136% base attack damage. Frost blades only gets 122% base attack damage. That's 14% LESS damage, for only a couple blades. So wild strike does 14% MORE damage, not just increased. That's roughly equivalent to getting 3 frenzy charges for free. Static Strike also does 136% base attack damage at lv20.

So, the skill is and will be less impressive than most skills, but I tried to make it work nonetheless. I think a buff is indeed needed, either matching the damage % of other similar skills, or giving the skill an innate "Chains one time".

The build does have requirements. I mentioned Crown Of Eyes, but another requirement is a 5-link. 6-link improves clear speed by a lot. Carnal Armour is good if want more defense early on with higher ES, you lose option to use blood rage however, but you get near 2k ES. Zodiac Leather/Assassin's Garb are the other routes, aiming for 1800+ evasion.

Along with those, it is very recommended to get Brinerot Whalers. I'd say even a requirement. They are a HUGE damage boost, effecting both frost blades and ek, and making shocking ground maps basically free quantity/rarity. Mines were self found, no divines.

Dagger your given a tiny bit leeway. Spell damage is basically increased physical damage, but better. This allows you to buy a cheaper lower pdps crit dagger with some spell damage. My current dagger (30c) is around 230 pdps, but with 33% spell damage it brings its damage equivalent to 260-270 pdps, + buffing EK = better than a 260 pdps dagger. You absolutely must have over 8% crit chance, and at least 1.4 aps on your dagger, more the better.

Shield is your main damage boost. The only shields we can use to increase damage are pure ES shields. The goal is to get as high spell damage as you can, but also life, resist, and block chance. I happened to get the perfect piece for insanely cheap (2c), because hardly anyone uses shields like that. Spell crit chance on shield is nice too, but you'll have to lose a resist/block chance.

Gloves, value attack speed and accuracy. Life, and a high single res are good to have too. Surgebinders are an okay cheap unique to use, provide more damage then speed gloves, but no resist/life/accuracy is kind of killer. Maligaro's are fine gloves to use too but same problem.

Rings/Ammy you should know the deal by now. Will note, getting 20%+ spell damage and 30%+ crit chance on ammy is highly recommended. Crit multi and all resist/life is second best. You will need some STR/INT on ammy to max level gems/wield certain daggers. 50+ strength on a ring is recommend, with a least one diamond ring with some resist. Try to get accuracy, but only if you can cap resist.

Gear Cost
-Crown Of Eyes = 40c
-5-link Chest = 1-2c blank, then average 9c+1 alch to get decent roll = 10c
-Brinerots = 25-40c for 32%+ proj damage roll
-Dagger = 20c-3ex
-Shield = 2-20c
-Ammy = 1ex
-Rings = 2x 30c = 60c
Total Average Cost: 125c + 3ex

This is my current gear, still need improvements to cap all resist, than a better dagger would be nice but think I'm done with investing into the build and will move on to other experiments :p But as you can see, except for chest, nothing crazy expensive/GG.

So atm there's two ways to go about this build. There's Frost Blades, the main build and what this guide focuses on, then there's Spectral Throw. Frost blades is the original build, with intent on making it work, and does fine. However if you want generic coc with probably better clear speed but worse single target than you can opt for the spectral throw route. I prefer FB version because its cheaper and doesn't lag as much.

Here's Frostblades Tree:


This follows the normal gear setup I have in gear section and skill section, and is what I use and will demonstrate in videos.

This is the spectral throw version:


You can thank redditors for suggesting giving spectral throw a try. Uniques change, you get maligaro's and Rat's nest instead of crown/brinerots, and you favor spell crit dagger instead with high spell damage, crit chance, aps, and spell crit chance too. Jewels change to spell damage, crit chance, crit multi, and life. This is more laggy but is akin to a generic coc build if you wanna be picky about how the other version isn't that impressive.

For leveling you'll have to figure that out yourself, same with single target as I'm not familiar with spectral throw coc setups.


