0.10.1 has been deployed!

Really nice, good work dudes!
Great Work. The game is awesome and improvements are coming fast.

I really love the new design of the gems.
IGN: Grimmy_ThunderFury
Last edited by grimgroth#7594 on Feb 13, 2013, 8:00:02 AM
Great patch! New skills in the coming patches...I might finally get a Dual Wield skill!
The kripp message spam patch:)
red/green colorblindness loses in this patch
These soundtrack additions are bloody amazing. Can't listen to them enough.
GGG never ceases to amaze with their awesome.
Grant us eyes.
love it! just joined
Speaking as a summoner with a couple of good friends that I got into the game to play with... THANK YOU!! I've always felt bad when playing that toon with them since either I summon the army and then they can't target crap or I hang back and don't contribute my share of the DPS.

Tonight, the full might of the Psion Army will be unleashed! Or as much as a lvl28 can muster.
Great :)
PLease add some stuff X , so I can X when I X during the X k /
R.I.P 4.B.

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