Lightning Warp

Give it AOE shock .

Perm. Retired from this unforgiving land of the Exiles.
Self-impost EXILED.
Last edited by starsg on May 21, 2012, 12:49:29 PM
Anyone try a Lightning Warp totem? It's just so lulzy.
I see this as utility for a Witch as I see Leap Slam for anyone with strength. You can now jump over cliffs and stuff which is really good. In it's current incarnation, it's pretty much only good for running away or jumping over cliffs.

ALSO, what does a Lightning Warp totem do?! It seems hilarious.
Last edited by GakuJiu on May 22, 2012, 11:35:12 PM
Mark_GGG wrote:
Cast speed is the time to takes to cast the skill initially, not the time it takes the the spell to "go off" once it's been cast.

Cast speed has no effect on the delay between casting lightning warp and the teleport occurring - that's always based on your current movement speed (not base) - it works out the time you, at your current movement speed (tested at time of casting) would be able to move from the position which you cast from to the target location, and that's exactly the time it takes from when the spell is cast to when the teleport occurs.

This means it's very slightly slower than walking due to taking the cast time as well as the delay, where the delay is exactly the time it would take to walk (if you could walk there in a perfectly straight line).

But why not just give it short cooldown 2 to 4 seconds so it is not abusable and make teleport instant ? :(

Also please add support gem that gives instant cast time at expense of damage or mana or something like that :)
Stormscion wrote:
But why not just give it short cooldown 2 to 4 seconds so it is not abusable and make teleport instant ? :(
Because that removes the basic point of the skill. Lightning Warp is not, and has never been meant to be, an instant teleport skill.
This skill is... hmm.

I can't anything other than a niche utility use for this skill. It feels like you have to faceplant too much to make it very sensible to use as a caster in the current high damage PoE environment.

Maybe leaving a trail when you teleport would make it a bit cooler, but I feel it needs a lot of tweaking. I don't think I've ever seen anybody using this skill!
it would be nice if LW would allow u to teleport ur minions with ya to give some control over them, since they are running around randomly like crazys
Шось? (IGN: Owner)
Has the crashing issue with lightning warp been fixed yet? Thanks.
No the crashing with lightning warp hasn't been fixed yet I just hit it twice in 5 mins. Hope this is getting fixed because I do enjoy this skill a lot.

I play it with a shadow as he starts close to both movement speed and spell/elemental/lightning damage nodes. Any skill in this game is good if you build towards it right.

On the comment earlier about the trail in between the two. I think this would be really cool but maybe instead as a different skill all together?

E.g. Trailblaze - Rush towards target location leaving a trail of fire behind you.
Could even "phase" through enemies during the skill.
I know this isn't the write forum for this but just popped into my head as I was writing. :)
Mark_GGG wrote:
The cast time is short, but the spell doesn't teleport you immediately when cast, it just sets up a marker at the target location. The delay between casting the spell and the teleport going of is based on how fast it would take you to move there - yes this is intentional, the skill is not intended to let you move more quickly around the map than by walking (except in specific cases like getting around obstacles).

To those having issues where it looks like it's going off but doesn't teleport you - do you notice this more when you're low on mana?

I am trying to make a viable teleport build now, and as I had read your above post before, I figured stacking movement speed would decrease the time it took to teleport, however, I don't think it affects the teleport time?

Does it use only normal movement speed as a 'timer'? If this is the case, it's pretty sad, as it would give room for a completely new character concept. Movement and cast-speed stacking.

Currently, as a shadow with all the surrounding movement nodes, I outrun players with phase run, at level 23, but I move slower than that while using teleport.
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