Required Mod on All:
16% physical Damage/15% spell damage with shield

Required mods on at least 1:
2 mana gained by each enemy hit by your attacks

Best Mods to have on all:
-6-7% increase maximum life
-8% attack speed with Daggers

Misc. Good mods:
-12% Spell Damage
-6% speed with shields/one hand
-8% global crit multi
-2 mana gained by each enemy hit by your attacks

This is mainly for FB setup, spectral throw is just an alternative for the moaners of why FB sucks. I've tested all the possible links and combinations with frost blades, and am content with this setup:

Main Frostblade Version version
Frost Blades - Multistrike - CoC - EK - Fork - Faster Projectiles(Hypothermia/Faster Attacks)

Faster Projectiles beats out faster attacks or another spell from my testing. Ek's damage is good enough by itself, and the extra reach just means clearing maps under 6-7 min easily. Hypothermia or Faster Attacks can be subbed in place of faster proj for maps with bloodlines mods however for tighter maps or with lots of walls as farther reach isn't beneficial in cqc.

Spectral Throw Version
Spectral Throw - GMP - CoC - Arctic Breath - Fire Ball - Life Leech/Faster Attacks

Generic as it gets, but still effective nonetheless. Need a good comp to run. Whirling blades allows you to travel with your spells for fast clear speed.

Single Target
Vaal Lightning Strike - Multistrike - MPD - WED/Hypothermia

This helps killing bosses faster, simply hit, than run off or use main skill for faster kill. The ability to just tag a boss and run however makes more dangerous bosses a lot safer, and sometimes I'll go to a map, rush the boss, hit with VLS, let it do what need be done, clear rest of map, come back, and finish off boss if didn't already die.

Herald Of Ice - CoH - Assassin's Mark

Bread and butter of generating power charges.

Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify

CWDT lv10 - Warlord's Mark/Vaal Double Strike - Summon Ice Golem - Cull

VDS is something I plugged in my own setup to help with rares/warbands/bosses a bit more.

Hatred - Enduring Cry - Blood Rage - Vaal Haste/Grace/double strike

As requested here's the leveling path I would choose based by difficulty and the levels you usually complete them.

Lv1-35 (Normal)

lv35-56 (Cruel)


I basically leveled as frost blades, with double strike single target in 4-link, until merciless where kill speed dropped off so switched to EK with clarity to sustain mana. Double ungils in act2 normal until about lv44 wear you switch to 2h until you can get enough crit to switch to a coc version with dagger and spell shield in mid 50's. Important to get life on as you level since life is a bit sparse early on in tree. 1.3k is needed for act 3 normal, 2.2k for act 4 cruel, and over 3k for act 3 merciless. Around lv45 its recommended to invest into a 5-link armour chest, they go for 1c most of the time, alch/scour until something decent. I use Rigvald's Charge at lv44, pretty much makes act 1-3 cruel trivial.

I didn't bother with act4 merciless content other than to get passive point from mine quest. You can tank kaom merci though after taking IR (as in not die in a single hit at least) or with 3k armour. Crown of eyes is lv68 I think so your FB damage won't be too amazing yet but when you reach it clear speed should shoot up. Tabula can be used to farm low maps to level up faster, tropical island and crypt are best maps. lv70 I usually do lvl 70 maps, reef mostly.

Follow the gear section for the needed gear/recommendations, always upgrade as you go, I usually upgrade every 5-10 levels until I get my endgame gear. Make dagger and shield a priority after obtaining crown and preferably brinerots, dagger before shield.



I accidentally took krays, because I wasn't sure if coc was gonna work at the time, but Alira is def better in coc setup. Need as much crit chance as possible.

Warning: My vids will be laggy and not greatest quality, my comp sucks and can't handle the game, let alone with recording.

lv78 5-link lv73 Strand

lv76 Arid Lake Run with Chain

Final Setup Lv77 Plateau (4.5 min clear)

Spectral Throw slapped on demonstration lv74 Jungle Valley (read vid description.)

So yah, that's the fun (intentional) science experiment I've been having. I've done up to 78 maps and clearing has been a breeze, even with EE or enfeeble just slowing us down a bit. Pretty much my most successful build and plan to make others like it in future, very fun. If it seems meh to you for a "coc build" then move on, no need to comment, have a nice day~. Its a frost blades build 1st, a coc build second. I can reach 40k FB with chain and swapping out CoC, same dps mathil had in his 1st fb vid in volcano map, but 1/3rd-1/4th the cost.

