Viper Strike

Yes, Increased Chaos Damage applies to Chaos Damage/over Time, and Increased DoT applies to DoT.
Does Redbeak work properly with this? Also, why doesn't the tooltip show the actual damage you're dealing? If the computer knows why not tell the player?!
Last edited by BearCares#6660 on Dec 28, 2013, 6:22:17 PM
Okey can someone now help me to make a short list of gems that increases the DOT-damage
(not initial)
I am playing a ranger that alternates between firing poison arrow and rushing in with viper strike.

First I'd like to point out the tooltip DPS does not reflect the main functioning damage of these skills; that is to say that the DoT is not taken into account, it only reflects on hit DPS. This is very misleading and might be the reason for the main issue I am coming to you with.

The tooltip for viper strikes DoT stays at 50.9 chaos damage over time at gem level 10 after I get a few of the DoT and chaos damage increases from the skill tree. I didn't notice a substantial kill speed increase but that could be because of the play style and the low level but either way I would like to know what kind of damage I am dealing for sure.
IGN: Strudely
Last edited by NormanOrville#7804 on Jan 4, 2014, 12:29:37 PM
Tooltip DPS and the listed damage for Viper Strike are completely unrelated.

Viper Strike explicitly lists Base Damage per Second; Base is always without modifiers. I'm not certain, but I believe it's because tooltips can only accept one selection of modifiers, and Viper Strike lists the on-Hit damage (with modifiers). The DoT and the Hit use different sets of modifiers, so it wouldn't show the correct Damage per Second. Poison Arrow only lists its Damage per Second, so it can use the correct modifiers.

Probably wouldn't be bad to change Viper Strike's skillbar Description to match Poison Arrow.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jan 4, 2014, 12:48:25 PM
Passives increases VS DoT but it is not mentioned in tooltip. And yes, It sucks.

jrlo wrote:
Okey can someone now help me to make a short list of gems that increases the DOT-damage
(not initial)

- Empower (+1-2 VS gem level)
- Culling Strike (up to 22% increase non-specified damage)
- Q Added Chaos Damage (Q bonus increases chaos damage up to 10%)
- Concentrated Effect combined with Melee Splash (you will deal 84% base DoT to main target and 138% base DoT to surrounding targets with 30% reduced splash radius)
this might be bit off topic, but seems that Bino's kitchen knife's "on killing poisoned enemy, nearby enemies are poisoned" doesnt seem to count Viper Strike as "poison". Any confirmation about it, is it a bug or intented mechanic?

Also is there any list of Gems that reduce the damage of viperstrike's dot? if not, could we make one :)?
VS' description never mentions the word 'Poison'. For reference: "Inflicts a debuff on the foe, which deals chaos damage over time and can stack up to four times. Each time it is re-applied, the duration is refreshed. Requires a Claw, Dagger or Sword."
So, working as intended; Bino's Kitchen Knife does not spread non-poison Damage over Time.

Any Support with a generic Reduced/Less (Chaos) Damage multiplier will work. Multistrike, for example, has 36% Less Damage.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jan 24, 2014, 9:09:14 PM
It seems like the damage from Viper Strike would reasonably max out at somewhere between 9,000 and 10,000 single-target DPS.


-Sword/Dagger/Claw with +1 All Gem Levels and +2 Melee Gem Levels socketed with Empower(Lv3), Viper Strike (Lv26), and Culling Strike(Lv24).
-Every DoT and Chaos damage passive.

...would seemingly be around 9,000 DPS, and it could probably be increased higher with something like Le Heup of All or Berek's Pass or The Taming.

If Viper Strike can be used with 2H swords (edit: it can), you could also squeeze out another 22% increased damage with quality Chaos Damage and Enhance using a 5L. That might hit 10k.

My Shadow probably won't find a perfect weapon and probably won't use Vulnerability over Enfeeble, but will have all DoT and Chaos passives. Given some of the DPS numbers I see people throwing around, it looks like efficiently soloing maps with Viper Strike might be unlikely.

For fun, the highest Viper Strike damage I can imagine is probably 2H 6L sword with +1/+2 and socketed with Viper Strike, Empower, Q20 Added Chaos, Culling Strike, Melee Splash, and Concentrated Effect. You would hit an enemy next to your target (splash does more) and the target would have vulnerability and shock stacks. And you have all DoT,Chaos, and possibly AoE damage passives, are ignited while wearing 2x Berek's Pass rings, are wearing Carcass Jack, and everybody else in the full party is wearing Leer Casts. Unreasonable, but I should calculate that DPS.


560 DPS - Lv26 Viper Strike

73% + 89% + 20% Increased from passives
30% x2 Increased from 2x Berek's Pass
15% x5 Increased from 5x Leer Cast
12% Increased from Carcass Jack
23% Increased from Lv24 Culling Strike
10% Increased from Q20 Added Chaos
362% total

25% Less splash damage from Lv26 Melee Splash
73% More splash damage from Lv24 Concentrated Effect

40% monster DoT damage taken from Vulnerability
90% monster DoT damage taken from 3x Shock
130% Total

Edit: The below is wrong. I added the "more" instead of multiplying each.
((560 [Viper Strike DPS] x 4.62 [Increased Damage]) x 1.48 [More Splash Damage]) x 2.3 [ 3x Shock and Vulnerability] = 8806.83 DPS per charge, or 35,227 DPS with 4 charges.

Note: I had to make a couple of assumptions because the wiki didn't have entries for several of the gem levels.

Last edited by Zadmeir#3176 on Feb 8, 2014, 1:49:02 PM
I'm going with a Dagger+shield build for a Viper Strike DoT build. I use Puncture on a 4L. (Puncture + MPD + FA + ICS)

Lvl 19 Viper Strike is on a 5L:
- VS + FA + MSplash + CStrike + Knockback (will replace with a lvled Empower at some point)

At this point, I'm pretty surprised by the build considering. It's different playstyle than most ppl are used to, and it does decent DPS. Mind you, this is without a Bino's Kitchen Knife, which I would love to have. I saw an immediate increase in killing efficiency when I slotted in Culling Strike and took out ICS. And extra increased 30% DoT dmg will be awesome.

Current skilltree as such: 102-point build @ lvl 83

Will make some changes once I hit lvl 84: 103-point build @ lvl 84


I suppose the major problem with Viper Strike is the over abundance of chaos-resistant enemies in the game. Bandits, gemlings, and certain snakes are chaos-resistant and they appear in abundance in maps. (I'm sure there's more chaos-rez mobs; I just can't remember off the top of my head.)

One thing I will note is that the tooltip won't account the increase in DPS for the DoT portion of the skill. That's really misleading and I wish that can be updated to include dmg passives and from support gems. You can't really get a true measure of your skill other than calculating it outright, which we shouldn't have to.
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Last edited by Islidox#7754 on Jan 30, 2014, 8:40:51 AM

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