Mana Leech

mazul wrote:
A. Mana Leech ignores mitigation from armor. (Which could be a bug)
That's not possible, as there isn't any value for damage that doesn't have the armour factored in.
mazul wrote:
B. The Mana Leech % at lv5 is not exactly 1%, but higher. This is a display bug.
It is 1%. We don't (currently) have partial percentages on leech, but it is planned for the future.
mazul wrote:
C. The monster in the lv66 map had practically no armor. (Which could be a bug)
A variation on this is likely. it may be that monster had low armour, and your hits were high damage enough that it provided low mitigation
Mark_GGG wrote:
mazul wrote:
A. Mana Leech ignores mitigation from armor. (Which could be a bug)
That's not possible, as there isn't any value for damage that doesn't have the armour factored in.
mazul wrote:
B. The Mana Leech % at lv5 is not exactly 1%, but higher. This is a display bug.
It is 1%. We don't (currently) have partial percentages on leech, but it is planned for the future.
mazul wrote:
C. The monster in the lv66 map had practically no armor. (Which could be a bug)
A variation on this is likely. it may be that monster had low armour, and your hits were high damage enough that it provided low mitigation

Follow-up questions incoming:

Using the character info telling you the "chance to hit" and the previously provided formula "Chance to hit = Acc / [acc + (eva/4)^0.8]", one can derive some form of monster evasion.

It has been assumed that monster evasion indicated at character level is pretty much what a regular monster at that level would have in evasion. Given that you include abnormal modifiers such as "resists fire" or "casts spark", one would assume that you use the same design philosophy for abnormal evasion: i.e. if a monster has an evasion far different from the regular evasion derived from the corresponding character level, you would write something like "high evasion" in the monster information. I hope these are correct assumptions.
(Of course a reasonable exemption would be any boss information, because that would probably require a lot of space and that would look ugly)

An observation made by looking at current handgear, chestgear, footgear and headgear and their possible mods, is that you seem to value evasion and armor equally. This suggests that you probably also kept that valuing-philosophy for evasions and armor properties of monsters. Using this assumption and the assumption that you would display in the monster information any major deviation from the norm, one can calculate the evasion rating and then the armor using # evasion = # armor. Once that is done, one can calculate the % damage reduction using the given "Armor/(Armor + 12* Damage)" formula.

Many assumptions have been done, I realize that, hopefully mostly correct ones. A problem is that testing these assumptions in docks (lv62 area) and lv66 maps, suggests that the setting #armor = #evasion and then extracting monster evasion from the character information, yields a far too high theoretical damage reduction: in practice, or at least versus certain common mobs, the damage reduction is significantely lower. I can certainly provide data supporting this, but that is perhaps not necessary in order to reach some answers.

Given that you've confirmed that mana leech does not ignore damage mitigation, this makes mana leech one of the,if not the, best tools to calculate actual damage dealt. This is the reason for why I am posting this here and not somewhere else: it is very much related to the use of mana leech.

So the questions are:

A) Is it correct to assume that for normal monsters of a certain level without any "extra evade" displayed, their evasion is about the same as the evasion derived from the character info of a character at that same level? Or can there be certain monster who have significantely different evasion where that significant difference is not displayed in the monster information?

B) Assuming that first part "A)" is true, would it also be correct that monsters without any "extra armor or extra evade" in their displayed information, have about the same armor as they do have evasion (i.e. their armor = their evasion)? If not: wouldn't it be from a game design point of view consistent to also include in the character information some form analogy to "chance to hit" that connects to damage mitigation from monster armor?

C) If there are monsters for which their evasion rating strongly deviates from the average calculated through the character information but doesn't include such information in the "monster information", wouldn't it be wise from a game design perspective to start including it? Even 50% higher evasion rating, would be good to notify as "increased evasion".

D) If the amount of armor and amount of evasion a monster has is not equal, what is the reason for why it isn't?

Disclaimer: by "evasion" I refer to "evasion rating", not % chance to evade; by "monster information", I refer to the information that shows up when you move your mouse to a monster.

Final words: The most important reasons for why I find this important: to be able to accuretely give feedback regarding builds that rely on physical damage, one cannot ignore taking consideration to monster mitigation from both evasion and armor (well for Ethereal Knives you can ignore evasion). Elemental builds are far easier to analyze and build around: since elemental resistance has an easier mathematical structure than armor does.

I strongly believe that giving us information that allows us to give you better feedback, in the end benefits both of us.
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Does this support queue mana leech?

Let's say I have a 20/20 mana leech and hit something for 100billion damage, do I get 15% of my mana pool per second for however many seconds it takes to give me 5.1 billion mana?

Last edited by GameOfThrones#5838 on Jun 1, 2013, 8:37:14 PM
GameOfThrones wrote:
Does this support queue mana leech?

Let's say I have a 20/20 mana leech and hit something for 100billion damage, do I get 15% of my mana pool per second for however many seconds it takes to give me 5.1 billion mana?

it works the same way as using a mana flask would, the regen stops the moment your mana is full
Any plans in near future to buffs for mana leech? As strong as LL and tons LL from items + nodes, mana leech is ONLY way for mana problems and as now its poorly and nothing compared as LL.
You don't need nearly as much Mana Leech as Life Leech, simply because your Max Mana is likely to be lower. The support gem is fine (and it was already buffed a while ago).
Of note: Life Leech replenishes Life at 20% Max per second; Mana ticks at 12.5% Max per second.
Your opinion. Just your opinion.
Sp basicaly we dont need more mana + more mana reg + more base mana and mana leech.

I can open you a secret, just for you, only for you -> his game has one of unbalanced and bigest problem with mana.
And why all take BM? Bcs its OP? Or bcs its ONLY! possible way to play? Hm...

Mana leech need to be buffed. IF YOU dont need - ok, play BM, but many or maybe Most players need buff for mana and mana leech.
You seem to think I wrote "Everything about Mana ever is fine and Blood Magic is totally balanced". I didn't, so don't put words in my mouth.

They can double the amount of Mana Leech the support gem grants (again), and your situation ain't going to change. You'll still get the same amount of Mana per second you do now, just for fifty seconds rather than twenty-five seconds.

That is why I very explicitly said "the support gem is fine". I didn't say shit about Mana consumption versus replenishment, I didn't mention Blood Magic, not a word about how the two compare. Get it.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jul 23, 2013, 6:30:25 PM
Double base mana or per lvl and inc mana leech or qual from mana leech can work.
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Ok, my bad Vipermagi.
Rly sry.

Just some facts:
BM not OP at all, not even close.
Mana as it now - worst what can be, any one who want play MUST take BM, and its bcs GGG dont want make bigger base mana and per lvl + from nodes.
Mana leech is low, need to make a buff, but after buffs all mana + base (start) mana pool.

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