Ultimately the coc version just clears faster and is less mana hungry. If you got questions let me know and feedback on your experience with the build is always fun to hear.
-[2.0] Tokyo's CoC Hybrid Damage Frostblader ---> view-thread/1401907
-[2.0] The Samurai (2H Crit Katana Wild Striker) ---> view-thread/1368690
-[2.0] Dyadus Elemental Wild Strike - Cheap and Beginner friendly! ---> view-thread/1394595
Last edited by TokyoToho#5485 on Sep 7, 2015, 2:08:30 PM
New and better vid up now that I'm higher level. Clear speed real nice, gonna have to switch over to acro soon though, damage is hurting a bit with measly 2k armour. Lots of fun though, plays like southpaw reave a bit. Can't wait to get a 6-link ^o^
-[2.0] Tokyo's CoC Hybrid Damage Frostblader ---> view-thread/1401907
-[2.0] The Samurai (2H Crit Katana Wild Striker) ---> view-thread/1368690
-[2.0] Dyadus Elemental Wild Strike - Cheap and Beginner friendly! ---> view-thread/1394595
Finally saved up for 6-link, clear speed has been amazing so far, still need a bit more for all 20% gems, most gear has remained the same. Recorded a new lv76 map for better presentation. The clear speed maintains even in 78 maps so far, though my map pool hasn't been built quite solid yet so I tend to lack 76+. The build is better than it looks since my comp sucks, If I had butter smooth fps than I'm sure I could clear much faster. Bosses have been so-so so far, vaal lightning strike has been doing work. I recently had to add in vaal double strike to help whittle down tougher rares.

But yah, that's the build update~ No major upgrade beside chest. Hope one of guys at least tries it lol :p
-[2.0] Tokyo's CoC Hybrid Damage Frostblader ---> view-thread/1401907
-[2.0] The Samurai (2H Crit Katana Wild Striker) ---> view-thread/1368690
-[2.0] Dyadus Elemental Wild Strike - Cheap and Beginner friendly! ---> view-thread/1394595
your only source of spell damage seems to be on the dagger. From that I have to assume that the local spell damage applies as local physical damage on the dagger and not global with crown of eyes or it would be really minor but does that really give more damage then a rats nest would? I'm curious

EDIT: oh right the shield. That makes sense. So then is the spell damage on the dagger local or global?
Last edited by WaffleT#6054 on Sep 6, 2015, 12:29:50 AM
And then one may wounder; Why this clown are playing a "coc" SINGLE SKILL build.

But again; that's none of my business.
Tzaina wrote:
And then one may wounder; Why this clown are playing a "coc" SINGLE SKILL build.

But again; that's none of my business.

Generic coc with multiple spells = lagg for anyone using a potato pc like me. one skill = smooth enough to play, and clears just fine if even better now thanks to a gem change.

But then again one might wonder why you'd even bother making such a comment? Calling me a clown? lol screw you too then.
-[2.0] Tokyo's CoC Hybrid Damage Frostblader ---> view-thread/1401907
-[2.0] The Samurai (2H Crit Katana Wild Striker) ---> view-thread/1368690
-[2.0] Dyadus Elemental Wild Strike - Cheap and Beginner friendly! ---> view-thread/1394595
WaffleT wrote:
your only source of spell damage seems to be on the dagger. From that I have to assume that the local spell damage applies as local physical damage on the dagger and not global with crown of eyes or it would be really minor but does that really give more damage then a rats nest would? I'm curious

EDIT: oh right the shield. That makes sense. So then is the spell damage on the dagger local or global?

Eh, not sure what you mean? I thought spell damage was always global unless it mentioned something specific like comk does? What would be the difference if it wasn't since we use the dagger anyways? Never gotten that question. I would assume global since 100% of all other coc dagger builds get spell damage on dagger.

As far as rat's nest goes, you either get 5-6% more crit chance with 600 armour and some speed, or you get 100%+ attack and spell damage, with spell damage on jewels enabling for some double dip, some leech and a bit of accuracy. I think the crown wins damage wise, solely for the fact that unlike other coc builds where they rely 100% on spells for damage so need the crit, we don't.

My crit chance is 76% with 4 charges up, you guys would have 80% crit with 5 charges like how the build should have, rats nest gets you up to 86% roughly, with another diamond ring putting you at 90% crit chance or almost at least. Would need testing I guess but don't have currency atm.

