[2.0] 0-1 mana cost Aegis Aurora Incinerate WIP
Well, I met my unfortunate end at the hands of Molten Tempests. Flameblasted to bring me down to 2k hp, and the boss got lucky and hit through block, bringing me low enough to die from degen.
It was fun! Definitely recommend this build to anyone who wants to try it. The hardest part is finding Rainbowstrides/Aegis - you can get the rest for 4-5 exalts. I just bought that chest too. Gave me 2k+ armour. Here was my gear at time of death. Stats were: 25k Armour with auras (50k with jade +97% armour flask) 6k Tooltip 4.6k hp 6k ES Build was OP, I can't believe I died to that, such a stupid way to go. RNGesus why ): Last edited by waslo#1323 on Sep 1, 2015, 1:25:21 PM
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" If you can boost your armour to 25k+ and use enduring cry, I would take rare chest over coil. But, you can use coil too if you want. You will be REALLY tanky vs phys then. Requires some nice gear if you want chaos res and be ele weak capped too. roachoneonetiming, Rip. I have had some close calls too. Almost always in -max maps heh. -max and extra projectile fire throwing cannibals, fire golems and volatiles are scary. Good news for everyone, they making good uniques 4x more common. Maybe its easier to get Aegis then. Still trying to get chaos res gear and update jewels. Hit lvl 96 in tempest. Me and Yotmato(he has scion incinerate guide too) did Colosseum 82 map Daresso with vuln and double boss. Both builds had no problems at all. Also met Abaxoth in Arid lake. Uploading video about it. Edit here: https://youtu.be/iIkW4O2RfHM Intresting note about the video. In 1:04 Im taking some dmg. Im not using life flask to heal, its trigger gems+cybils healing me. Last edited by Kullevi#3077 on Sep 2, 2015, 9:34:09 AM
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" nice video with abaxoth! Also I hope we will see more aegis shields after tomorrow's patch. Cheers and nicebuild! WagWan
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Aand I ripped. This is why I wanted chaos res so bad. Also dont play while tired :D https://youtu.be/CjxT_brMI7k
Crit mod with extra dmg and poison on hit OP. |
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RIP :(
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Can one use a 6L Daresso or Belly instead of a rare? Thanks
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" Yes, both should work. Little low on armour but works. |
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Damn rip, would you say yours or yotmatos build is better against big hits like that?
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" Yotmato's. His EHP is a lot higher, due to MoM, ToH, and LC, but his build is not as good against multiple enemies. This build is better for Trio, Yot's is better for Atz. This build is god tier against anything that attacks really fast / if you can get a ton of adds to hit you while fighting a boss. My favourite mobs to pull to a boss if possible are the suppressing fire gatling gun tail things, those things pretty much gaurantee full ES the entire time during the fight, as long as you don't accidentally kill them. |
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Like roachoneonetiming said, yotmato's build is much better vs big hit like that.
If I'm gonna reroll this build, I will propably do tree something like this: http://poeurl.com/zxoSN8P |
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