Mark_GGG wrote:
I'll probably change it to "more" for now since that'll be more intuitive to some players
still "increased" :D , ur comment on Vulnability damage over time mechanics
Posted byHiobs#5773on Jul 13, 2014, 3:09:50 AM
Hiobs wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
I'll probably change it to "more" for now since that'll be more intuitive to some players
still "increased" :D , ur comment on Vulnability damage over time mechanics
From the same paragraph:
Mark_GGG wrote:
[..]but if we eventually do have other increases to damage taken from degen, it will stack additively with them, not multiplicatively, and will need to be changed back [to Increased].
Vuln is Increased Damage Taken, not More Damage Taken, and thus stacks additively with Shock. If they did change the description to list More Damage Taken, it would be inaccurate.
Posted byVipermagi#0984on Jul 13, 2014, 10:25:53 AMValued Poster
Mark_GGG wrote:
[...]the common tropes people think of are the barbarian with a system of honour, who actively seeks out strong opponents to fight, and would never use magic to weaken them and remove the challenge. The primary strength curse, Warlord's Mark, is thus the one which doesn't weaken the enemy, but rewards you for defeating them at their full strength.
But stunning your enemy renders them helpless and is not fighting them at their full strength.
Posted byMeridin#6350on Apr 19, 2016, 11:28:26 AM
Meridin wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
[...]the common tropes people think of are the barbarian with a system of honour, who actively seeks out strong opponents to fight, and would never use magic to weaken them and remove the challenge. The primary strength curse, Warlord's Mark, is thus the one which doesn't weaken the enemy, but rewards you for defeating them at their full strength.
But stunning your enemy renders them helpless and is not fighting them at their full strength.
Stunning your enemy is a) you overpowering them with sheer force, which is entirely on-theme with the above, and b) something the skill did not do at the time that quote was made.
Posted byMark_GGGon Apr 19, 2016, 6:36:13 PMGrinding Gear Games
Mark_GGG wrote:
Meridin wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
[...]the common tropes people think of are the barbarian with a system of honour, who actively seeks out strong opponents to fight, and would never use magic to weaken them and remove the challenge. The primary strength curse, Warlord's Mark, is thus the one which doesn't weaken the enemy, but rewards you for defeating them at their full strength.
But stunning your enemy renders them helpless and is not fighting them at their full strength.
Stunning your enemy is a) you overpowering them with sheer force, which is entirely on-theme with the above, and b) something the skill did not do at the time that quote was made.
Ok, it didn't always add stun, but believe it was more thematically fitting back when it didn't. Unless the whole honorable fighting part is abandoned.
I agree stun is associated with strength and fighting, but just not with honorable fighting. Stun is a way to weaken/prevent your opponent's ability to fight, just like knocking them down, disarming them, or blinding them are. Honorable fighters would not do these things, and wouldn't rationalize them by saying, "I overpowered my opponent." or, "I tricked my opponent."
Last edited by Meridin#6350 on Jun 22, 2016, 11:28:09 AM
Posted byMeridin#6350on Apr 20, 2016, 9:10:48 PM
Meridin wrote:
3) I agree stun is associated with strength and fighting, but just not with honorable fighting. Stun is a way to weaken/prevent your opponent's ability to fight, just like knocking them down, disarming them, or blinding them are.
There is nothing dishonorable about stun. Stun is just a factor of you hitting really hard. It's not some underhanded trick, it's part of hitting hard, and hitting well.
If two honorable gentlemen (or ladies) decide to engage in the noble art of fisticuffs, all fair and honourable-like, no tricksy business, and one lands a solid blow to the other's noggin - that guy (or girl) is likely gonna be reeling for a second or two. That's stun.
Posted byMark_GGGon Apr 20, 2016, 9:37:12 PMGrinding Gear Games
Now that you put it that way, perhaps there's nothing inherently dishonorable about knocking your opponent senseless, or even disarming them. It's whether you let them pick up the weapon again and regain their senses before attacking them again that determines it. I can agree with that.
Posted byMeridin#6350on Apr 20, 2016, 10:23:37 PM
With the recent change to vulnerability, the line that reads "Ailments inflicted on cursed enemies deals damage 20% faster" applies to ignite?
Posted byKickfiz#1884on Sep 24, 2020, 5:32:35 AM