I updated the build thread to be more to the point, and recently gotten the suggestion to change from chain to fork, which has made things better, will try to get another vid soon, as well as a quick vid to show spectral throw version of what it could roughly be.
-[2.0] Tokyo's CoC Hybrid Damage Frostblader ---> view-thread/1401907
-[2.0] The Samurai (2H Crit Katana Wild Striker) ---> view-thread/1368690
-[2.0] Dyadus Elemental Wild Strike - Cheap and Beginner friendly! ---> view-thread/1394595
Updated leveling as requested, and also added 2 new videos, a 77 plateau with new fork setup, and a crappy laggy demonstration of how spectral throw would play out if you went with spectral throw version, even though damage/clear speed/survivability would be double or more that of the video since I just slapped on tabula and didn't change anything else.
-[2.0] Tokyo's CoC Hybrid Damage Frostblader ---> view-thread/1401907
-[2.0] The Samurai (2H Crit Katana Wild Striker) ---> view-thread/1368690
-[2.0] Dyadus Elemental Wild Strike - Cheap and Beginner friendly! ---> view-thread/1394595
funny idea,


since frost blades and EK are physical and projectiles, master of force, sniper, to ranger from ballistic mastery will all help both.

somehow i see the accuracy is somewhat low, acuity, nodes to fencing and maybe next to night stalker if your chance to hit is still below 92%

If you don't want to cling to crown of eyes, consider geofri's crest with empower-enhance-hatred-herald of ash

furthermore, funny build, shame it is just so expensive to make it able to walk around.

Edit: i am bad at builds, but to me, this looks a bit more like it (atziri boots give extra dodge btw)

Last edited by Teriderol#4868 on Sep 11, 2015, 2:02:24 PM
Teriderol wrote:
funny idea,


since frost blades and EK are physical and projectiles, master of force, sniper, to ranger from ballistic mastery will all help both.

somehow i see the accuracy is somewhat low, acuity, nodes to fencing and maybe next to night stalker if your chance to hit is still below 92%

If you don't want to cling to crown of eyes, consider geofri's crest with empower-enhance-hatred-herald of ash

furthermore, funny build, shame it is just so expensive to make it able to walk around.

Edit: i am bad at builds, but to me, this looks a bit more like it (atziri boots give extra dodge btw)


I can see how you can assume it is expensive because brinerots are insane priced now, but that's due to league ending. They were selling for 25-40c when I made the build some 2-3 weeks ago, so it was cheap then and anyone making the build now after ignoring it for quite sometime lost out. They were mere damage boosters though and are easily replaceable with anything else. The build did cost me 2-4ex before a 6-link, and to me that isn't expensive in the slightest. Requiring effort to save up money and not brain dead start from zero like incinerate/flame totem? sure.

Accuracy could be better, crit could be better, but then you'd "actually" get more expensive since you'd need better gear. Geofri's with empower on hatred is poultry damage compared to crown, ash damage doesn't increase, and then you lose hoi which is how you generate power charges.

As for your tree, somehow I don't think taking both Acro+IR is a good idea. More so, you invest more into damage. Damage really is just fine, without brinerots you may have to go windscream with poachers mark as second curse to get similar dps. Your tree would be much more squishier then the build kind of already is due to the low life you get, wouldn't break 3.4k life in mid-80's. It just seems like you'll be prone to one shots a lot more often rather then say taking 40% damage here or there from a tough rare/boss/pack with the ability to react with a flask/maneuver/portal, instead of outright being dead. Atziri's steps are nice though, can be subbed in for extra defense.

The only change I would make to my tree is perhaps getting out of thrill killer, having another 2mana on hit mod on a jewel, then getting depth perception for the better accuracy/crit.

As a side note, I will be making a full on Spectral throw CoC char come the flashback race, which will be tankier and hopefully clear better. Bosses are the only thing I'm scratching my head at, whereas this build has vaal lightning strike/double strike(which are amazing), the spectral throw idk what it can use to kill bosses easily. almost every st+coc build killed bosses much slower then my liking.
-[2.0] Tokyo's CoC Hybrid Damage Frostblader ---> view-thread/1401907
-[2.0] The Samurai (2H Crit Katana Wild Striker) ---> view-thread/1368690
-[2.0] Dyadus Elemental Wild Strike - Cheap and Beginner friendly! ---> view-thread/1394595
Last edited by TokyoToho#5485 on Sep 11, 2015, 4:25:31 PM

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