Raise Spectre

Necromancers can only raise enemies that are on their side. So necromancers on your side won't raise enemy monsters (as they'd just attack you anyway).
Minion instability never works on minions that die. It triggers when they're reduced to low life (<35%). If they die without reaching that threshold, they can't explode.
I believe this skill is broken on the side of weak right now, when it should be a signature little skill. Spectres look cool, being able to raise monsters of your choice is cool, so why let it be a weak skill?
The strength of spectres is in getting to use the monsters' abilities - it can be very powerful, but requires you to pick which monsters are best to raise.

Are its current numbers based on some vestigial form of the skill that did work on rares?
No, Raise spectre has never, and almost certainly will never raise rare monsters - that's exclusively the special thing about Dominating Blow.

Anyway, my primary complaint is they don't even survive as well as Raised Zombies
This is intended. Zombies are the tough meatshields, spectres should not be as survivable as them.
Tomorrow wrote:
A spell totem will out dps any ranged archer you pick up, also provide way more crowd control than any other caster.

Right now, there isnt any monster with powerful abilities that having a couple of them will drastically change your minion armys power. Not to mention you have to "find" them first.
The best spectres are not necessarily about dps. monsters which cast curses for you may do little to no DPS but still be very powerful.
FerociousFeAr wrote:
Movement speed capped on a quality 13% gem, what's the point in having a 20....huge con in my book
For certain monsters. It's an increase to the monster's movement speed. If that increase is going to be noticeable on slow monsters, then naturally fast monsters will hit the cap sooner. Increasing the quality will still matter beyond 13% for non-fast monsters.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Mar 11, 2013, 1:00:23 AM
When the Martyr runs into the enemy and explodes.. does he explode at his skill damage or at the minion instability damage, or does he super implode for double giblets?
If it's brought to low life, it will explode from Minion Instability immediately.
If it has time to use it's skill, it will blow itself up with the skill.
There's no way for both to happen.

Raise Specter vs Dominating Blow: Carrion Queen

Specter Carrion Queens do not lay little bastard hatchlings
Must be difficult, because they're dead, and incorporeal.

Dominating blow Queens do lay little bastard hatchlings
Have they actually died? No body hits the floor, so maybe they're still alive?
Yes, dominated monsters are still physically there, while spectres are ghosts. Ghosts can't make babies, but mind-controlled slaves can.
Kin, which literally mean "family", refers to other allied monsters of the same type, not to all allies.
Mokihiki wrote:
The chieftain used to spam frenzy charges on allies if it was linked with a blood magic support gem, to the point that it was sometimes hard for me to keep it alive. This isn't a problem now as it seems less interested in casting its frenzy skill now. Of course this also means I get less frenzy charges so that's a bummer.
This was changed in 1.0.0. Previously, all monsters had exactly 200 max mana, and a set mana regen rate. All monster skills were costed based on this - a skill we want them to use only occasionally would cost most of that 200 mana. That meant making a high-level monster have blood magic caused this limiting system from skill costs to 'turn off', since their life, which they actually spent, was so high that a couple hundred in cost was comparatively nothing, and definitely didn't restrict use of the skill as it was intended to do.
Monsters now have reasonable amounts of mana per level, and costs which match. As such, blood magic works correctly for them.

Mokihiki wrote:
Undying Grapplers used to only discharge when they had a power charge. And they only get those naturally by being close to kin getting slain. As a spectre, that means another spectre dying. So to get them to discharge I linked them to power charge on crit. Now though, they discharge regardless of which charge they have. So 1 frenzy from a chieftain makes the screen explode. I have mine linked with endurance charge on melee stun now as well as power charge on crit and increased crit and they discharge all the time! They definitely got buffed by this change.
Discharging when they got any charge, rather than only looking for their regular power charges, was explicitly requested by a user in a PM to me (who also was using them with the Chieftains), and makes perfect sense, so we did it.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Oct 28, 2013, 8:31:46 PM
Mokihiki wrote:

By this logic, linking raise spectre with, for example increased minion damage, should affect the raging spirits the spectre summons while linking it with multistrike shouldn't.

soul4hdwn wrote:
anything linked to the spectre gem, will carry the linked supports through the monster
soul4hdwn wrote:
including the monster's monsters

Support gems work by adding their stats into the skill. Any stats in a minion skill (from the active skill gem or from support gems) are added as base stats on the minions it creates.

If you support Raise Spectre (or other minion) with Increased Attack Speed, it has "x% increased attack speed" as a base stat, the same as you would have that stat if you got it from a passive skill.
Just like your attack speed passives affect you and not your minions, the spectre having this attack speed as a base stat affects it, not its minions.

When you summon a Raised Spectre (or any other minion) while having x% increased minion damage as a base stat on you (such as from a passive), that stat applies by adding "x% increased damage" as a base stat on the minion (with the same value). Just like all your stats, the stat itself is not copied to your minion. But the effect of this particular stat is to add a different stat as a base stat on the minion. As before, this "x% increased damage" is a base stat on the spectre, and thus will affect it, not it's minions.

However, if you support Raise Spectre with Minion Damage, both things occur. The skill is affected by "x% increased minion damage", and thus applies "x% increased damage" to the spectre as a base stat (thus the spectre has increased damage). But since "x% increased minion damage" in this case is a stat directly in the skill, it's also copied to the spectre as one of it's base stats - so the spectre also has "x% increased minion damage" as a base stat. Which won't affect its damage because it's not its own minion, but will affect the damage of its minions.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Aug 27, 2014, 9:27:07 PM
Not at all. Like other support bonus that aren't explicitly passed to minions, the spectre would have it in it's base stats, but the minions it creates would not get it at all.

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