Immortal Call

nugstash wrote:
is it me or has this stopped working with cast on damage taken?

Only if you have it on a higher required level than CwDT.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Dec 7, 2013, 10:11:45 AM
DemJs wrote:
immortal call has cast time of 0.85 seconds. Regardless of whether it's a manual-cast or a CwDT-cast, this delay still applies it seems.

Need to have enough armor and life to survive 0.85 seconds of attack

You mean cool down? as in it casts instantly but cannot cast again for another 0.85 seconds?

I was going to say .2s seconds of phys invulnerability every .25s seemed kind of op.
Berek's Grip Ice Spear
Budget Magicfind and/or Hardcore Flame Totem
Last edited by Necrogue#4186 on Dec 17, 2013, 11:19:07 AM
grepman wrote:
Vipermagi wrote:
When CwDT triggers, it activates one Skill and then goes on cooldown. Otherwise the cooldown wouldn't really have achieved anything :P
ohhhh...ok thanks :) this makes tons of sense, didnt know that. and this makes cwdt even worse, haha

I agree.

It became an overpriced useless gem.

Tried using CWDT + END + IMMortal call + Molten shell

First X dmg - First cast = End
Second time i get X dmg -Second cast = Immortal
Thirth time I get X Dmg -Thirth = Molten

Running 2x CWDT doesnt make real sense unless I do it in this order.

CWDT lvl 20 + Immortal call + molten shell + Enduring charge
CWDT lvl 10 + Enduring charges + molten shell + immortal call

(This will cast enduring charges at certain ammount of dmg
And Immortal call at certain ammount.

Might work have to test it out.

Damn Latency issues.
Might come back in a few seasons.
If this has been suggested then sorry. Would it be too OP if IC did something like "Expends all endurance charges to make you invulnerable to damage of the type most taken in the last 1/1.5/2 seconds for a short time." I'm not sure if I worded that right, but example.

Get hit by physical damage for 300dmg and then get hit by 600 ice damage. You pop IC and you are immune to ice damage for a short time. Does that make sense?
Or maybe just the last damage type taken, if something more straightforward is preferred.

Either way, it would make the skill more interesting to use; more versatile, yet you do have to be careful to protect against the right damage type.

Dunno if it'd need a nerf in other areas to compensate though.
Would it be possible to prevent a worse "IC" to erase a better one currently in progress. Currently if u cast IC twice by mistake because of a high cast speed for example the 2nd one (which does not consume any endurance charge ofc) erase the good one and it's rather boring.
Last edited by Yesu#1308 on Jan 29, 2014, 5:10:56 PM
Yesu wrote:
Would it be possible to prevent a worse "IC" to erase a better one currently in progress. Currently if u cast IC twice by mistake because of a high cast speed for example the 2nd one (which does not consume any endurance charge ofc) erase the good one and it's rather boring.

I'm currently playing a Immortal Call build on Nemesis and this is DANGEROUS as fuck. It would be fine if desync was not a problem... but it is. And sometimes u have to recast it to make sure it is on. If it were already on... You're fucked.

Fix please?? ^^
Re: Interaction betweeen Immortal Call and Vaal Immortal Call, my opinion is these should not override each other nor share cooldowns. They are materially different skills.

Here is an example of where VIC can be useful:

Here is an example of the same setup as the above but with an IC on CWDT also:

You can clearly see that IC goes off on the Vaal Smash but VIC remains uncast, and I die.

VIC is bad enough with its requirement for 96 souls (and linking with CWDT even at level 20 is unreliable since the CWDT counter seems to have no timer.. so you can't tune the CWDT skill level for large hits.)

At the end of the day there's no way to fit VIC into an end game build in light of these conflicts with IC.
Does the duration of Immortal Call round down to the nearest whole second? Or does it include milliseconds as well?

For example, if with all Passives/Supports/EnduranceCharges my Immortal Call was looking to last 2.5 seconds, would that round down to 2 seconds?
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
There's been a steady power creep in Path of Exile with regards to powering Immortal Call. It used to be that Immortal Call was really difficult to use, and running it permanently was a significant feat. Now it seems to be pretty much standard issue for endgame melee builds to be permanently protected by Immortal Call, and even ranged builds at least have a CWDT+EC+IC setup to bail them out of trouble. It's becoming a problem for balance, as it trivialises monster physical damage, and makes Armour obsolete for a lot of builds.

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